Alright nerds, April is a big month for us now. Surprises! Changes! Frothing rage! Bostria has promised big important business, and this is the thread for wiiild speculation. Your fears, your tears, your ecstatic cries! As for myself? Uxia and Musashi bootleg diorama incoming. Nothing for Tohaa scum. Entire new Ariadna Sectoral. You heard it here first!
First, we can expect the book with new fluff for the Human Sphere and rules for some non-aligned armies. Other releases? I am not sure about them, because of the big changes I guess we will 'only' get some blisters. More interesting to me is what happens to the Human Sphere. "How dare you, CB?!" sounds to me like something big, like they will force a human faction to ally with the Combined Army, for example. This would bring a bit of balance to the Human Sphere for future campaigns as well. Next the phrase "Kill Don Peyote" sounds to me like war against Nomads or killing survivors and witnesses of what happend during Strikezone: Wotan.
Ariadna gets rolled into Combined Army, as the entire population was Shavastii all along! Tohaa get killed off by PanO for reasons, to make space for another alien faction entirely consisting of sexy space nuns (actually a PanO sectorial of course). JSA become the new leaders of Yu Jing and all other units are discontinued! Haqq reveals they are actually running a super-soldier program to make humans smaller- Tarik canonically has become smaller than he used to be, and all other size issues in their range are explained. Also they get Fatality L2 on all unit profiles because space hobbits are deadly snipers. Nomads sail off into another setting and game system, leaving behind the Human Sphere entirely. Aleph actually gets point costing appropriate to their abilities so they have to play fair (least likely of all these guesses)
I also think that they will have one of the human factions, or at least a sectorial of them *caugh* Tunguska *caugh* become traitor to humanity and side with the Combined Army.... I think there are some hints to that in the way the last campaign was setup, the way some of the new models were designed...and maybe even the name of the current ITS Season? (though that might come from something else). It would also make sense for future campaigns (with one just so happening to be shortly after the mystery announcement) to give Combined Army some sort of ally....the whole "CA is a big threat to humanity" thing hasn't really worked out in the campaigns so far, leading to laughable/odd situations like them taking a single area for a few hours (not even sure if that actually happened after the historian) , counting as them "breaking through" the whole blockade.. And obviously the backlash would be huge, because I highly doubt any faction's players would like the idea of suddenly being "the bad guys" when they weren't before.... (which I think is why it won't be Yu Jing....that wouldn't surprise anyone and would be kinda boring :-P) The new way to play Infinity that some mention could also mean that with Nomads becoming traitors...some sort of "human force" army lists could become mixing Haqqislam with Yu Jing, or whatever, to fight the increased threat of the Combined Army Alliance.....though that one I don't really think will happen anytime soon if at all.... Anyways, just my 2 cents, looking forward what it's really going to be :-P
If it's tied to "you'll love it and you'll hate it" and "CB, how dare you", then I'm expecting clarifications on playing by intent. Like 70 pts combi becoming 70 pts rifle? :P
Based on the pic of the last conference, shouldn'nt we have the Military Order army box, the wardriver, zoe & pi-well and Gabriele De Fersen ? Regarding the "OMG ! How dare you, CB !!", no idea but I hope it come with a big box
I thought about that possibility as well, but frankly that would instantly turn Infinity into a grim dark setting like 40k I think...the moment the AI which is basically everywhere within the Human Sphere turns against humanity, the "happy future of mankind" that Infinity kinda presents is ruined, and everything crashes and burns...and I kinda doubt that's the way Corvus Belli wants to go with their least not so quickly... It would however be easily justifyable with fluff I it sure is a possibility, if a grim one...
This sounds to me more like Dune than 40k, in particular
.. says someone representing the Combined Army collaborators :D At least we don't sell our intel to the enemy, smelly human. #ThreeTheTohaa
Seriously, I have absolutely no idea. And tbh the only thing I'm looking forward to are new sectorials, associated releases and people going overly nuts in blogs and forums trying to analyze the former and critique the latter.
I'm going with the human sphere is real, earth has been cut off and bostria is actually a hexa that is going to reveal this is more than a game.
Speaking of which, did we ever get high rez pictures from that conference or do we still just have the facbook pics?
I think the big "CB How Dare You?" Will be a leap forward in story and fluff. The Story has been stagnant for a number of years now, and is has only been since Wotan that the Story has actually really started getting traction, and with the emphasis they have had on their story designer (I forget his name) I think they are really trying to move the narrative forward more than anything. This will of course be evident in new Sectorials, but also in these story based ITS events. At this point we have nothing more than player speculation we have been given no hints or bait, or anything to point towards what it could be. As for April released, I believe thats when the new Zoe and Pi Well drop along with the Knights Box. Are the Knights replacing...Tohaa?
Well, if there is a god. CB announces that every single one from the Sakiel regiment has been sepsitorized. These men have gotten upgraded profiles and are added to the Combined armylist, complete with a boxed release. New rules include ODD, NWI and Fatality LVL2. EDIT: Clarified upgrades.
Okay, I'm not sure what you guys are exactly talking about, but I'm worried :( CB, please don't ruin ALEPH or Nomads for me! Please, no fluff changes!