I genuinely hope for neither, honestly. Would be cool if he'd have FAT1 or ( CB PLS ) Full-Auto of any level, though.
It's a spectrum, and neither Sheeskin nor Krit represents the full extremes. However, I do hope that Corvus Belli sooner or later realizes that heavy infantry and TAGs are the places where they can afford to stick some truly crazy shit like twin-Combi FAT2, simply because they're hackable and can be stopped with commonly available means that don't require you to take a full burst to the face. Sheesin and Tarik are possibly the worst possible places to put the combo of high crit and high burst on. That said, HMG range is also a really dumb place to put FAT2 on because at that range you can't use hacking nor even get decent chance to protect yourself using BS weapons for most troopers (unless you're Haqq or Ariadna sectorial where you can spend 2 SWC to get 4 snipers in a 5-man core, because the low SWC of the Sniper is truly a strong contributing reason for the Maggy being so much better than Guijia)
I can easily see this guy as a Mowang Red Fury FAT2....ALL I know is that either way, this dude will probably be really expensive to fit into my already expensive list... CB Can we PLEASE up the mid tier to 400pts....PLEASE!
Excuse me but why do you expect a defiance character to be used straight away in infinity? Did I miss something?
Nothing fully confirmed yet, but the miniatures themselves are going to be 100% fully compatible with Infinity. Then there's the precedent with Outrage, Aristeia and even Backdoor. Most of the stuff that Corvus Belli does that's sci-fi tends to end up in Infinity in some way.
Yeah Ok, but I would hold my horses then, so far it always took a while unit they converted the profiles and most profiles turned out to be mediocre. My guess would be that the YuJing character is just a invincible specop. The gun is probably nothing special because even a HMG will probably be the only B4 weapon in Defiance plus a HI that's enough to establish him as a unique member of the group. The only "dungeon crawler" I ever played was HeroQuest and there the characters where all pretty archetypical. I would bet that's the case here too and HI plus high burst weapon is archetyp enough. Maybe not necessarily unique to YuJing, but if Nomads get a Hacker, Aleph a Cyborg/Aspect, Haqq a Doctor, Adriana a skirmisher and PanO some dude/chick (the vanilla option) it's enough. I guess a CC specialist is missing. Guess they could give that to Haqq plus some bio super soldier stuff, or Adriana if they make it a Wulver, SAS or Speznat. Ok just checkt it's a Wulver and there is no Haqq or Aleph, but I guessed right on the others from the look of it. Edit: I guess they add the other factions if they get more more pledges, since it's a Kickstarter
I actually hope the characters won't get new Infinity profiles. Vanilla factions are overbloated as is if you ask me.
That's why I'm expecting it to be a Yan Huo of some flavor. Not to mention that as a big, beefy HI it would make a no-brainer 'counts as' Yan Huo M-HMG.
That would be a bad idea. Encouraging people to push into full 3 combat groups with 3 models for order spam is definitely going to push Infinity out of the Skirmish band. We've already seen Warmachine and Warhammer go to shit doing this, trust me you don't actually want this.
Yeah, I don't want model count creep coming anywhere close to Infinity. 300 points forces you to make some harsh sacrifices sometimes, but it keeps things tight and fluid.
Yes. I’d rather see Limited Insertion become the standard rule rather than an increase in point value exactly in order to counteract order spamming lists. Or maybe tying the combat groups allowed to tier in some way - maybe 1//2//3 low/mid/high.
I like LI as a concept, but it needs some work, and I don't think it should be a standard rule. I think it still needs a buff for most factions (especially vanilla factions), and spamming the table with bodies needs to be less viable in comparison. I think having heavy infantry being able to receive some sort of supportware from hackers to offset being hackable would be a great step in making HI more viable outside of stacking Tac Aware orders on them, which would go a long way towards making limited insertion more interesting and viable.
And on the other hand, MI are fragile while expensive too. Playing a Moira fire team, does not even compare to a LI with Riot Grrls. ;)
Just making "Vulnerability: Hacking" (ie, 'Hackable' Trait) a discount would help. Because it's painfully obvious with all the ARM3 1W+NWI units out there that being classed as HI (and therefore Hackable) raises costs on a lot of things, by about 5pts!
Not as a general rule anymore. More and more MI are starting to pop up with psuedo 2 wounds. See Yadu for example. Aleph has several NWI Medium Infantry units, CA a couple, Tohaa have their own blend on it etc. Even Yu Jing technically has this retard available: Yu Jing ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 SUN TZE Lieutenant (Advanced Command) MULTI Sniper Rifle, Nanopulser, Flash Pulse / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 61) 1.5 SWC | 61 Points The gap between HI and the other infantry types in terms of staying power and durability, even mobility has closed quite hard. MI aren't even restricted to 4-2 movement as a general rule anymore you can find 4-4 and 6-4 MI