It is pretty common to see a Fusilier LT "hidden" in a link by having a second Combi Rifle-only Fusilier in the link. My question today is this: is this usually worth the effort, instead of running a utility Fusi like the Paramedic? I find lately that the main threat to my Fusi link is templates, with opponents usually focusing on the SWC-loaded Fusis when they don't have a template weapon. It just seems like a common tactic, and while I see the pros of it, I just wonder if it's worth it lately.
Yeah, it's worth it. I have a Fusilier or Acon Regular LT in (without exaggeration) 99% of my PanO lists, out of hundreds of games, and I don't regret it. I'm playing NCA, Acon and VIRD btw. All three of those Sectorials are very good at protecting their backline and keeping cheerleaders safe, but you really need to keep your opponent guessing on who is who. I find most opponents don't even want to attempt a 1-in-3 chance... And if that drops to 1-in-2, or even 1 obvious LT, things get much riskier. It's a pretty effective deterrent.
Minor clarification: I think the Fusi LT is fine, but I'm wondering about the additional Combi Fusi used to hide the LT. But your point about the 1 in 3 (or 1/2) chance is pretty valid, thanks! Maybe that's why my opponents always focused on the SWC-carrying Fusiliers instead? Well, besides the obvious "kill big gun" appeal.
In NCA you can also do a total fake out by putting two combi fusiliers in and have your auxilia be the LT. I've done that a few times when I know i'm facing hyper aggressive opponents. No one expects the Auxilia.
It really depends on the role of the link. If your link is static, mainly focused on ARO and order generation, then it's less important to have specialists inside. If you have a mobile link, you might want some specialists in there to move towards objectives. In Varuna, for example, your main link is usually static. A Kamau sniper backed up with 3 or 4 basic Fusiliers is a staple of the sectorial. Most of your objectives are being accomplished by Zulu Cobras, Montesa, or a Haris team, so you don't really need to worry about adding specialists to the link. Having multiple basic Fusiliers makes it difficult for your opponent to take out your Lt, and Sixth sense coupled with BS 12 makes it dangerous to attempt.
For sure include body doubles – truly no reason not to. A better question would be what utility are you getting out of having 2 paramedics and 2 FOs or some similar combination of them? Generally you only need 1 or 2 specialists in the link to begin with.
That's what I'm saying, you need those body doubles. A single Fusi LT is a priority. 3 Rifle Fusies is a target of opportunity, maybe, if your opponent can even get that far. I'd much rather show the latter to my opponent. And yeah, the FO is great for a Flash Pulse ARO, but typically the Paramedic and FO options aren't bringing that much over a basic Fusi. They may even be encouraging you to waste/risk them as a resource for a role that they're not that great at.
Not too much, mostly just me trying to cram a doctor into a crazy link like 1 LT, 2 Hackers, 1 HMG, 1 Doctor. It's mostly theorycrafting at this point rather than being put into full practice. Makes sense, thanks!
Just from a suggestion perspective, I'd skip the Paramedics and go straight for the Trauma Doc. 60% chance of success with a re-roll is going to serve you way better than the Paramedic rules, and the Palbot is an important tool too. If we're talking NCA, don't be afraid to use that CSU Specialist. The 12 point rifle+lsg+ Specialist is a winning profile, so it'll take care of your button pushing needs. Line trooper upgrades are cheap, but that tends to be because they aren't spectacular. Flash Pulse is a great ARO, and Hackers are valuable for supportware, but with most of those upgrades, you get what you pay for.
Great suggestions, but unfortunately I don't think I could fit a Trauma Doc into the NCA list I'm thinking of. It's that Repeater Spam list that has a thread of its own. Basically the thought was potentially fitting two Fusilier hackers by tweaking SWC and points, but it's probably best to keep the Paramedic. Good suggestions in general though! I really appreciate them.
As a note, if you do want to put specialists into your Fusilier link in NCA, I'd highly recommend the 12pt CSU with Combi, Light Shotgun, and Specialist Operative. You get the chance to roll some fun things on Metachemistry and cost the same as a Fusilier Paramedic or FO. The shotgun and nanopulser are really useful to help defend the link up close.