I would prefer a Zanshi LGL and Ghulam 'faust/DepRep, but I'm expecting Zanshi paramedic and Ghulam FO.
I'd actually prefer that useful miniatures like LGLs or Panzerfausts didn't come shackled to a box of paints I might already have. Especially with the new Smoke option I'd much prefer the FO Ghulam to be in the paint set and a new LGL Ghulam in a blister.
Welcome to the world of hostage miniature; lemme introduce you my Limited Edition crane and a book he brought up to me!
Holy shit, please don't mess up the pose of the Mowang ... This is my most anticipated sculpt in a long time.
CB cracked the LE otaku code, this is the new business model from now on. Do I play O-12 or SP? No, but one day I might so I better grab Wildfire preorder for Hoppolitapotamus. If I didn't miss the boat on Aida and Victor, and have 5 kgs of unpainted Morats in storage, I'd be super tempted by shasvaasti, which probably would mean a high pledge on Defiance too.
Well, except for the fact that the non-limited Aristeia! Hippolyta is out on be same day as Wildfire, and Aida and Victor are both getting general releases...
You mean the low quality plastic model that's held hostage in a completely different way if you don't play Aristeia!?