I've been recently working on a side project and doing a set of terrains for our community. Since I had those unused JSA/Spiral paper terrains I designed some mdf support structures and again thanks cooperation with @jesus and Micro Art Studio, I was able to make our terrains more durable and player resistant. Somehow I messed measurements for the bridges so to fix short mdf sides I added drinking straws. The support structures were designed in a way that buildings are now stackable (and more time consuming to assemble).
First of all, that bridge... Orange and Gray are my favorite color pair. That bridge is outstanding. As for the cardboard terrain, I always felt that the designs on the infinity cardboard buildings were amazing. I was hoping some company would be allowed to replicate them with MDF and acrylic. This is a damn good solution. Soul
Seconded! That is awesome!!! I may do something like that myself, just using foamed PVC instead of MDF (since I can buy a 4x8' sheet of Sintra board for ~$50 here, and that stuff cuts with a razor knife). We have a lot of the various CB cardboard buildings, and it'd be good to player-proof them. And also good to add some more weight to them so they're harder to accidentally move.
@Usashi I love it! I'd been playing around with the idea of sticking them to mdf but never got around to acting on it. They look amazing! Would you be able to share the files you used to make them? I would love to use your design (and expand upon with some of my own ideas!).
Cheers guys, I'm glad you like it. @Section9 I did use cardboard for my mototronica and red veil sets but since I had to cut everything by myself it was quite time consuming. Apart from adding weights you might consider some rubber anti-skid pads as well to avoid unnecessary terrain moments :) @dulydude No problem, mate have fun. Note I've modified the bridges - so they are now 5 mm taller than mine, also I've resized cubes a bit - from 57x57 mm to 58,5x58,5 mm so they should better fit CB's paper containers. Things should be ok but I strongly suggest to make a test run first ;) Also the stacking system should be improved as well to make a bit more space between building and the wall sections (I guess extra 0,5 mm - 1 mm wouldn't hurt) but I'll leave it to you.
Thanks @Usashi! I appreciate it :) In regards to stacking, do you mean adding more space between the walls on the top of the building and the building being put ontop itself? Do they fit together ok at the moment or are you noticing a lot of wearing out of those wall sections when pulling the two buildings apart?
Yes, I mean the space between walls on the top of the building and another put on top of it. They fit just fine but you need to spend like 5 sec. checking if everything is nicely aligned before stacking buildings. Otherwise you might damage the paper edge on those tiny top walls. If those building were for me, I would leave it like they are. However, I'm not sure about my fellow players taking care about careful aligning. So since I have already everything cut out, I use a file on the inside building walls section to add extra space (just a little bit).
I really like it, the paintjob, the color scheme. You've really put a lot of work into this roof, with subtle differences in color - nice stuff. PozdRawiam / Greetings
@Usashi MAN!!! I was just talking about the paper terrain and how much I love it. I would love to do a table of this stuff but it's all one height level. Now between Micro Art new Add-Ons and what you are doing, I can actually have a Daedalus table with Daedalus terrain, haha. One question though... can you show HOW you put the paper terrain onto the MDF? One pic looks like you put the MDF IN the terrain but "logic" says it should be cut and glued on... Thanks!
Cheers guys. I'm glad you like it. Although looking at the last picture I realized that I overdid the shrine's roof and it should be a bit darker. I wonder if to risk adding a black wash on top of that or not. @Blakhart the paper terrain was glued on without cutting. Well, I did remove some elements but the main section of the building was not cut to fit the support structure. So once all walls of support structure were covered in glue I was punting it inside the paper terrain. Then I was using some extra walls and rubber bands to hold everything in place tightly squeezed. @SupersexyJohn I'm sorry mate I have too many terrains to paint but look like you're doing fine by yourself.
It's all very pretty. As long as we are critiquing the roof... The shingling is upside down. Top shingles should overlap bottom. That roof would leak something fierce. However, for next time. I would not re do this roof, were I you.
@Space Ranger & @Red Harvest thanks guys. I leave it as it is then. Yes, I'm aware it's upside down but I realized that when I was in the middle of painting the roof. I guess leaks are not really a problem if the shrine is part of some space station (that's what I keep telling myself).
Today I finally finished Xiguan Tower. I must admit that assembling it was a real pain in the arse, so that was probably my last Warsenal piece. It's been a while since I've taken any shots of full table, so today I've taken few photos with every painted (well almost) terrain in my collection. Spoiler I started this project a few years ago, so now early buildings - painted with acrylic sprays - kind of stand out. The first bath of airbrush painted habs don't have smooth transitions but at least the colours are right. Also I had this orange period, when over time I increased amount of orange details on each building. At some point I realized the orange is getting out of hand, so newer terrains are a bit darker and less blazing.