I’m sad to say that I was pretty salty . But I got better for the most part . It did make me move over to Ikari for a while . If that was their intention then it worked. But now I try to look at it this way, with YJ there’s almost 5 armies I can play. 6 if I had enough JSA. Yu Jing, Imperial Service, Invincible Army, Ikari, Dahshat. Also because of playing Ikari I’m now also going to do Druze. I disagree somewhat about the Guijia. It’s not a bad TAG. It’s just really boring. Some of the others in the same class of Armor and Size have a few more bells and whistles but are more expensive. The only one that irks me is the Maggy is a bit better for less points. Its size is not much of a disadvantage. Actually it’s a bit better due to being able to just walk over some terrain. Anyway, I’m hoping that it might get something to help it in the future. Total Invulnerable TAG! Then it would live up to the its name (Tortoise Shell)! I personally think General YJ has a bit more healing to do. It lost a lot with JSA and gained only a little with IA. It might have been better if they hadn’t made all the new stuff AVA1. Now there’s a good reason to take Sun Tze though. He’s not the best shooter at all but he makes up for it in everything else. He can even do a few Secret Objectives. ISS is still good and actually gained a few nice things recently with the change to Marksmanship LX for both Major Lunah and Pheasant sniper. Also Pheasants got a Killer Hacker. I can’t say much to that. But the biggest thing is the change to Total Immunity for Sun Tze. I think he’s going to be taken off the shelves to see the table now. I was really excited when IA came out but now I’m a little disappointed. The best thing to come out of it is the Daoying. Most Disappointing is the Hulang. I really wanted to like this guy. Next is the 1 wound+NWI. I’m not liking it so far. It’s really disappointing when your Haidao goes straight to dead instead of unconscious after taking two wounds. No chance to heal at all even with a doctor right next to him. Some have said it’s good so your opponent can’t get extreme prejudice secret objective, but how often does that really come up? It’s also only 1vp. As I mentioned I fell into the arms of Ikari lol. Mainly due to the fact they have Wu Ming. I also repurposing all of my old YJ for them. Old Invicibles for Tanko, Tigers for Bashi Bozuk, etc. I also love Yuan Yuans. So much fun with them. Next I’m really excited to try out more Karakuri with the new Total Invulnerable rules! My new love is Dahshat. Invincible Army Light. Mainly because I get to play with McMurough but also I really like the theme. I can use bunch of YJ with a few things I already had for ISS and Ikari.
Yeah. Thats were I was for the last two and a half weeks almost. "What army do I play now? Should I just ingest a little into tunguska and finish my nomads? Should I pick up ia? I have the terracotta with the hmg..do I go with the jsa?" Honestly i think i fielded the jsa by itself over the course of a yesr a...handful of times? I mostly used pieces for my YJ vanilla mode. I dont really want to get into mercs (na2) either. I have friends who are super big into that stuff and well I am not! So here I am trying to figure YJ back out. I have limited funds sure, cause the boyfriend is getting into ardiana. Specifically we know we are getting the dual box set for him. For. Sure. So at least I can get new daktini for the iss. But it leaves alot needed to get and in which order and junk. I will probably start with making the iss and ia have some functionality and fill in vanilla with good pieces. I mean. I still do have a -not- of models...just the world changed and evolved while i was away ;_;
On the note of salt. I can understand salt, really we all play this game. It is a game, it eats disposable income and there are a ton of other games out there that can do that too. From what I saw the actions kind of made me feel like CB was being all GW or PP gutting the press gang out of the blue. It left a bad and worrisome taste in my mouth tbh. I was debating selling my old jsa. Or gifting them to a new player to get things going.....instead I think I got to the point were I can go "well....worst case I have a full na2 army?"
Well, in all fairness sake, I myself find PanO and Nomads looking to be pretty cool to branch off into, as well as Morats ( And all of these for the simple reason of ''They have cool HI too.'' ). But yeah, I suppose going into ISS and slowly pedaling away into IA and vanilla is a perfectly valid option. And Dakini are amazing, so that's something useful for ISS too.
I'm a relatively new player, so I kinda went the long way around, but here is what I would do if I had to do it again, which may help you. Step 1 get Operation red veil, it is haqq vs yu jing. comes with some zanshi, ninja, a nice zuyong, tiger, it's the best. Keep both halves of Red veil, why? well the fasid makes a great proxy "conversion" for a lot of the IA heavy (mowang) and the newest merc army is Yu jing plus haqq with some mercs. Paint everything in the same scheme because as @Space Ranger pointed out you can walk away with 5-7 playable armies. Next up remotes, I used aleph rebots, and then bought the yu jing yaoxie. support pack, need a doctor or enginner. now you have the start of: Vanillia Yu jing Vanillia Haqqislam Dashat Company(mercs) Invincible Army from here build out your collection as it excites you, I'm a big time converter so I'm hacking models from the IA box into useable profiles. I then would grab kuang shi and celestial guard cause those are awesome in Vanillia and ISS, and if you're going into ISS, well... the robo kitty is pretty much required. and because ISS has some aleph units, I'm now building my aleph in the same scheme, so I have even more army choices with the same models! 7 Armies with overlaps in models, I'm cheap bit I love options! hope some of that helped!!
