It’s from a Ghulam infantry model from Operation Red Veil. I had to carefully cut off the hand and carve a handle from the remaining metal :-)
INFINITY IKARI COMPANY: Al Fasid These guys are some of the coolest models in the whole Infinity range. Very happy to add one of these "seven times accursed" mercs to my Ikari Co. I converted the pose ever so slightly just for something a bit different and painted this baddass in Ikari Co colours. I played around with the icons a lot until I got something I liked that also complimented the colour scheme. Al Fasid (HMG) Al Fasid (Conversion WIP) Spoiler: More WIP Pics
Fantastic work as always @archangeleong That sculpting work on the shoulder looks flawless once the paint is on.
Ikari Company The start of my collection of the baddest Mercs on the Sphere begins! I was inspired to build the Ikari Company by a few great limited edition minis that I had to get my hands on. Ikari Company, who are the antithesis of my JSA, are a bunch of dishonourable and dirty dogs that offer great painting and converting opportunities of mixed units that can be formed into a unique and cool army. Some of my JSA can slum with them also, which is handy. The colour scheme I chose was based on the only existing official artwork I could find out there and is from the Uprising book. Love this art and tried emulate it on my new team. I’ve been planning the colours and conversions in my head for about 6 months now and am only slowly getting stuff done. They are starting to look like a coherent force now so I’ll be rolling guys out in the next few months. Uprising Artwork Baddasses
Hey, you still get paid either way. Plus... not like you can't coerce someone into paying for ''protection'' as well...?
If you're really doing it right, you get paid to take one gang out of circulation by a competing gang, have the first gang pay you to take the second gang out of circulation, get paid by the local citizens to haul both gangs away, cash in the (government-issued) bounties on both gangs, and sell the gang's stuff. Works out to getting paid about 5 times for one job. Edit: as seen here: , though storyline more-or-less starts here
Keisotsu Butai It’s a hard life being a lowly Keisotsu when your Colonel decides to go rogue and become a Merc. Dreams of honourable social advancement are dashed to the wind and you are now a soldier of fortune through no choice of your own! You could cry or… just loot, pillage and spend up whilst you are still breathing. These Ikari Keisotsu, who without much chance of ever going home, have resorted to supplementing their gear with looted Yu-Jing uniforms and equipment. Ok, the models are Zanshi proxying as Keisotsu since I had to somehow make use of all the Red Veil miniatures I purchased because I wanted the Ninja. Funny how Red Veil, with a bit of tweaking can be used for Ikari Company. It’s almost like CB designed it that way…. Keisotsu Butai 1 (Combi Rifle) Keisotsu Butai 2 (Combi Rifle) Keisotsu Butai 3 (Combi Rifle) Keisotsu Butai Link Team More Pics at: https://archangelelonginfinitythega...06/infinity-ikari-company-keisotsu-butai.html
I already have Tanko in my JSA so no. However, I thought that the Zuyong would make a cool Krokot Renegade. I just need to find the right SMGs to use (not easy task so far) and sculpt or use some gubbins from my bits box for the chest mines :-)
Could be used for Druze. That's the great thing about proxying/converting, you can do whatever you like really with the only limit being your imagination. That said, when I convert/proxy, I try to keep in mind the silhouette of the original model and try to match it somehow in shape or features. With this in mind I didn't think of using the Zyuong as a Druze because it looks like heavy infantry more than medium (which tend to have elements of cloth/fatuges under heavy plates of armour). Actually I want to grab some official Druze when I can as I'm a fan of the models.
I had originally suggested the tanko because the zuyong's armour is about 80% the same as a tanko's. But it makes sense not to do that if you plan to just use the tanko from your JSA army :)