Yes, easy LT targets are a Nomad thing. I get it. But it seems like other factions, who also had / have them, are getting CoC. Not that I necessarily want CoC, exactly. I was just looking at the Alpha (and whatever the analogue is in ALEPH), and thought a cyber-CoC would be a cool fit for Nomads. Make it costly! 1. Fair. But also order-intensive. 2. How open / not are your tables? 3. Yes, but Koalas have a range of 8". Super-cool if you're using the Lunokhod on turn 3 / to defend your deployment zone, harder to leverage if not. 4. I'll give you that one unequivocally :)
Which is also something I loathe, as it removes skill and forethought from the game as well as removing counterplay and strategic options. In armies designed to have suicide LTs (SP and JSA) its fine. but when every other faction picks it up for idiot proofing the army I start to take issues with it. I would much prefer to headhunt your LT when I'm on the back foot to gain some breathing room to try and pull out a win, or to slow down that aggressive fireteam that is being thrown at my face. But that's just me not liking play options removed, I have similar problems with sixth sense. they tend to pretty even but with the right application of smoke and lurking in some of the more circuitous routes you can get there. Which is order intensive but sometimes the most effective answer to a problem isn't the most efficient. If it scuttles up into the mid field and pops them into stand by near objectives he can make your opponent very annoyed very quick, especially if there are already other perimeter weapons and mines in the area. They are also great for mine sweeping before the Lunokhod needs to go through that area.
IMO, Mary is a solid unit in Tunguska. Even if she can't hack things, she can still get into a token state. She does supression like a boss. Climbing plus allows her to do some attack vectors that other units cannot. ODD get's her to buttons and she can reliably press them. At 30 points she's pretty solid as a specialist, much less the dual hacking device speed bump and cold stone killer she is. All that said, I would kiss every employee at CB if they gave her wildcard, or counts as Securitate or Grenzer. SSL2 on her would be incredible.
Yeah, I did. It's because I've rarely gotten to use it but I agree that it's a fantastic tool in her kit.
It completes the Holy Trinity for when she walks around the corner to face something like a Kriza or Squalo. Enemy shoots, Mary is still likely to win with either hacking or SMG Enemy dodges, Mary gets an unopposed hack Enemy resets, Mary lets loose with her Zapper
That about sums it up! I play against her regularly and she is a massive pain to deal with. My reactive turn plan against her is basically stay the hell away and keep AROs out to watch for likely pitcher drops. I believe Mary with NWI was mentioned earlier in this thread... I couldn't even imagine that.
Command tokens could be more pronounced/ relevant. I think command tokens should be spendable as regular orders. Hear me out. Bakunin, I practically get this anyway because I have irregular orders to spare. My hope would be that other factions bring fewer cheerleaders. Then the gap between big toys and lineman becomes a bit wider. That's where factions like Nomads shine, because we can outplay the big guns. Current state of play I see so many 5-8 cheerleader lists and it's not order efficent to fight all those order generators with combi rifles. Some factions should want to be 10 orders by design, not a novelty tournament setup. 4 freebie orders gives some lists the ability to remove 1 cheerleader to upgrade a gun or take that tag. Then Nomads would live to Imm and steal it.
Can we get back to the Grenzer and how it sorely needs a second look? Something just makes it too expensive...
One factor in the Grenzer's lack of value is that every one has MSV1, in a fireteam that's often wasted on all but one of them. It's also a general problem in Infinity that MSV seems to cost more than the visual modifiers that it cancels which seems backwards. It also feels like they don't fill a needed niche, not sure how to fix that.
Especially when you've no ability to leverage smoke and knacker yourself with your own white noise. Grenzers are a tough pick. I like the sensor/FO in a securitate team for certain match ups but not fussed otherwise. Too pricey, too situational for me
Defensive fireteams are made of order generators and a usually more powerful turret. Grenzer pure isn't a defensive fireteam. The 4-2 MOV is just counter-intuitive. edit: that is to say, every Combi and MSV can be useful. Every Wildcat shoots their combi/lft unless something prevents it.
Got a Nomad book for RPG recently and there's a ton of fluff about Nomad gear(like panzerfaust zondbot or tunguska-made "better" hacking programs). Damn, it would be awesome if all factions got their special equipment in the future.
The Grenzer is a bit expensive for Vanilla, but it works in Tunguska. I do believe some units exist because they are useful in the sectorial rather than the vanilla list. I wouoldn't use Moderators in a Vanilla list, for example, but the cheap fireteam is considerable for Bakunin. Mobile Brigada I wouldn't even consider in Vanilla, but its an option to take in Corregidor. If every unit in the vanilla list was optimized to be amazing in vanilla, then its possible the sectorials would be overpowered. And back to the Grenzer, I have been using the Grenzer sniper again after shelving it for Knauf in Vanilla, because in TJC a Grenzer Sniper in a link team is a reasonable response to the Kamau Sniper link team. What Grenzers really need is a SWC box. That would be my wishlist for that profile.
every now and then I'll take them as a dirt cheap order or two to throw into suppressive to guard a DZ, or if I have the spare SWC as extra pitcher or two. They can be surprisingly useful as 9 pt turrets. Now that Hollowmen exist, I agree I used to use the ML for the grid or as an obnoxious ARO piece that was hard to dislodge. But now the HM does it better and cheaper.
Grenzers have MSV, wich is a bit overpriced. Then they have armor, wich is overpriced. And BTS, wich is - again - overpriced. You end up with very bloated profiles that are barely better than any LI.