Like i said, i have -far- less to buy for my Nomads to once again finish the collection, then YJ. I plan to Run both armies, i love them for their different things. But, its part of that "i need to build YJ back up" and that i find that YJ might be a better match for Ardiana then Nomads. I have -no- idea WHY i think that. Its probably down to the "more fluff style interactions" cause iirc JSA fled to Dawn, and that YJ and Pan O still have small "we are here to HELP" (but really want your shit) huts on the planet and stuff...so lots of story idea/campaign idea's there It might ALSO be because the boyfriend was eyeballing my nomads like a hawk, and might swoop in to snag at them if he doesn't like the Duel box set for ardiana (which i doubt, he seems enamored with it)
Hmm good thought! I should probably post what i -do- own somewhere XD its not a small amount, alot of its Old,i might get to that at some point today, help kind of show what i have and what old as dirt models can be used as what, and so forth XD I do totally want Red Veil. My kiddos are getting to the age of "we want to play!" and i still have the Pan O starter from the duel box with the nomads, so with coldfront and red veil, i would have YJ,ISS,IA then JSA, then Pan O, then Aleph, then Nomads, and Corry, and bakunin (not enough for tunguska plays atm without proxy) i...don't like proxing models, comes from years of national level Warhammer 'ardboys games and Warmahordes tourneys....unless that model no longer exists in the range to play. Like the Raiden >.>''
I'm not sure if it came through on the older threads, but I am still very salty about how the Uprising was handled. I am totally fine with the Uprising happening. We had warnings from the start of the game that all was not one big happy family in YJ, and that became an open statement with Human Sphere in 2009, with the Kempeitai, Tatenokai, and the Imperial Service. I still have most of my YJ and JSA, have some old Ariadna and Haqq, and a Nomad Boarding Party (every Nomad model with Zero-Gee) that I haven't touched since the Wotan campaign. YJ really changed a lot in what they could do with the Uprising. As mentioned, a whole lot of the CC and sneaky abilities went with JSA, and we have very few sneaky options left in YJ. That's not ideal, but it hasn't made vanilla or Invincible Army unplayable by any stretch.
As the big man said, we lost a lot in certain fields. But I suppose it's sort of nice that the damage was only dealt in those isolated aspects of the faction, opposed to gimping us everywhere in every aspect across the board.
Yeah it was...pretty clear. To be fair if there was any disappointment I personally had over how everything went down with the uprising it was...how the forums handled it. And I am not talking about the players with feelings of hurt over things. Communication from both company and players seemed....just I had to take a second between the mountains of pages and go "really?! Like....really?!" But yeah. Section9 you have been around since like...my last couple jaunts into the game forums and playing about! This time around I want to make it stick well and get some good games and kind of join in the overall fun I see happens from time to time. Specially with how much story this game can have....and I think YJ has alot of that coolness factor for good story still
I suppose nothing quite says cool like having an S5 HI stealth raid unit. Or a transforming tiger robot.
I will be honest when I first bought into YJ.....it was the transforming heavy infantry. It screams board control for me! And yeah. Hac tao... God the first time I fielded that model against my friend it did so good it put the fear if the emperor into him lol. Nothing says "surprise cock%$#" like a predator style camouflaged power armor dude carrying a fracking big gun, just popping out of the marker they -thought- the ninja was under
Would you believe me if I was not referring to the Hac Tao and was referring to the Mowang? 'Cause, as odd as it is, I was actually referring to the Mowang. That thing is apparently a stealth raid unit. At least according to the Third Offense. Let's let that sink in... a hulking mass of armor and bullets... is actually a stealth raid unit apparently. Though the Hac Tao is amazing too. Nothing screams you ticked off the Emperor like a big dude with an HMG materializing out of thin air and taking over complete command of the battle whilst at the same time winning the battle themselves. Unless you go full Hsien. At which point it is basically the same as the Emperor coming down to slap you.
That always struck me as odd. They wrote all about them coming into a base unannounced, shooting the place up and booking it out of there before anyone can even consider to plea for mercy... and no Stealth. I mean, sure, they got Multiterrain and Mimetism, which makes sense in the ''They came from the trees and vanished into the trees'' arguments, but still... why no stealth-
I can see that having been a thing. Since if the Mowang has actual Camo, whilst it would not affect our camo shell game potential ( I mean, yes, that camo marker can be an angry Daofei, a slightly less angry Zhencha, a mildly annoyed Guilang, a mine, or a Daoying, it's quite clear what marker would be a Mowang, due to it's siluette. ), it would give us essentially another Daofei, except bigger, more durable, more order efficient, but witout Infiltration or a specialist profile. Like... imagine if the Mowang had Surprise Shots.
Camo Lt or NCO 5/6/2.99 Unit, yeah why not? Su Jian always needed some other fella to soak up aggros of grumbling. ;)
You mean, "like a slightly less competent, slightly cheaper, Hac Tao that's got more orders to spend"
I mean, we can't have the Su-Jians spotlight stolen, now can we? And I do suppose the Hac Tao comparison is more fitting. Albeit nothing is quite as spooky as a Hac Tao in Yu Jing. You thought those missing points amounted to a Ninja and a Tiger? Not at all, it's amounted to 68 points and 2SWC of kick-yer-arse.