Sorry mate, but as cool and strong and versatile as it is, the Su Jian is nowhere near as balls to the walls good at butchering stuff with a heavy weapon like the Kriza is. Hell, I'd argue the Charontid and Anathematic aren't on the same level either (Charontid needs Smoke support and Anathematic lacks them big guns) But that is the point of the argument: The Kriza makes for unfair competition
So everything from ''Lets fix global warning via sentient mass reproducing nanomachine viruses'' to ''Lets shove alien DNA inside us to get alien superpowers'' etc.?
I mean, fair point, though I'd still argue the fact the Su-Jian gets to choose who, from what angle and what range it will be killing still puts it on a similar level to the Kriza. A Kriza will butcher everything, but it'll have to butcher through some other stuff to butcher the good stuff. The Su-Jian will probably just 8'' cautious move and slaughter the nest while the guards are unaware. The Su-Jian isn't as good as a Kriza at a straight up gunfight, but it does have the advantage of not even giving the enemy a gunfight to begin with. That, and it is more durable than a Kriza ( NWI and all that. ). And I agree on the CA Aspects, they don't really compete by themselves as well in a vacuum VS the Kriza. Which actually reminds me now... I wonder how well does a Mowang stack up to the Kriza... less burst, has disposable guns and NWI?
This. Really depends on how often said Black Labs go Resident Evil (or worse, LV426!). Mad scientists gonna science madly. Anything goes. Anything. Just like in the game Bioshock. Ethics? The only ethical constraint is "we MUST know, so we do whatever is required to KNOW." Doesn't go very well. Sounds about right. Though I think Desty Nova (who is removing people's brains and replacing them with a computer chip!) is one of the more-sane/ethical people working in the Black Labs. You're forgetting, "so, you want a furry sex-slave? Yeah, here's the brochure of what we have available for immediate purchase. Oh? You want something a little different? We can do that, but it will take some time to grow." The big downside to the Mowang (compared to the KB) is the lack of the FA2 'suppression fire' -3 that cannot be countered. Yeah, the Mowang has Mimetism, but that can be countered by MSV. It can take more beating, but if you're rolling ARM you have already lost. I was a little disappointed with the Mowang, but that may have been started with all the 1W+NWI 'HI' that preceded it.
Dear mother of mercy... it's worse than I thought. And here I thought it'd end at replacing us all with nanomachines that play hip hop music- I mean, compare anthropomorphic animal pit fighters/prostitutes with the mundane case of some experimental brain surgery, yeah, sounds about right.
Expanding on the Datatracker notion: There's a whole lot of missions where you need to push some buttons, then have your Datatracker survive in a hot zone. This season, I see Acquisition, Frostbyte, Power Pack showing up everywhere, and these three missions are basically all variations on "push more consoles than the enemy, defend the hell out of something, and end the game with your Datatracker alive in a vulnerable place." Since the rules for appointing a Datatracker are fairly specific, it really narrows down which units make for good Datatrackers. I'm not a Bakunin expert, and I imagine Riot Grrrls offer stiff competition here, but obviously they're best when they're in a link. If you don't want to buy multiple, then the Taskmaster's a good candidate for solo, medium-investment durable Datatracker.
For Bakunin the taskmasters make decent xenotech escorts. Resilient, decent guns and can carry board control up the board whilst doing xenotech type things
Hey. But they're not sentient, we checked. They only scored 0.99 on a test. That means it's property. This squid over here though, it scored 1.01. so it's a person and we haven't even given it the really good augmentations yet. (Also, I need a cehpalod minie for my Lizard pilot, anyone know of any?)
I use the RF and HRL ones on a semi regular basis in vanilla, and it generally fills the role of midfield bully as its better at getting up close and personal than the Kriza whose equivalent profile (MK12) is 10 points more expensive and is better at protecting itself in that environment than the KB is, to take and hold an area usually an antenna or console, I have a fair bit of Aleph lurking around in my meta so the RF does some real heavy lifting, and finally once he is in the midfield he tends to be a great roadblock for warbands when it is in supression. EDIT: I'm not saying the Kriza is bad (that thing has tabled too many opponents to be bad), just that there are some applications where it is less than ideal.
But it's a tough basket. And it's a decent use of the Lt order given that he's probably obviously your Lt.
Taskmaster wasnt meant for vanilla. You could use it there sure, but it was meant to shore up weaknesses in the Bakunin Sectoral. Never meant to be compared to Kriza or even Gecko. Limit yourself to the Sectorial and you will see many cases where you want to bring them. Namely the sectoral lacks heavy armor options that also allow you to play with your other Bakunin toys. Both the Riot Grrl Link and the Lizard take up giant chunks of your list and limit what you can bring. The Taskmaster does not. At 50 pts he lets you still take 13+ orders and have a heavy armored unit to hold points of the board or to go forward and wreck stuff.
Theoretically sure. Practically @daboarder killed it with a pistol ARO and one burst from a linked spitfire the other day...
The thing I love about Geckos is that when you shoot at them in cover, with a combi, it takes 2 orders instead of 1.
For SCIENCE!!!!! Also, "get insanely rich to keep doing things that would turn God around in revulsion, because we CAN!" Mad Science, in short. Every tuesday, I'd say, at least in Bakunin. Tunguska's delegations are a little more stable. In fact they have an enciclopledic knowledge of Ethics, and of all the things O-12 has decided Man Should Not Know/Attempt. It's a nice list of things to do. Also, Desty Nova's Granite Inn had a very clear room of why is he a MONSTER :p I would say that having a LTL2 in camo state for 21pts and being able to use those 2 orders more than compensate for it... it's an active turn of up to 12 orders in vanilla or IA... I prefer irregular guys I can move for free and plant the beacon, but yeah. Check Mantic, they have... stuff. I even saw a concept art of a dolphin in some mechanical envirosuit that allowed for land mobility and hands.
At this point the Taskmasters lore makes me like it even more than I'd normally do. ...triple Taskmasters sound reasonable, right?