Seriously what the actual fuck is this shit? ARM2, 1W, 4-2 MOV, Hackable, 48 points, PH11 Automedikt. This 10 times worse that I’ve even could think of. Seriously what the fuck?
From the person who posted the pictures on WGC Facebook "Gutier confirmed that Krit Kokram profile has mistakes, he has proper MOV, 2 wounds and AVA 1 of course."
Even at 2W 4-4 this profile is wildly bloated. Drop the automedikit and emitter and he might be competitive in the link. Right now he's a really overpriced Haidao engineer. The feuerbach profile doesn't really compete with the Haidao MSV2 MSR (or hell, the Zuyong Missile) for the cost...
I'll be the first to say this... This is actually better than I expected, if the stats really were a mistake, honestly. I was hoping for a big gun in the form of a Feuerbach either way, and the Minelayer with E/Maulers is just a neat little solo piece thing. T: It ain't Tai Sheng, but he's something I suppose...? At least for Vanilla...?
Is that... FD 1? Why even make that profile non-Fireteam compatible? I assume, PH12 and ARM 3 as well?
Well... price doesn't make sense, either. Minelayer and Forward Deployment L2 are both essentially 1 point skills. Did they make a mistake with the skill levels as well? Seriously, though, if the FTO and FD stuff gets dropped, that Minelayer profile gets mighty interesting. The other two... not so much
And yeah, the AVA 2 was a dead giveaway the profile was screwed. That, or they thought making an AVA 2 character would be cool. T: Doubt it, he probably only has FD1 there on the Minelayer. Although I am genuinely surprised how close we came to guessing what this guy will be though. People guessing for a Feuerbach? Check. 35+ points Combi Rifle profile? Check. And call me a Kuang Shi of a Wu Ming, but... assuming bog standard Zuyong stats, it's... genuinely better than I hoped for and it could have been worse for a unit born from an accidental sculpt mix-up. T:
Too mediocre to stand on his own merit in Vanilla. Minelayer is interesting for Vanilla but it's fucking garbage to pay 40+ points for that and wind up with a fucking Combi Rifle. Then it's too bloated and shitty to be worth it in IA. Not worth a slot in a Zuyong link. Overall waste of a good sculpt. It's crap, won't be used much if at all. @Bostria if you're gonna "spoil" trash like this could you at least take the time to do something useful and buff some of our fuck awful things like the Guijia or Shang Ji. At least we could have some good news then.
One way to look at it. Although it is wasting my time by chewing up space for a release that wouldn't be shit. Like a Mowang. Krit can fuck off give me the Mowang instead thanks.
I've heard there was official mention of Krit being an accident, but the general theory has a not insignificant amount of reasoning behind it... There was no mention of him whatsoever before his sculpt reveal. His sculpt displays the exact same weapons Tai Sheng has. The circumstantial idea of either this sculpt having been made before some last minute lore changes or due to the designer not being told Tai Sheng is a lady. It's just a theory. An HI theory.
Pure speculation. Just to put further clarification out to Krit's massively bloated and overcosted shittyness. Azra'il is a BS13 Feurbach for 39pts and 1.5SWC ORCs Feurbachs are 42pts and 2 SWC for +1BS, +2PH, and +1ARM which are all relatively expensive stats. (this is assuming Krit has regular Zuyong stats not the messed up profile we see in the picture) Same reason the Guijia's still trash, because fuck you, that's why.
It's heavily overcosted. First step to "liking it" is figuring out how to justify it. Hypothetically, given competing options in either Vanilla or IA how would you justify any of these profiles to yourself when constructing the list? The only way to unfuck this situation without adjusting those woeful profiles is that IA magically gets a hollowman style g:remote fireteam he can join overnight. Because then he's a fucking useful specialist we don't have and actually want because he becomes a fucking Doctor.
I can so far see one use for it, and it's in Vanilla: Among our 40+ costing HI specialists... a Minelayer with E'Maulers is decent-ish enough. It's no Tai Sheng, nor a specialist Crane or Daofei... but it's a Specialist with a G:Servant and a single piece of ARO kit in a faction known for being bad at AROs. And that's about it. The other Combi Profile has no justification whatsoever, and I can only see the Feuerbach as a potentially very niche link team member in IA. T: