Honestly I haven't bought the new one as much as I want it. It's not like it's needed. Due to $ I prioritize needs over wants.
I passed on a chance to get the limited ITS X version just because the profile is so useless. The one I already have does nothing but sit and rot on my rack. I can't justify spending that kind of money on a second model I know I would never use.
Uhm, you know that not just AHDs can screw with enemy HI, right? And that the forces that tend to take lots of hackers in general also often come with a side order of massive repeater networks? No, I really think the LX needs more than AD5 and a CC bump. Before the profiles were spoiled, I was expecting the Liu Xing to be a pretty beefy HI, up there in Daofei/Hac Tao points and capabilities. Something with the defenses to land in the middle of a Nomad repeater net and say, "bring it!" I know, right? We have Strategos L3 (and Advanced Command), LT2, NCO, and Tactical Awareness. We are the ONLY faction that has all of those. Haven't played the Guijia since the new model arrived (I was mostly playing JSA at the start of N3). And I have something like 3 of the old ones, plus one new one. I'd like to get an ITS special, so that I can arm-swap properly and have one with a butterfly sword in each hand with M-HMG stowed and the other with the M-HMG in hand and swords stowed.
Look I wouldn't say no to that either, I'm just shooting at the bare minimum here given how craptastic some of our stuff has been lately.
Here is my official feedback for the Shang-ji based on the description below. "Yu Jing lead the way! Once again, the Yu Jing StateEmpire is on the cutting edge of technological development in the Human Sphere! Genius, innovation and collective struggle: these are the strength and the spearhead of the People’s Society. The best minds and the most advanced resources have taken us on the next evolutionary step in servo-enhanced protection tactics. Once more, Yu Jing has revolutionized the concept of Heavy Infantry. The fourth generation of servo-powered combat armour implies a qualitative step up in mobility and in info-biotechnological protection. These unique new Shang Jí (“Superior”) armours are faster, lighter and definitively better. Only the best equipment for the bravest defenders of the People! The core of the StateEmpire Army, those regiments of Invincibles with the best record, will receive the new Shang Jí model, creating an assault force to cover all our Great Nation’s military needs. They may be deployed by orbit, land, sea, or air to a global area of operations on short. Their primordial objective will be to lead all kind of full spectrum operations to support the policies and objectives of the StateEmpire. The invincible Shang Jí is another brilliant example of the triumph of Yu Jing and the envy of other powers. Citizen, be proud of their achievements! They are the result of the efforts of the shining society you are a part of! (...)." I know these guys are just supposed to be better Zuyong. Shang-ji really are not just better Zuyong if we examine there weapon load-outs we see that Shan-ji don't have HMG's, Missile Launchers, Boarding Shotguns, and Forward Observer. After reading this description and looking at the profiles they scream shock/assault troopers to me. That's all well and good because we need them to fulfill a different role. With that in mind. I recommend the following changes to make them more aggressive than the Zuyongs. Bare minimum changes: 6-2 move NCO Profile(s) Grenades (E/m and/or Stun) Disposable weapons - Panzerfaut, Akrylat, etc.. NEW MODELS!!!!! Wishlist BS14 Sub-machine gun/Boarding shoty (something for close range that gives a face to face roll aside from a pistol.) Glue grenade launcher Hyperdynamics L2 I think with those minimum changes they would make a still expensive but comfortable trooper to field that would really set them apart from Zuyong and give people a reason to pay their price. It would also be fluffy and make it look like they pair well and support all the YU Ching military/police units. Cheers!
Slightly off topic but not really. I would like to read the fluff on the Hulang to give some feedback on this profile. Does anyone know where that is? I tried Human-sphere.com but there is nothing. Thanks
It's in Third Offensive. After the experiences in tunnel warfare suffered during the Syndical Revolts of the Jupiter-Pluto circuit, Captain Hu Zheng was given carte blanche to create a battalion-sized unit specialized in shock and close quarter battle tactics. Their members were for the most part volunteers who had responded to the captain's request for men and women from frontline units, troopers who were experts in urban combat and skilled martial artists who did not know fear. Most of them came from units that used the opportunity to get rid of poorly disciplined or problematic elements, but all were personally approved by the Captain Hu Zheng, who was looking for hard and implacable people for his shock unit. However, the captain could not cover the necessary quota of personnel through the conventional means, and so resorted to an unorthodox solution, one which would establish the character of the unit. Remembering an old Chinese proverb that says: "Unreliable men frequent the same places," Captain Hu Zheng traveled the worst slums in the port areas of Shanghai on Earth, and Yinghuo on Mars, recruiting the worst and most quarrelsome individuals he encountered. All of them were intensely trained in martial arts, urban combat, and close quarters battle, in addition to tunnel warfare, focusing on assault tactics, as well as shock and awe techniques. In this way, Captain Hu Zheng's battalion specialized in overwhelming assaults, often at night, on enemy lines and positions without ever taking prisoners, and forging a fearsome reputation in the process. The men of this unit fight like Warriors from Antiquity, terrorizing the enemy with the edge of their swords, favoring hand-to-hand combat, and getting close enough to their opponents to see the whites of their eyes as they overtake them, as unstoppable as they are unrelenting. Their ruthless actions have earned them the nickname "Hulang" (jackals), a sobriquet that also refers to their attitude and lack of discipline in the barracks. As the Imperial Agent assigned to that battalion wrote when head of the divisional military police: "I have the feeling that luck has thrown me amongst a group of true demons, animated by a spirit of absolute chaos. The most stringent discipline is barely enough to keep them under control. They are the most insolent and miserable bastards I have seen in all my years of service." This is how the jackals of the Invincible Army are; all reports from the Imperial Service says that they only make problems. But problems are what is needed to complete the type of missions that are usually assigned to these unstoppable warriors, dressed with light servo-powered armor and thirsty for blood and violence.
Another side-track, but noticed they say Imperial Agents are part of military police? I'd love Zhanying in IA.