Because they recognise a chain-colt when they see it? I mean, I did, and I'm not the most astute person on these boards.
I didn't even recognise it as a chain-colt at first. I recognised it was a chain-colt pose first. Then the gun itself. T:
Hol up, dead man? Either I'm paranoid or hes some sort of shasvasti like Aida. An agent who replaced someone but fell to deep into the role. Either that or he's super specops boy or had to do a disappearing act cos of gangstar shit.
Most people consider a Heavy Pistol (say, .44 Magnum) a 'big gun,' even if it's not the physically-largest weapon you carry. Though a 2W engineer with an Autocannon or Feuerbach would be hilarious, I'd rather have Multi+LGL!
Not crazy enough! MK12 + Heavy Grenade Launcher - roughly 45 points 0,5 SWC Portable Autocannon + AP mines - roughly 50 points and 2 SWC Missile Launcher + Smart Missile Launcher - roughly 50 points and 2 SWC Skipping shotguns because he's got two Heavy Pistols for that 0-8 range band, but if he were to get shotguns 2x Vulkan Shotguns - why go big on short range when you can go double big on short range? (Points costs are completely guesswork and has no basis on reality) Edit: On a more serious note, I think we'll see Akrylate-Kanone on at least one profile, which won't be too shabby considering it stops stuff like McMurderface and the LSG Panggo can link and resupply when ammo is low.
I doubt he'll have a heavy weapon just because like, you'd have thought the description would mention that. Maybe a Panzerfaust though, or something.
You mean like how Kurgat description mentions the big guns or how the Azra'il profile does? I mean doesn't, because they don't mention heavy guns as much as Krit does. We'll see what's what eventually.
And to be fair. "Big guns" doesnt mean specifically "literal size" but more "classification" a 44 mag Is in fact a "big gun" so if he is toting duel heavy pistols those would infact be "big guns" as most the time a gun classification of "big" is stopping power! Just imho
Triple Heavy Pistols for burst 5 in a link, combined with the name defining Fatality L2. Well its friday after all.
@Maksimas No, I'm not saying there did but for some bizzare reason I remember a level 2 version that would put you from -6 to 0 etc. Back when I started at the launch of N3