I feel like these premarked bases are an overreaction to CB's seemingly lax policy of "put your models together and show up!" when fire arcs are specifically required for tournament play. I just ordered a bunch of the plain bases but hopefully they continue to produce unmarked ones alongside these new ones.
I cut the bar and just glue the mini to the base using super glue. Probably not the most solid but it's not like I throw them around.
That may be a bit much. Sealing the edges is generally all that it needs. This terrain reminds me a bit of something a forum member did some years ago... the KS he had -KS link removed- He used 2.5mm stock and laser cut. Heck, maybe CB has this stuff laser cut too. Now, if we can get CB to make the terrain mats in dimensions other than 24"x36"... say 2 of 24"x24" per terrain pack (so 24"x48" per pack)so that 2 packs may be combined to form a proper 48"x48" table. ¿Nos escuchas, Koni? Oops, forgot about the kickstarter link ban. Even for completed kickstarters. Ah well, MCstudios was his company's name. Examples of his work can be found with an easy search.
Totally agree with you! It's not like you are using this with good vet players who will use it to know the ranges. It's so you can have a nice table for beginners. I think he meant 2 packs of 2.
It's not like you won't be able to order plain 25mm plastic bases in the future. Maybe not from CB, but who cares?
The terrain and accessories sinched the deal for me. I was already looking for terrain and on the fence, getting it all in one place just tipped me over to the 'let me preorder right now' side of that fence.
A lot of new minis have short little pegs in the feet anyway, not a whole bar connecting them, so all you gotta do is drill a couple of small holes. Just on the whole concillium convention weapons ban type stuff... this is a game about deniable black ops, most of which are probably illegal anyway.
"out of production" means CB won't sell it I would suggest to pin one foot per mini to the base, frankly. Else you risk transportation accidents... I'd hope for a self-adhesive one in the "main color" of the models you will place them...
You might be holding off judgement, but I won't. I can't think of any implementation that's going to be bad enough that they can't be worked around for those who don't want to use them. I'm still not likely to use them myself, because I've already full scale bought into a different system for bases, but still :) Here's to hoping I won't have to search for dark-blue-on-black markings, tiny little scratches, etc in the future.
Nox design (this is from Defiance, but still). I like it, especially how the torso armor shows similarity to old style design. I'm also a sucker for nice LGL models. On the other hand thigh armor plates look like they'd make crouching and such rather uncomfortable.
I've been transporting them every week for three months in a hand case (which likely move around more than a bag would) and I never actually lost a base. Only an arm once but it was poorly glued. I also lack the tools to drill the base or pinning. But overall, the only problems came from my own stupidity such as dropping them from too high because of trying to move too many at once and such.
Ok to that topic I always cut off the metal bar and just glue the feet on the base because I think it looks better. All of the bases are heavily magnetized and put on a sheet of metal. This I transported quite often sideways with my bicycle. The amount of damage to the miniatures was minimal. Even the frigging Gorgos stays solid on it only one of the symbiobeasts like to fall down, need to add more magnets. So yeah glueing the feets on the base is enough
I can't drill pieces together now, but I have one of those carriers with pull out foam that does a great job of keeping them in one piece. Something else I started doing starting with the new Raicho, was carving a slight groove into the base then using putty to around it to create a scene. Solid as a rock now. Other games I've used magnets to decent success. Usually, glue is enough.
Really liking it too. Dunno how big an issue the thigh plates would be given their legs have more joints than ours
I don't think this is correct. These legs seem more like the hind legs of many 4-legged animals. They have hip --> thigh --> knee --> calf --> heel --> toes, it's just that they stand on their toes with their heels off the ground. Imagine you had REALLY long feet and you always stood on your toes.
They're digitigrade, yeah. The 'shin' armour doesn't have a bend where the foot meets the heel, so they wouldn't be able to bend there. Doesn't bother me personally, I think they look cool as hell.