Interplanetario is kinda a joke event. Well, maybe joke isn't the right word but it's not a particularly competitive event. Last year was limited insertion Soldier of Fortune which as far as competitive events go is pretty low on the ladder. Finalists last year was a bunch of unpainted armies which was even more of an embarrassment.
You could go with the cheapest profile with BSG, that will make the BS a bit more "harmless" on range. Beside this, the spec op stats are limited. WIP 15 could not be raised higher. BS is locked at 14 for YJ. Both Deva and Zuyong can reach 2 W + NWI with arm 2/3 base. At least you pay the base cost in points. And Zuyong has no ODD available. The Zhanshi is not a fitting Spec Op for IA. I you want to link him (and you want, wouldn´t you?) you are forced to play Zhanshi Link. If you let him run around alone, you will soon lose him. Yes it is possible to run a zhanshi link and zuyong haris, but in paradiso its not a good idea to not use your goto core link in IA. Wildcard for Spec Ops could be a solution.
Indeed. I have my favourite and I think I've made enough of a case for it :) In either case, I think we all can agree that both Haidao and Zuyong are a better fit for IA. Or even Daoying, as weird as that'd be.
Agreed! And since it is possible to get a Deva up to 2W+NWI and PH12 in 12XP, either Haidao or Zuyong are not obscene for SpecOps: ALEPH ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 DEVA (Infinity Spec-Ops) (12 XP) (PH:12, W:2) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 24) 0 SWC | 24 Points Open in Infinity Army
Haidao or Zuyong spec ops would be sweeeet in IA, but alas. If I were playing spec ops with IA I was thinking of something like this to help shore up some weaknesses, namely point defense. Invincible Army ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 ZHANSHI (Infinity Spec-Ops) (12 XP) (Minelayer, V: No Wound Incapacitation) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 12) 0 SWC | 12 Points Open in Infinity Army
I do believe you're correct. The spec ops screen does list antipersonnel mines when you select the minelayer option though, so maybe it's a bug.
Yu Jing ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 ZHANSHI (Infinity Spec-Ops) (12 XP) (Minelayer, V: No Wound Incapacitation) Combi Rifle, Chain Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 12) 0 SWC | 12 Points Open in Infinity Army Personally, I'd prefer using a Spec-Ops like this
Honestly, in IA I would probably run the old Doctor+Engineer with increased WIP. He's going to be lonely and I might as well feed into him something that helps the list 'cause linking he ain't. Question is whether to get Minelayer and a token EXP CCW, double-WIP or a Holo1 with the remaining 3XP. Or just keep him as a Yisheng-Gongcheng mashup and equip him with a Light Rocket Launcher or Red Fury for a bit of range. Or I write one of those on the courtesy list and give him +2 CC, Mono+EXP, MA4, Minelayer and Holo1. It's just a shame he'd still be an utter push-over to a Speculo or Fiday.