Krit with a Combi trying to get past a warcor at 24" is 30-18% which is pretty pathetic for a 42pt model that's supposed operate solo. Marksman rifle at the same bands is 52-11% just for reference. EDIT: Unrelated topic while trying to figure out how much a marksman rifle costs I noticed the Haidao gets a 1pt discount on the usual 6pts for CoC.
Apparently-random 1pt variances I usually attribute to fractional points getting rounded, but that one is kinda unusual.
Myrmidon Officer and Vassily show that it costs 5 too (Vassily actually costs 4 points more but loses FO, which is 1 point).
It's not them, all the Kaeltar profiles have the mates/bombs the only difference is whether it has CoC or not. EDIT: Actually I just realised the Kaeltar are also being charged 0.5 SWC on top of the 6pts for CoC.
The kaeltar with CoC have only symbiomates and the ones without all have symbiobombs. My guess is 'mates cost 1 point and maybe that 0.5 SWC more than 'bombs.
You son of a b....abe! You totally got me, jumped on Army checking everywhere.... Damn shitty Photoshop fake. :'( As @Miraclebutt pointed out, it will be on Army on Monday only. The pic is from the blog page. It's real, my friend. Army'll be updated on Monday. I admire the sheer balls. A 16 page thread complaining about his bloat and CB decides that the best way to make him better is a Duo with the game's most uninteresting TAG. The only way this could have been a greater power move is if they gave him a Special Haris with two Guijia. I will admit, it's got me reconsidering both his and the Guijia's role in IA.
Is this the second Engineer in the game that can link with a TAG? nice If CB read these forums they would've squatted the whole faction