Warlord Games old paint sets used to mix Model and Game colour Vallejo, but I don't know if they were official Vallejo sets or repackaged by Warlord.
I quite like the Vallejo sets (especially the Nocturna ones), because the colors fit so nicely together. Additionaly, you can now buy primers in different colors (Vallejo Hobby paint spray) to things done even faster.
Personly i dont like the idea. Not the idea of paint sets, but the idea to puting a limited miniature into those sets. If i want the miniature i have to buy colors i probably will never use or already own.
Vallejo have just release a Hellboy box with a miniatures and colors for it. It's probably going to follow the same format.
Same problem here. I want the minis but I own most of the GW range so I have no need for new paints (plus they won't be the exact same shade as the ones I used for my 1000+ infinity minis so not much use for them).
Minis don't sound like anything too special – you probably wont be missing out if you're not a painter
Having the starter box with the basic LI is a nice idea, they don't need to be flashy to impress new players and it's unlikely to piss off established players by locking needed profiles off. I'm tempted to pick them up depending on price point and the actual sculpts, I do love Vallejo paints and even the basic Fusiliers are lovely models.
I agree – it also just makes sense that the basic line troop is probably the best representation of the armies' color scheme. I'll probably be picking up that PanO one, I love Fusiliers and I love paint. a match made in heaven.
Yeah, those are great profiles to provide some incentive, also to collectors who enjoy fielding more than 4 line infantry guys with combi rifles without doubles.
Ok, we know it will be Alguacil medkit and Fusilier FO. We can say that it will be similar for other factions (Deva for Aleph, Zanshi for Yu Jing, etc). But what if.... CB releases nonexlusive versions of these miniatures in the future as new Spec-Ops ?
Verry unlikely. You can see on the Kaizoku Spec-Ops (Spitfire/Medikit) and the Intel Spec-Ops (Grunt version) which way CB will go with their Spec-Ops miniatures.
Its easy to identify a paramedic because it will have a fist aid kit, or one of those medi-guns, but how do you identify a FO. I've got a Ghulam with an eye-patch that's my 'FO' model, but i doubt thats their official way of identifying a profile.
When they come up. I would love to see the Ghulam with smoke grenade launcher or line kazak with grenade launcher. Though it'll probably be forward observers
Zhanshi with launcher would be nice since its the only thing in IA that can specfire regular grenades.
I'll buy literally any Ghulam or Naffatun, they're just so good that I can't get enough. And I desperately want a grenade launcher sculpt!
I wrote the same thing to CB in warcor subsection after we got the news - Ghulam LGL, fresh option for Ramah and QK, the best idea now! ;) Maybe the wise lords of CB will hear our calls... Yet it propably will be FO :P Nonetheless I hope the mini will be nice. I got over 100 paints, but another 8 would still get some use ;) PozdRawiam / Greetijngs