Bring back the discontinued SKU's. Put vanilla Tohaa back into the CB online store. Let doctor/engineers repair Symbiont armors back to full "Akbar Engineer". Regular Doctors and Paramedics can stay the same. Convert Chaksa to STR instead of W, give us supportware/pheroware for our STR units Kaauri Sentinels, Reex Escorts. Make the Gorgos, Reex escorts, Ectros, Kotail, Chaksa (HMG, Missile launcher, Longarms), Kiel-Saan viable. Differentiate the Greif and Kiiutan by giving one of them better impersonation than inferior. Give us an official HVT that is Tohaa. Provide some cheaper triad fillers for Spiral Corp. Add Specialist Operative options to all Pheroware users. We are an advanced race who has been fighting the Combined for a long time, we should have all hacking devices.
I would love a Kamael rework. I have never in my life outside of tutorial games seen them on the field. Even as triad fillers they just lose hard against makauls.
I field them from time to time. Having a paramedic in a Triad comes in handy, (especially if the big gun is set on top of a building for a commanding view of the battlefield), and the WHD Kamael is very useful if you bring any of the heavy infantry units, (Fairy dust on Neema boosts her BTS to 12), and can also be useful for bringing in a Gao-Tarsos where you want it. If they dropped a point the combi profiles might see a bit more table time, but I think the real limiting factor on the other profiles is that they cannot be in a Core Fireteam. Game wide Special Weapons Line Troopers do not see much table time unless they are in a Core Fireteam.
I frequently use a kamael lieutenant as the cheapest possible link filler, and I've very occasionally seen a second one pop up when you absolutely positive must save a point - but outside of that, yeah, they're rare. I have wondered if the sniper profile has some chops though, it's very cheap. Just never tested it.
I take a full sniper Kamael triad in low point games, and mix it with Gaorael sniper in 300. They are a decent ARO unit, though very fragile. And you have to take care with their positioning, so they can't be picked off one by one.
Just one small detail you may have missed... Gorgos Squad -> DISCONTINUED. I don't think Corvus is currently worried about not selling the Gorgos.
That sounds really interesting. I'm currently mucking around with Haqq, but I need to try that on my next circle around to the beloved artichokes.
I pretty commonly field 1-4 kamael. Usually after maxing out kaauri, chaksa, and makauls tho. But i think you prolly dont see a lot of melee swarm players. I hear that despite my championing of the playstyle it hasnt caught on
Honestly your playstyle seems fun but I think for many players it has a few problems first not enough minis ;) I only own 4 makauls. Second deployment if I get second turn and the table is not great with cover the enemy can easily kill most of my list in his turn. Most tournament tables I played at wouldn't allow hiding 20 non camo marker in a good way. Third playtime with lots of orders and units that want to use lots of eclipse the game takes longer in my experience
Well, you've got me hooked up on it. I also pretty commonly field 2 Kamael after maxing out with better units. Not really another Lieutnant option for swarm anyway, except maybe the Sukeul FO, depending on the mission. People over here in Germany also call me a lunatic for going with this style of play, though. It's just not that popular.
One of our local lads (and the only other local tohaa player) runs your lists or variants on your style :)
German Tohaa Unite xD damn need to find some opponnents in my area...don't play nearly enough to try all my list ideas
will never happen. I guess, it comes from low Tohaa sales. Guess design was not met as well as we think. I think Tohaa will have huge resculpt.
Absolutely agree on this, and the fact that the reason is probably them not having access to Fireteam: Core. I guess if there was a Kamael option (maybe even Lt) with TriCore, this could change..
Low Tohaa sales came from low Tohaa releases; even during our best "Tohaa year" we only had 5 releases, while other Factions saw more releases in stores. The silver lining was that thanks to that Tohaa was the easiest, cheapest and fastest Faction to collect. But now we are discontinued T_T
1. Re-balance the points on all Tohaa units. Some seem a little too good for their price while a few others have a cost that will prevent Tohaa players from using them. 2. Chaksa Longarms need something. Either a price cut or adjust them in some way to make them worth their cost. I don't think they need any Link options in Vanilla Tohaa, but in an Exalted Sectorial I would love to see them doing some mixed links with the Chaksa Auxiliars or some other future Chaksa unit. 3. Reex Escorts are Escorts. Just give them full Fireteam Triad and stop with the "Special" stuff. They are at a price point where they can be filler, but we have options that are better in many cases. Giving them regular Fireteam Triad would not be broken. (I think that makes sence in Spiral Corps too, but that is a discussion for their section of the forums). 4. AVAs need to be looked at and adjusted. Now that Tohaa has more units, some of the old AVAs are a little high. I am looking at Sakiels and Makauls in particular (and I LOVE both of those units). Both could be knocked down to AVA 4, Sukeuls down to AVA 2, and Rasails to AVA 2. I'd like to see Cube Jagers, Draal Saboteurs, Kriigel Agents, and Taagma Schemers bumped to AVA 2. 5 Taagma should have more than one profile. I'd be ok if the White hacking and both non-sniper Lieutenant options were available in Tohaa. Tri-Core has no place in Vanilla Tohaa. Leave that in the Sectorials. The Viral Sniper would be nice, but I am ok with that being a Spiral Corps thing. 6. A new Sectorial with a new Starter box for the Sectorial so Tohaa has a place in the Store again. I know this one will be a couple years away, but without some placement our army will die. No one new will be playing Tohaa in the future unless they are really lucky finding stashes of discontinued miniatures.
To be fair, she is more of a Machinist/Warcor than an HVT, since she has a profile and is widely used... That can be... hard. I just bought a second Makaul box (so I have 8, but can deploy only up to six...), and would be quite cross if that second box were to be totally useless... two I can press into Morlock service after all, but having 8-9 Morlocks is a bit too much XD Now image those who bought the Makauls and painted them and...
That's why Tohaa needs more Sectorials. No reason Makauls can't be AVA 8 in the Exalted Sectorial, or some other future assault type of Sectorial.