Hey Guys, Playing into Tunguska today for the first time. Any tips? The game was set on a pretty short notice so I did not had the time to do some research... All I know is that the guy is playing a LI list and that we are playing the Decap mission. Was planning on playing Sun tze in ISS to make sure killing my lieutenant is the hardest thing to do...other than that I don't know much about them apart that they can create a link team that can jump and shoot (Super jump) Any advice is very welcome.
Get the first turn. If he plays a Hollow Men core he will wreck you. And be patient that he has a killer hacker with cyber mines.
Pretty sure this is what he will be playing.....My initial plan is to have sun tze to make my Lieutenant harder to kill. Also I plan on having the Hsien haris link with madtraps, so that I can do the smoke madtraptrick in order to be super safe in my active turn when shooting....in reactive I am planning on setting a lot of madtraps and bunker up
Tunguska can have 3 hecklers. Usual deployment is so the center has a Jammer + Fastpanda one... and if you see the other two on the sides, I would assume shotgun & large E/M template profile. Other option is Spector, ofc. Irregular suicide guy that can throw drop bears (non-camoed mines you place like a grenade), and obviously the Hollow Men... Haris or Core. I would bring the Sophotect and protect her with my life, and 2 Yudbots. If you carry a MSV, get smoke (KuangShi controller), because Tunguska has some smoke but no MSV2 (they have MSV1 in the guys linkable with Securitates). TOs tend not to be there, since Spekters are too expensive, specially with a Hollow Men link. Also, for about 60pts he can have the puppeteer and the 3 puppets (bsg+FO, and 2 precision rifles on a Marksmanship platform). His Lt can be a Securitate (Veteran N1), an Interventor, or a Hollow Men. Also be carefull against the Zondnautica, a fast bike that, once it reaches your lines, can turn into a guy + synchronized chain rifle + smoke
The link moves into smoke, but the mad traps are at some point within LoF of the enemy. The enemy is forced to ARO to the mad trap so misses the opportunity to ARO against the Hsien that uses its second short skill to fire through smoke
It's the same trick the Xenotech introduced until it was "FAQed" to "civilians generate no ARO". Nothing prevents you from doing it with any linked troop, however... expose a 10pts Alguacile, and the enemy must choose between taking shots or removing the poor pawn...
Possible Lieutenants: Securitate (Combi) Grenzer (Combi + LFT) Interventor (HD+) Kriza (any) Often their Lt is quite obvious, maybe it is worth to go after him. The Hollow Men suck at CC and Dodge, so even a YaoZao has a 80% chance to IMM-2 them in CC. And yeah, Tunguska cannot do much against Smoke, but with a HD+ (in active) an interventor can cancel your MSVs.
Hollow Men can't be Lieutenants. Best suggestion I have is to have a KHD Kanren ( Disguised as not a KHD Kanren, ofcourse. ) within ZoC of Sunny T ( Or at least within range of the inevitable Pitcher shot Repeater that will be tossed at Sunny T. ), so that whenever the enemy is so bold and so foolish as to try hacking Sunny T with his WIP17 BTS6 he also ends up having to contend with ''Ah fiddlesticks, he brought a mediocre defensive KHD. T:'' Beyond that... a regular Hacking Device to put up Fairy Dust helps ( That's how we here in YJ generally do hacking defense, after all... Fairy Dust and TinBot stacking. ). Though I am always a firm advocate of simply murdering the enemy hacker as a form of pre-emptive self-defense.
They won't have many orders and a lot of their board coverage comes from jammers on the hecklers. If you can sensor/discover the jammer dudes at range then you can pick em off and su jian the crap out of his backfield guys. Hollowmen are nasty but go down well in CC so that's where I'd aim to thin em out
Picking off jammers in camo out of LoF isn't easy. I'm pretty stumped by it. Does anyone have suggestions for taking them out, other than running a warband up there? So far monks etc. seem to be the best bet in YJ.
The problem being that whoever lays the sniffer is likely to get jammed, and getting it up there takes orders. Advancing a Monk is a lot more order-efficient and you end up with a living mine midboard even if he gets jammed.
Kanren and Ninjas have Stealth. Discover doesn't preclude BS Attack, so if you move a Kanren Minelayer up and do a Discover and they don't respond with Jammer/SMG, then you can stick a Sniffer down right in front of you. Also, it's fully possible to just walk around them most of the time. The real tricksy bugger is going to be the Heckler that's stacked on top of Mary Problems if you don't bring a Light Grenade Launcher Hsien + Sun does basically preclude bringing a Crane, but otherwise a Crane can move into ZoC together with a MadTrap (from Xi) in order to get a free Sensor sweep
depends a lot on situation, if it's a two story building the guy is prone on top of, it doesn't really matter what you get jammed, just that the thing reveals and that you've got some spec fire to clear it. As the OP is running ISS the monks don't really help him though