Have you read Gun Gale Online? Full Auto totally describes the 'skills' of the All Japan Machine Gun club. Lay down all the dakka, even when short bursts are the better option.
Yeah, except that this shouldn't be the purview of only a few units scattered across the factions - it's what high burst *is*.
More like a lack of skill in knowing when to NOT empty the magazine... You're not understanding my point. Full Auto the skill is more like a juvenile "let's see how fast I can empty the magazine in that direction" than an effective use of ammunition.
ROF is increased when you raise your forward foot on a piece of terrain, hip-fire one handed, ball your other fist and scream. It takes practice.
Would you pay 20pt for a TO marker state? I'm not decided. Hidden deployment is such a powerful tactical ability.
But take a look at an ORC from PanO BS 14 HMG 44pts. Is ODD only 4 pts on a HI? I was also having some fun on this here sarcastic thread.
When in doubt, compare their line infantry to the zanshi. That works on pretty much everyone but Morat Vanguards and maybe Order Sergeants.
Gangbuster is Kanren but good and they have a good TO skirmisher specialist with a shotgun, otherwise nothing in O12 seems uhh offensive compared to vanilla YJ options I mean we have a camo lt, their autochoice LT option is a 1W fat base model that has a "PLEASE LINKED LGL ME DADDY" sign on it