Nah, 2 Duos. Lt + HRL, HMG + BSG. It fits with enough support to be playable. I actually own all the minies for that, I just need a HP to make the BSG TM.
Heh, I love the Taskmaster lore. It's a pretty badass concept. I've ran Taskmaster Duos a few times and it was pretty successful, but I've never tried more than that. I think I'd only run more than two of them if it was a 400 points game.
It makes them sound very practical. And I like very practical sounding things. Part of the reason why I like Cranes so much. They're also very practical in how they go about business, seeing as they are only second in rank to Hsiens as far as I am aware...
To say nothing of the various forum jokes about their 'usual office conversations'... TM1: What? Another alert from the Raccoon City lab? TM2: Yeah, third time this month, isn't it? TM1: I just got my armor back from the last time... TM2: I know! TM1: So, what are the odds that the researchers survived this time? TM2: Office pool says 3 gets you 4. TM1: Nah, they can't be that lucky! What do the bookies on Tunguska say? TM2: Who do you think we have running the office pool? Well, the models are a bit limited, but you could always borrow Kriza Boracs. Or Al-badass, Azra'il, or maybe even that new Spiral S5 bigboi.
Someone needs to make a Taskmaster, Pheasant/Crane and Raktorak comics someday TBH... Call me an idiot, but that S5 Spiral bigboi is about 85% of the reason why I've shown any new interest in Tohaa lately. The remaining 15% are the Draal. It would be more if the Spiral box didn't have duplicate loadouts of them FFS-
Ain't nothing wrong with liking Power Armor, even if the S5 stuff does end up looking like a K-suit compared to the S2 models. And now I have a horrible expansion for my Nomads that I need to do, dammit. Bubblegum Crisis Nomads!
You're talking to the guy who has almost all of the Haqq HI, and doesn't even play vanilla Haqq (Hassassins are more my style). And has a plan for all the old female ORC models to become Knights (partly to avoid the fugly PanO combi/multirifles). And routinely brings 5x HI and a TAG to a game in JSA.
I love this! Can I steal it for a possible story? You, sir, are an officer and a gentleman. I tethered over Yu Jing and JSA over their powered suits for quite a long while, but I am a massive fan of the design of both the Kriza and Taskmaster suits. I've ran Kriza+Tasky in a lot of vanilla nomad lists. Usually Kriza goes in first, wrecks face, and after my oponent has thrown the kitchen sink at them trying to take them down, the Task comes in.
Ah yes, the classical ''Kill enemy so hard with suicidal big thing, they can't kill the smaller thing'' approach. I mean, it works TBH. A Mobile Brigada starts to sound amazing when all that's left on the table are skirmishers and warbands to fight with.
Last time I checked it wrote that both are Marksman Rifle Draals... Lemme check... Yeah, the description still says it has 2x Marksman Rifle Draals. Maybe there's a discrepency between the models and description?
Wasn't mine originally, but a conversation something like that was posted here when their fluff was first released, I forget who wrote the first one. @Errhile , maybe? If you want to really riff off of that idea for a story, you really need to binge LawDog's blog to get yourself into the proper frame of mind. He's a Texas sheriff, very laid-back and utterly hilarious to read about things what happen in small-town Texas. Case in point. Or this one. Or this one. This one is *very* irreverent, but I'm pretty sure something very close to that went down that Sunday. And maybe follow it up with watching some Hill Street Blues, The Wire, and Hawaii 5-0.
Can't recally myself writing anyhting the like, sorry... But hey. It is Nomads. I'd say, steal it happily away, worry about consequences later. My Tunguskan bookie says chances are 10 to 1 you'll get away with buying the oriignal author a drink ;)
I don't. The only reason you might want to use a Taskmaster is if your LT is open information or if you explicitly want him for your datatracker or to link with your xenotech (and even then a solo Riot Grrl is usually a better option). In Vanilla, he's overshadowed by the Kriza offensively, and the Gecko defensively. In Bakunin, he's too many points to be some kind of extra addition to be added into your list after you have your key units down: he's something you'd need to base most of your list around, and there are far better units to spend those points on. If you're going for a big stompy unit you might as well throw down for a Lizard, and if you want board control I remain convinced a fistful of Morlocks, Uberfall, Minelayer Zeroes, or even a well-positioned Sin Eater is going to lock down fire lanes and sections of the table far more effectively. As people suggested in another thread recently, one way to increase the viability of the Taskmaster would be to give a special fireteam Duo option to the least popular profiles, to allow him to drag a Morlock or Moderator upfield. The former would be a fairly cheap specialist that could heal him, the latter would give the ability to mince anything that comes too close and smoke shenanigans, balanced by the fact Bakunin has no MSV:L2. Neurokinetics on the HRL profile would make it worth taking, at least.
this is kinda missing the forest for the trees though. You've listed half a dozen different units that do one single aspect of what the task master offers better than it. And thats accurate within reason. but you cant fit all those units into one list, you certainly cant do it for the cost of the task master, adding significantly more to the cost with every "this is better than a TM at this single job" unit you add to try cover the 6 jobs the TM achieves on its own. And thats kinda the point, the TM offers multiple solutions to the problem the opponent presents for you in a single, cost efficient package. and thats invaluable in this game