Perhaps the reasoning for doing the current swath of Shock +NWI is due to the work that's being done behind the scenes for N4. Maybe the balancing of many of these new units has been more focused on that direction and tweaks have been made to fit in with current paly in the mean time. Personally it feels like there have been some live tests of ideas that they were looking at for the update over the last couple years (ITS only boosts, some of the newer rules like FA) to see how it works for their long term goal.
It's also significantly worse than having 2 Wounds for Haqq units as it devalues their Doc+/Akbar troopers
I wouldn't say "significantly." Most of the time I see people with the Akbar doctor using Doctor+ instead because of the lower chance of failure.
How? You can still heal a unit under the effects of NWI, and its not like Dogged which removes them at end of turn. They jist never go Unconcious
I meant more that a 2W trooper can be wounded twice, drop prone behind cover, and still be picked up by a Doctor, a Hortlak/Mukhtar in the same situation drops dead. It's particularly noticable when facing an enemy using a lot of T2/DA AROs.
Something that's been on my mind recently: HMGs. Now they already saw a decent nerf in N2>N3 transition but they tend to remain the dominant weapon, most lists include at least one of two in a way that doesn't happen with other weapons. The combination of long range, high damage, high burst, and the option for Suppression Fire is a pretty complete package, few weapons match up to the flexibility of the HMG and when you look at troopers like the Kriza, Gamma, Swiss Guard, Spetsnaz, Nisse, Intruder, etc the HMG gets taken the majority of the time. Now, reducing it's rangeband further isn't really an option, the Spitfire already fills that role, but dropping to burst 3 (with appropriate drop in points) would still give it a definite niche (still the only weapon with burst over 2 and a +3 range over 24") but make it more of a choice between it and the aforementioned weapons. This obviously makes long range AROs stronger, but: A) Anything without Fireteam Bonuses and visual mods would still be on the back foot against an HMG. B) I'm not sure the linked Kamau will remain in it's current form into N4, I'm hoping it won't. C) This off encourage ways of dealing with long range AROs other than "Shoot it with an HMG", Co-orders, advancing under smoke, Cautious Move, etc. I'd probably leave Multi-HMGs at burst 4, but it'd be nice to feel like I don't have to include HMGs in my list.
I'd be more inclined to increase the negative or 0 range bands for the HMG and sniper. Although, I don't think the HMG is that dominant of a weapon. Tweaks to roles would require more granularity in range bands that I'm not quite sure the game really needs.
Maybe it's a personal thing with my main factions (PanO/Ariadna) but lists often start with deciding who will carry the HMG, I definitely don't want them to start doing rangebands in anything other than multiples of 8" though, it's so much easier to remember than N2.
Thanks dude. It's nice to know I've found the definitive source of what's right and wrong. Now everyone else can stop having opinions and just wait for your say.
Personally I find it easier to just post happy reaction gifs whenever Hecaton comes in to shit up a thread with his opinions on how people shouldn't like the things they like. It doesn't make for great debate, but it does make me feel happy, because I get to look at a bunch of happy reaction gifs. Edit: I'm reliably informed that he's a genuinely decent guy and good to be around in person. The internet makes fools of us all. Still going to post happy reaction gifs as an alternative to getting salty a bunch.
The entire point is that he's not saying people shouldn't like the things they like. It's totally fine to like things that aren't good. But it's also entirely fair and reasonable to point out the flaws in them that they might be improved for everyone, should the problems be legitimate. There are plenty of units in the game that can be made to work if you put in the effort to get them to do what they need to do. Infinity is thankfully well designed enough that there are very few units that can be said to be entirely without merit. But just because something can be made to work does not mean that it is good or competitively viable. It's never been a case of "don't use X unit, it sucks and you're bad for using it." It's "X unit has problems that it should not have, and they need to be fixed."
Hey, I've said that about Caliban pre-Shas rework. I'm one of the few USARF players I know who uses Minutemen, like ever, so I do appreciate using weird units.
Ah, I should have been more clear. I'm opposed to the shitting up of threads where people like things that are good.