I think it's the red hair, in a shade that coincidentally coordinates the outfit, combined with the hair cut. I'm looking at the Cadmus Agent and old Speculo Killer models and wondering how they're going to compete on the military fashion standards.
Do you want to say... A Predator? XD Where is Schwarzenegger? We need to kill it before will be too late... XD
Most importantly, we need to kill it before it finds aliens and starts producing large amounts of sub-par spin-offs.
Only problem is that they are destined to die anyway. I've never had a speculo survive a match. She doesn't need to, though. As long as she takes out that Lt./TAG/Datatracker, she's completed her mission.
You need to watch Predator 2 again. There was an Alien skull in the trophy room scene, so the AvP stories have been part of the same setting since then. Maybe even part of the concept of the original movie, but I'd need access to a copy of the story bible to confirm.
I remember the AVP comic books being pretty good. I think Dark Horse was the publisher? There was some good stuff there, though it's been about 20 years since I've read any of them. One nice use of the Speculo (one that doesn't involve suiciding it into a Mono target) is for controlling Quadrants or preserving points. I had an ITS round a few months back that was Firefight vs Combined Army. I killed practically everything but an Avatar and a Speculo who was hiding inside a building... That's 171 points preserved.
They weren't intended to share a universe, but, by the time Predator 2 was being made, the AvP comics and novels existed and there was a fandom, so the Xenomorph skull was added to the set of the ship interior as a nod to that, but wasn't ever intended as anything more than a bit of fanservice (this is confirmed, but I'd have to dig to find the source again). And, as for the original movie, aside from changing the look of The Predator, what's on screen is pretty much how it was written and intended. Shane Black has confirmed this, as he was brought on to doctor the script and being in the film was part of his arrangement for payment. He, however, felt that the script was pretty much perfect and altered nothing. Remember, this was the 80's going into the early 90's, so crossover films and spin offs were less important in planning than merchandising.
Yeah, that was 11 years from the release of Alien to Predator 2, wouldn't surprise me. Especially after the AvP comics and books (yes, by Dark Horse).
IIRC there's been no info about this. Also, it seems like they're releasing this pretty close to Coldfront, I thought they released one operation box every other year.
We may be getting a new Operation box this year, though you're right that historically they've been every 2 years. It'd be the GenCon release if it happens, with Spiral Corps as the AdeptiCon release (last year was JSA for AdeptiCon and Coldfront at GenCon).
My bet is that this is going to be the start of the Shasvastii wave of new minis. But, I don't know who they'll be pitted against. Possibly an NA2 faction?
Shas vs. Tohaa would be ideal, especially given Bostria's comment about CB really wanting to take care of Tohaa right now. The biggest factor in favor of it is that neither of these armies have appeared in a battle pack before and that Tohaa just had a bunch of really key sculpts retired, while Shas has yet to see any releases besides Victor and the upcoming Speculo since the rework. The evidence against it though is that alien armies tend to sell worse, Shas is likely seeing a bunch of releases with Defiance, Tohaa just got a bunch of new releases with Spiral Corps, and both of these vanillas have had 300 point packs already. Oh, and that Tohaa getting a release might break the universe. But a man can dream...
Anecdotally there is the whole story about Aleph being put in Operation:Coldfront because they didn't like the Shasvastii rework concepts yet. I think that actually argues against a surprise Tohaa rerelease in the Operation box. No spoiled artwork, and they're going to rerelease that many models like that? It would provide evidence that Sepsitor is real if that happened. :)