For the record I am enjoying OperationS. It is interesting having limited options hen I am so used to the variety I can bring to the table with Vanilla. My other dabbling is pure Bakunin and as I don't play Vanilla Nomads I missed that restrictive feeling there.
But these "limited" options also come with many bonuses. We have a wide range of fireteams (hey, dakini link's not the only choice). "pure" teams and mixed teams. Core, haris and duo. Among them are frightening things like full core MSV2 spitfire (from the maths i did, it seems it's even more powerful than smoke+MSV combo out of link, and don't burn an order throwing smoke), haris climbing+ assisted fire murderbots (they will find you and they will kill you), linked BS13 LGL, multiple E/M templates (unhackable does not immune to E/M and isolation), freaking unhackable unisolable linkable pseudo HI ... So i still think there is a purpose in trying to deal with a mission that OSS may be weak with, since OSS may have so much strong points that can work in other missions.
Played looting and sabotage today at my first ITS event. Proxy mk 5 got to a panoply quickly (top of turn 1) but wasn't able to advance into the enemy half of the board due to a fireteam watching over a corridor (ML, spitfire). In the following turn however, by abusing marker state a couple of times was able to advance Proxy mk 2 from my DZ (failed infiltrate) to the panoply into the enemy DZ. He was the MVP this game for sure having used a boarding shotgun on the enemy LT and (eventually) meleeing the antenna to death. I will say though that 50% chance to hit is AWFUL when you've starved your order pool to get to the antenna. It was lucky I put my opponent in LoL before reaching the antenna otherwise he would have been able to bring his fireteam of HOllowmen right up to me and ruin my party (I had only put 2/3 wounds on the antenna during my Turn 2 rambo run and needed 4 more orders in turn 3 to successfully wreck the thing - my luck left me turn 3....). All in all, provided the map allows it, I'm relatively happy with the Proxies abilities to get to a stash and then make for a console. My only wish is if Dart got a FO profile or something. Although her picking up a panzerfaust was also fun against the hollow-men link... Yet to try Arjun and his d-charges but given my experiences in the three games I played today (only 1 being L&S), he's far to squish for the points although those e/marats would be great to have.
Well.... don't I hate Looting & Sabotaging - it is a a ridiculously hard mission for some factions, ridiculously easy for others. In OSS you have... Andromeda that can feasibily do the objective without you tabling the oponent. Andromeda has issues of her own. It is definitely one of the worst sectorials to complete this mission in the game.
This. OSS Andromeda is still not fantastic, but it is usable. That is *much* better than standard Andromeda.
I know this is necroing an old topic, but with the Spec-Ops update from Daedalus' Fall, I think we can now make a Deva Spec-Ops that, if nothing else, gives you a backup option if they kill Andromeda. 12xp to spend in current ITS. First off, 1xp for D-Charges. Non-negotiable. Next, 3xp for Forward Deployment L1, 2xp for Hyper-Dynamics L2, and 2xp for PH12. Gives you a 4-4 unit that dodges at 18 or under and starts 4 inches beyond DZ. That's 8xp spent. Finally, get 4xp worth of upgrades from this list (I think I got all the useful or semi-useful ones): 4xp --- Engineer Veteran L1 Boarding Shotgun Breaker Combi Rifle Multispectral Visor L1 3xp --- PH14 Doctor Climbing Plus Free Agent Super-jump Assault Pistol 2xp --- BTS6 CC16 BS13 Bioimmunity Minelayer 1xp --- Breaker Pistol Stun Pistol Explosive CCW (ditch D-Charges for this, if you also picked up other CC-boosting things) Alternatively you could drop PH back to 11, which still lets you dodge on a 17, allowing for either an extra 2xp of stuff from the previous lists, or something from these lists: 5xp --- CH: Mimetism Marksmanship L1 Feuerbach MULTI Rifle Light Rocket Launcher Red Fury 6xp --- Spitfire Personally, I don't think making this operative more effective in gunplay is ideal, since they should be dodging all the time on their way to the objective. Either survivability packages like the combination of Bioimmunity and BTS6, or Doctor, PH14, or CH:Mimetism, or things to let them get to the target more easily or in the face of adversity like Super-Jump, Climbing Plus, Engineer (Deactivate mines, fix EM effect, being glued, stuff like that), or Veteran L1 (ingore EM entirely). What do you guys think? Can you build a better operative than Andromeda, or will they always be a backup or cheaper version?
Andromeda is there as a given for this mission, you're taking her anyway. Spec ops is an adjunct. Prob go for boosted CC, bio immunity, exp CCW, mimetism and whatever else you can fit, hyperdynamics is tasty if that squeezes in ( I think it does). Doesn't need forward deployment as it can use a dakini team to tow it up the board under HMG fire
Bioimmune makes her effectively 2w and bts 6 makes her heavy armored against everything that procs bioimmune, like mines, shock TR HMGs and viral rifles. Probably the best bet with 4xp. Also helps you when youve made it there and need to press the button without dodge.
If it's for killing the AC2 you should rather equip D-Charges. The deva specop has poor PH and no access to any CC skill, so it's killing potential will be very poor whatever his CC is. Andromeda is still the best bet by far. Played a bit with the dice tool: _ CC19 + D-Charges specops has 70% to wound 1 and 41% to wound 2. So you can expect to kill it with the 3 D-charges, take an EXP CCW if there still a wound left and you want to be sure. So 2-3 orders on average _ CC19 + EXP CCW has 40%/6% to wound 1 or 2 (PH11), 48%/11% (PH12), 64/22% (PH14). So you can expect to kill it in 6-7 orders (PH11), 5-6 orders (PH12) and 3-4 orders (PH14) _ Andromeda (D Charges + Guard L2 - btw the dice tool is not up to date about guard) has 88%/51%/13%, so you can expect to kill it in 2 orders _ Andromeda (D Charges + Guard L3) has 94/78/52 to wound 1/2/3, so you have fair chances of killing it in one order, and a second order should finish the job if you were unlucky (use Guard L2 for the second round since you would have only 1 DCharge remaining) That plus superior infiltration (so less orders used to reach the AC2), Andromeda is the best one for this mission, the deva specop is a nice backup through. EDIT: for comparison, Ajax has 93/59/13%, so should expect 2 orders. Achilles has 96/78/46%, so 1-2 orders.
Your choice. The DCharge + increased CC specop is the second best option, but then you should also take an arjuna (3rd best option) and a sophotech (4rd best option) as backups
Wait, why do we need CC for D-Charges? I thought that was only relevant if we're slamming it into someone's power-armoured gut to kill them, rather than placing the charge to demolish an objective, which happens without a roll? While yeah, having the CC is a good idea for if you run into a TAG on the way to the objective, if other xp choices will let you get to the objective more easily or while bypassing said TAG, wouldn't they be the better choice?
You have to as per the ITS stuff. It's the usual bollocks to get you to waste loads of orders on failing the main objective rather than just do the damn mission like a proper black ops team would
No, it's so that troopers with CC skills have something to do. Which is even worse. Okay, I get it, you want us to use CC skills on it. But at least let us slap the stupid DCharges and detonate them from afar, not annoy us with this "try to hit it on CC14-3". Anyway, whose bright idea was to slap a -3 on DCharges in CC? Like they needed a penalty?!
Most of them don't have an anti-material CCW so half the bloody cc units in the game are useless for this mission too