The most interesting thing spoiled is the PSI unit. Similar “hacking” to pheroware would be cool. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
PSI as in the greek letter, not a 40k psyker. I do hope they try to do something unique with the game play of O-12. Given the content reveal so far, it seems unlikely that they are straying too far from the mold, what with 3 line infantry, a heavy, a skirmisher and a drop troop. That being said, I hope they're not just high tech, pushing the envelope balance wise because the Yu-Jing subform will catch fire if another faction gets undercosted units after some of the "balance" choices in IA.
O-12 will have either nimbus or eclipse I think. But I thinking will likely have nothing for warband/impetuous troops. I'm kinda surprised after the sepsistor became a known thing. All paradiso troops didnt have their cubes pulled for reinstallation after they leave the front lines.
Sounds about right I figured the same thing but the Operation Wildfire comes with a "Smoke template", specifically. You'd think if it was one of the others it would have that detailing on it but who knows.
It depends. If the above mentioned K-9 team will be similar to the Devil Dog Team in USARF then we certainly know they will have.
Could be closer to the Strelok + K9 though, still good in CC but more of a skirmisher lite than warbands.
True. Or maybe something in-between? Regular and Impetuous. Then, if the robo-dogo is a REM with Sensor, and its handler a LI or WB with shotgun (and granades) to hunt Shas' camo units...
The sepsitor is a fairly rare weapon, held only by EI Aspects that typically act as officers. Being able to restore key personnel and not having soldiers spend their whole leave recovering from having a clone of their nervous system ripped out probably outweighs the threat of a few Fusiliers re-enacting Call of Duty: Black Ops. That being said, O-12 possessing a specialist anti-Aspect unit to keep the Sepsitors away with MSV2 and a Blitzen might be nice, since E/M is one of the few good ways to keep an Aspect down.
Even with that, the existential threat is so high that I'd be like "Yo, yank my cube" if I was going into combat in Paradiso. They're already throwing plasma around everywhere which canonically bricks your cube, so it's not like it's gonna do much good anyway.
I've always imagined that sepsitors are not a flashy weapon. Basically the aspect just waves its hand once it get close enough to you and now it's got you. The lack of visual flare is what makes it more horrifying to me. Just a light motion or turn of its head to focus on your buddies then they start to turn on you. Now for irregular troops I could image one or two. What comes to mind for me is like a ordinary detective that got pressed into an op. Due to an expertise or knowledge on who their after, but not someone who has alot of experience working on a complex black op.
It’s probably because a Cube is the only way to keep up the numbers of the military. Actual military combat personal is probably small in number for those factions that have it. They only way to keep them is the promise of be getting a new body if they die and also they don’t want to loose the experienced soldier. Ariadna and Haqqislam have larger standing armies because they have less soldiers with a Cube. It’s probably indispensable for some of them like Nomads that are even less in number.
Dying in combat does not guarantee you a new body. You just get priority on the resurrection list. Resurrections are incredibly expensive and not handed out en mass. They might have been a bit more liberal with them in conflicts prior to Paradiso. But now there are simply to many casualties to be handing them out to the common grunts. Even if those standing forces are 'small' they are still militaries of interplanetary nations. The PanO and YuJing militaries would be on scales far above what we have now. Logistically supporting those huge forces when concentrated is probably the bigger problem.
A point that goes back to the main topic, O-12 has absolute priority access to Resurrections thanks to controlling ALEPH. Perhaps the faction will feature more Dogged troops and other sacrificial pieces who can trade effectively- after all, they're nearly guaranteed another life if they do their job, so why not push that little bit harder to do it well even if it means dying needlessly?
pure gamble o12 gonna be Imperial Service without CC units with little exceptions (like SiriusBot). All guys you can see in IS who have mixed BS and CC capability (like Kanren or Crane) will have only BS capability. But not Neoterra. Lower BS, no swiss\aquilla clones. Units will be more universal. More skirmishers, flexible AD and infiltrators. MI will be like Thorakitai while HI - super overcosted overpowered If this faction will not be able to create comfortable 15-17 order list - i'll sell starter i preordering right from the get go
Unfortunately we don’t know how long it takes to create a new body for a basic grunt, compared to enlisting and training a civilian into a new basic grunt. Unless you are just throwing bodies at the problem. But i’m sure the elites and veterans are priority over that. Probably why you would become a specialist is because you get higher priority for resurrection.
I guess, body is not a problem at all, question of hours, maybe days. But the cost and limited access for resurrection program is what stops Pano and Yu Jing just printing replacement body for every died soldier again and again. Remember, we have resurrection black market, which means that regular middle class guy able to get enough money for body and procedure - but not for legal access. Plus cubes not always survive combat and you not always able to retrieve them. Especially, when we talk about conventional conflict's.
All good points. The Cube issue is also why I think they might have like Aleph. Cube 2.0 at least for vets and elites.