This is the reason why I think NWI+Immune is worse than simply 2 wounds (besides that you don't actually seem to save any points on it in N3 if it's on a HI), however, I must say this is in no way worse for Haqq other than psychologically. Doctor+ and Akbar Doctor isn't any more expensive than Doctor in spite of being significantly better and far more widely available on far more convenient units. Strictly speaking this makes it more viable (less of a gamble and less of a resource hog) to preventative heal NWI units compared to any other factions' NWI models.
Only in CC, as BS Ammo there is only the BTS save. But that doesn't make it less weird... Some thing that needs to be addressed when you propose to change crits from autowounde to damage 20 hits, is what happens to stuff like Monofilament or K1? Usually one would expect high burst weapons to have a lower accuracy. So why not simply reduce the BS value by the B value?
MSV3: Return the ability to shoot at camo markers without having to discover. This is an expensive piece of equipment for what it does and only 2?3? Units in the game have this piece of equipment.
It deals 20 damage. All weapons have a damage stat to determine the save target. That gets set to 20. Basically means Mono auto-kills as it does now, and K1 auto-wounds, unless an Immunity skill is involved.
Depends, if you want to be realistic cover can cause bullets to tumble and fragment before they hit the target, so AP should halve the cover ARM but not affect the ARM of the trooper behind cover, as those nicely shaped penetrator cores are no longer striking in such a way that all the energy is focused into the penetrating tip.
Strange that O12 don't have it so far. Not even on 'the most advanced TAG in the human sphere'. And you'd think they of all people would want to pass discover rolls automatically what with the Shasvastii and all... Perhaps a sign of a rework on the way, or an admission the msv3 isn't all that great in the N3 meta?
Frenzy. Please examine for recosting. It's used too often as a discount, and it doesn't hinder a model in any real way.
Yeah, the Zeta looks more like a szalamandra than anything else. The most advanced TAG, if we look at the profiles, is more the Marut than the Zeta...
And make them cheaper? The problem is the cost reduction of frenzy/impetuous troops with the no-disadvantage given by linkteams. Just make those frenzy/impetuous more expensive when they have access to fireteam, and to loose the cover bonus even when linked
Yeah, something like that. It would be hard(ish) to track, though. My issue with Frenzy (besides links) is that it's not a disadvantage until mid-game (ish), and even then, you trade cover bonuses for a free order. At best it's a wash, not a discount.
Regarding the Jammer. Jammers create a Comms Attack, but are not considered a piece of Comms Equipment. Why not make Jammers Comms Equipment? That way there is some counterplay where Hackers can disable Jammers with Blackout.
One of the things that hampers AP is that it doesn’t affect cover. If it halved the combined ARM value including the cover bonus it would be more universally advantageous, rather than being literally useless against any troop with less than 2 ARM (which is a lot of them).
Which brings us to the game design question of should AP ammo be effective against troopers with little or no armour? Or should it be a specialised tool for combating higher ARM targets?
Why not leave criticals as they are, but add a tactical use of command tokens to be spent to get an armor roll when you take one. This keeps the crit strong for the things it should be strong for, but gives the player a choice if they want to try to save a mission critical trooper.
Yep, and that loops back to the discussions of ARM point costs, crit effectiveness, etc. I’m curious to see how CB addresses these sorts of structural issues. The damage range of weapons is so low (13-15, realistically) and most troops have ARM values in the 0-3 range. At those limited levels of variance, all that really matters is winning FtF rolls. And if all that matters is winning the roll, you want to prioritize burst first, followed by range bands (so that you can stack negative mods on your opponent).