There is a good and active thread of the Five Finger Boards forum. Generic for Infinity, but the conversation is always going.
Any reason do we think ? Not a popular faction ? Not a good faction to play ? Not enough new things (I have seen quite a lot recently and it looks like more to come) Anybody ?
A friend of mine used to post in here, he said something along the lines of their being a fairly well established idea of how to play Ariadna and that posting other suggestions would just get ignored or shouted down.
Ariadna are in a good place, arguably USARF could do with a bit of a revamp but not to the degree that drives the, uh, dissatisfaction in other faction forums. TAK was also fairly complete even before it's release, we'd had a TAKtica up for a while and whilst we got new units the building blocks were already pretty well laid out. Moreso than either Varuna or IA that both caused huge impacts when they landed.
Well... Just no. Nobody is being shouted down. Ariadna's game mechanics are just rather easy compared to other factions and it has a very high tolerance for errors with its abundance of camo tokens and redundant list building. There is just no need for any kind of forum hyberbole here.
I don't feel that's the case for USAriadna. Only 2 units with C&H, yes they can be spammed, but aren't particularly durable or strong in the stats or weapons department. The list redundancy for Rangers is due to a limited roster and a lack of mixed links unlike the other factions. While I wouldn't mind a limited approach to the mixed links, it probably won't arrive for a while.
Minutemen + Grunt teams would be a good start, as right now Minutemen are inferior to Marauders on all accounts (especially since Marauders get FD2 now). Minutemen Haris would also be nice. Maybe make the Haris profile the AP rifle MML1 variant or something. Would also not mind Unknown Ranger Wildcard, but I feel like that's against his background and feel. And maybe a Maverick Duo. And yeah, as far as camo game goes USAriadna has the weakest but as an overall faction, CHA, TAK, MMRF, and Vanilla are able to bring a wide array of useful camo units to the table that I don't think any other faction can quite match.
I'm not arguing that for sure. Ariadna is and always will be the Camo faction. It's their schtick since they lack any real tech. USAriadna falls short in that regard only having 2 units that can cloak. Even if it was max 2 Minutemen in a Core I'd be happy with the results. Once the ITS season ends and the MI change reverts, Marauders will still be superior to Minutemen. . USAriadna could use another linkable unit, some more options for existing Core link units, a Wildcard or two, and maybe another Warband. I'd be happy with that alone.
I really, really hope the MI change reverts. It feels lazy and really not play-tested right now. Maybe a 2 Minutemen + Blackjack Haris, not too unlike the JSA Big Samurai + 2 Little Samurai team? Also yeah, 2 MM + Grunts feels right. I can't think of a Wildcard option other than Rosie (since all spec ops seem to get it these days) and maybe the Unknown Ranger? What other Warband were you thinking? I feel like between Desperadoes and the Devil Dog team, USAriadna is pretty covered with good and cheap access to fast-moving, smoke-throwing, chain rifle-having Warbands.
An on foot tracker/Antipode Hunter that doesn't play well with others. Could say he's feral. Could even go for a Wulver style unit. Would prefer a 7-11pt Irregular Impetuous Smoke dude with AP CCW and Assault/Berserk. Crappy BS, and has Chest Mines. I do too. Something needs to be done to make Minutemen more appealing.
I'm not weighing in on the atmosphere here, just passing it on given that the OP was asking where the posts were at. My personal opinion is much like yours - Ariadna gets some of the best and most optimized access to the best mechanics in the game (camo, warbands), so just running lots of that stuff and the best options within that stuff for what you need causes the lists to somewhat build themselves.
I kind of agree that it’s a little quiet here, but it’s mostly due to the release schedule and profile selection. I think there’s a lot of hype for some other armies/sectorials right now, which draws attention away from Ariadna. For the most part, we’ve had our models long enough that there’s been pretty thorough discussion about all of it. We’re happy to discuss with new players, but most of the regulars have hashed it all out.
Thanks for the responses guys. I will have to dig through the old threads more to read these discussions. I have recently started playing Vanilla Ariadna and am in love with all the camo it brings.
Hi all. First time poster to the forum. Have played USARF exclusively for over two years now. I think they are underrated in general, but a few minor tweaks would really free up some new list building options. If minutemen got the Vet Kazak treatment and simply got Wildcard they would immediately see the table. I’d love to throw a ML MM in my defensive grunt link and the BS MM in my Marauder Haris. I’m not sure what the Unknown Ranger needs... he’d need to be cheaper, shock immune, wildcard or some combination. The bare bones rifle on the CoC version is too weak and the Molotok version is too expensive in both SWC and Points to justify. I’ll be excited to see what Wild Bill will bring to the table. I also really want to love the Devil Dog but can’t ever seem to justify him when the desperadoe can fill a similar roll for much less (Smoke, fast, able to kill LI and cheerleaders).
Devildog is a great tournament piece. That sensor is worth its weight in gold when your opponent hands you a courtesy list with one unit on it :-)
It might be a little quiet here because there is nothing to speculate about, nor be hyped for, Ariadna isnt expecting anything new for the next months, if not years. And with new other sectorials for other armies and their units, i think the technology and fireteam abilities gap widens a little.
Maybe that cowboy in the its11 box adds something for us... I would love to see a bike mounted Lt so that i would be able to play a full bike list with usarf