Plot twist! CA manages to sepsitorise Aleph. Sepsitorised Aleph AI gains sentient independence from main CA and rebels from CA, subverting the early CA contact forces and parts of the human Sphere into a multi-side war between the free humans as lead by Maya, the subverted human/CA as lead by Sephaleph, and the continued invasion of loyalist CA forces who are now forced to restart the invasion from scratch under new and chaotic circumstances. Meanwhile Tohaa supremacists profit.
Naa, it's just Persues that got sepsitorised and is now infiltrating arachne net. The Nomads will soon been the first human EI army...
That's likely the "safer" option storytelling-wise. Still, I would enjoy it if the human super-AI managed to break free and form a "free CA" faction to promote continued alien influence as well as (more) justified CA vs CA action. Plus it could potentially break the overwhelming and predestined issue that CA poses. Unless someone manages to make one of those Paradiso thingies blow the wormhole CA is using up of course...
Daedalus falls has 18 missions and a campaign system in it. If you want to do that, get the book. If you're not interested in ICS (infinity campaign system) then get the minis. I'm personally enjoying the campaign and would recommend it
I've been reading the Merc faction info, which is overall interesting and has some decent world building in it. A lot of the unit blurbs are the standard, "we amazing, such wow" but the Hortlak Janissary have some decent fluff, showing that Haqq is totally against slavery (where before it was implied that they Janissary program was built on purchased slaves) and that the Hortlaks are undercover agents that hunt down slavery rings. It states that a lot of the freed slaves later join to be Janissary, to save others.
Does anyone else have a copy where p129 to 144 are in Spanish, but the rest of the book is in English. It's not an issue for me (I don't play foreign company and have no desire to) but it may cause anyone wanting the fluff on FC some.
Yes! I received my copy of Daedalus' Fall today, and have the same print issue. I ordered from Toy Soldiers Imports, as I am sure a few aussies did. I know a few people on the Facebook page have the same issue too. What now? I really wanted to read up on the FC!
Yeah, my copy was from TSI, too. Problem's not with them - it's a print issue between cb and their printers.
Oh for sure. TSI gets sent the goods, doesn't print them. I wonder what the printers/CB will do... Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
Some of the Adepticon copies were all spanish, some were all English. So hard to say. Some Aussies got copies with no issues, some got copies like mine.
I've seen weird shit happen in printings. The first run of one of the Normandy Campaign (IIRC) books for Flames of War had the entire front half of the book twice. ~64pg book, but only had pp1-32. Where pg33 should have been was pg1. Was rather annoying because I wanted one of the armies out of the back half of the book! In the case of DF, it looks like the printer ran both English and Spanish simultaneously, and then someone goofed when assembling books. I would have run the various languages separately just to avoid the possibility of that happening.
I could swear they took orphans from warzones and other instances and made them into Jans. In a roundabout way that could be construed as slavery, but sounds like most volunteered willingly out of vengance.
Hi! Talk to your store or Corvus Belli Mispack to change it, because this chapter is in english on the english book. Here some examples ;) No, only in a few copies. A issue when the printer assemble the books.