I don't think we have seen these before, well at least in HD. I haven't tried it yet. Do you guys find it useful ?
That's amazing. I wish it will stay close to $15 but I doubt it. >$20 for one unit is going to get proxies for awhile.
I'm guessing the same pricerange as the Su-Jian, or even more, as the pack has to contain three miniatures.
I just picked up the 2 bike Aragoto box because the riders are dressed similarly to the Interventors, a bit of paint and they'd make perfect dismounted profiles. Plan was to magnetize the bikers so I could dismount them and use just the bike for the AI Motorcycle. If they switch the REM to a S2 profile I'll be a bit annoyed but maybe I can rig it so it's just doing a wheelie the whole time, maybe add a Fallout Securitron-esque face screen to the underside of the bike... yeah, I can live with this.
You could probably convincly chop up some wheels off a bike, strap em on the back of a garuda and be half way to what you need for the bot
Probably, but I dislike the transformer bot so if I need to make it S2 I'm making it goofy. Just personal taste.
Interestingly, the mounted rider appears to have a chain rifle, while the dismounted rider is in a "hacker pose" and wielding a spitfire. There might be some hope of weapon options in this box!
wow, so the mounted rider has both guns (chain rifle, and choicie of combi/shotgun/spitfre) and when dismounting he gives the resizing chain rifle to the zondmate. i really thought it would be a more integrated weapon, like the smoke LGL that are part of the motorcycle. But then again, i was expecting more of a zondmate that stayed in a zond like shape but with motorcycle wheels instead of the mini wheels the Reaktion Zond has.
I just noticed something that makes me really happy with the Zondnaut sculpt. Her arms are the same design, (or close enough) to the Securitate which should make sourcing parts for conversions much simpler.
Actually the Zondmate has its own Chain Rifle. Looks closely, it sticks out from under the chassis when in motorcycle form ;) Yeah, integrated weapons and less humanoid design would work better here. Same goes for Su Jian, Dakinis, Garudas... i
yes i see it now. So that begs the question why the dismounted rider don't keep his Chain Rifle. Maybe a profile change ? (we already know the Sil likely won't stay S4)
I won't be surprised if this will turn out to be another case of miscommunication with sculptors. Same thing as with Seraph.
We've also seen renders change weapons by the time the actual model comes out (Kriza HMG in the Tunguska starter was shown with a Spitfire).
I love the Zondatutica, and am considering making my fist play into Nomads with Tunguska. There is an odd interaction with them that will probably rarely come up, but if you have 3 Zondnautica bikers in bike form activate under a coordinated order: can they dismount during that coordinated order? I assume G:sync is applied retroactively to the beginning of the activation and basically makes the units invalid for the coordinated order, but they aren't actually g:sync until they dismount... so, I dunno how this would work.
Wasn't that just the labelling, rather than the actual sculpt? The labelling of profiles is frequently wrong. Edit: I've just looked, the render had the HMG. The dossier of the 6 units in the starter said 'Kriza Borac Spitfire'.
Yeah, I hadn't seen that one. That's from the sculptors page, I assume? The first time we were shown the render pre-release it had already been changed to a HMG.