Comrades, let's find out what do we want to be released in the nearest future! What are the two most desired models to be released (apart from #SakielBoxNow)? Share your sweetest thoughts, deepest desires and wettest dreams.
I'm not sure if we'll get the Sukeul HMG. Outside of release boxes we rarely see blisters with more than two loadouts of the same unit. The exception being like Kaauri for some unknown reason. I'd love to see the Sukeul HMG but don't think we'll get it
I really want to see a Sukeul HMG, and I really hope they design a man version for this particular troop.
I thought of that. But given there are 3 Taqeul loadouts and probably 2 bug models, I saw little possibility for them to have a boxed set. Kaeltars have exactly 2 loadouts and also 2 different sets of mates, so placing them all in one box was a logical thing.
Our (still very new) local Tohaa player has finally made a choice after seeing Kerail models. Since this poll mentions extra profiles, might as well mention that.
I don't play Tohaa so there is probably something I did not understand, but isn't there already a box with 2 taqeuls with 2 symbio bugs / mates ? EDIT : My bad, was mistaking these for Kaeltar
Couldn't agree mode. With Sukeul already received a second, I doubt that we will see another Sukeul in a year. My bets are actually on the Taqeul and another Kerail box, because the former doesn't have a model at all and Kerail is the only release that doesn't have an alternative.
A single blister of either a baggage Chaksa, or an HMG Chaksa, would be good, particularly for the Kotails.
Just in case someone needs an HMG Chaksa, I've just posted a question to ShaeKonnit's Split Box deal thread. I intend to grab a HF and SHRL doggies.
I'm actually expecting the Sukeul HMG for the eventual Triumvirate starter, 3 blisters is unlikely, but 2 blisters and a starter is no different to the Nisse, except it will be 3 profiles people actually use.
I went with Clipsos BS because I love Clipsos for both aesthetics and what they bring to the table. Can't remember how many times they have saved my butt by surprise attacking from out of nowhere and taking an objective in the 3rd round. For the Taqeul I don't really care, HMG Sukeul would be nice but only if the model isn't as painful to the eyes as the existing ones.