You can’t stack the mines on top of each other, though, so it becomes difficult to lay all three where they threaten an enemy but don’t expose your model. Smoke is probably necessary to pull this off. Remember also that the mine template is roughly 8” and Zone of Control is 8”; if you grant them a ZoC ARO they can declare Change Facing, which will trigger any mines you currently have covering them and allow a PH-3 roll to avoid the damage.
Cheers mate. Nah the issue was I had a fireteam behind some high crates in full cover, the minelayer ran up and spent 3 orders placing mines peeking out at both corners of the crates so as soon as anyone moved the whole fireteam were being toasted from 2 directions, he dropped a 3rd just outside them incase anyone lived. He then got a spitfire model to shoot from distance so had to dodge and pray. Was a solid move as I was pinned in (10 man list reduced to 6 by this point) against 16 or so Combined (down to 14) their numbers and extra orders were a big factor at that stage in the game.
Oh, remember that the mines will only detonate if you can place the template from any part of the base (S0) to the targets... so mines placed on top of buildings with some vertical cover, or in the floor but behind crates, might be unable to explode even if they "see" enemies as a S2 camo marker xD
Yeh was one of those where it just clipped the bases of the models behind the boxes so still caught them :-(
Also, you said MSV hosed your Myrmie teams? If you don't already, make sure to always, always, include at least one model in the fireteam with Eclipse grenades. They work as normal Smoke grenades but they also affect MSV, and are a godsend against anybody with MSV in their force. If you already did and there were just too many threat vectors to cover them all with Eclipse without getting shot in the doing, I apologise for assuming you didn't.
Youre right in pointing this out, at the time I didnt know until I used them in my game the other night So to be clear that I understand, if I drop the eclipse grenades then both I and my opp would be -3 for shooting through it? So with ODD up would that take my opp to -9 (assuming I wasnt in cover) and -12 if I was in cover? At which point im returning fire at -3 for the eclipse and then working out any other modifiers? Also does the eclipse stay until my next turn or does it disperse when my turn is over?
You're confusing eclipse and nimbus Eclipse is a zero vision zone, meaning you can't draw a line of fire through it. Basically you can't see through eclipse smoke, so you can't shoot through it. It's like smoke, except that no one can see through it, even with MSV. To sum up: _ smoke: only MSV 2 and 3 can see through it _ white noise: only non-MSV can see through it (even MSV 1 is blocked) _ eclipse: no one can see through it _ nimbus: everyone can see through it, but shoot at -3 BS and -1 burst (MSV can't help reduce the BS penalty) _ nimbus plus: everyone can see through it, but shoot at -6 BS and -1 burst (MSV can't help reduce the BS penalty) If no one can see: no direct fire (you can still do intuitive fire, think of chain rifle or nanopulsers myrmidons shooting through smoke) If only one troop can see: said troop can shoot, the other can shoot back in reaction but at -6 to hit (if he has six sense there is no penalty, but don't forget six sense only trigger if the troop is the target, six sense doesn't replace MSV)