I shook off the cobwebs last weekend, having not played since the Interplanetary, and headed to Cardiff to try out some OSS for the first time. Unfortunately I was pipped to the post on objective points but I'm still super happy with the outcome. For the record, another OSS player (Vohlere) came first with great tiebreakers, but I don't know what his lists were and Corregidor arrived in second place (grrr Nomads etc.) I didn't want to try out too many of the recent releases as I'd never played a season 10 tournament before and was pretty behind on what the new kit did. Plus I don't have many of the newer models anyway so I used the lists below. List One: HC/Unmasking/Supplies/Frontline ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 10 SOPHOTECT Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 31) YUDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3) YUDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3) PROXY Mk.1 Hacker (Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 14) PROXY Mk.2 MULTI Sniper Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 24) PROXY Mk.5 (Forward Observer) 2 Submachine Guns, Nanopulser, E/M Grenades / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) CSU (Specialist Operative) Breaker Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 15) DAKINI Tacbot HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 21) DAKINI Tacbot MULTI Sniper Rifle / Electric Pulse. (1.5 | 21) DEVA Lieutenant (Sensor) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 24) DEVA (Multispectral Visor L2) Spitfire, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 33) DART Submachine Gun, Viral Tactical Bow, E/M Grenades / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon, Knife. (0 | 34) DASYU Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 37) NAGA Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 30) 5.5 SWC | 300 Points Open in Infinity Army Simple, straight forward. Fireteam is two Dakinis, two Devas and the CSU who provides a much needed specialist. Proxy 1 can grant assisted fire, Proxy 2 and 5 slow the opponent down. Dart, Dasyu and Naga clog up the midfield. Sophotect keeps everything running and grabs objectives. This list came down in most games as it was by far the most flexible. Game 1 - Highly Classified 9(228) - 3(60) vs saintrangers w/ Tohaa This was a grudge match from a prior event where my USAriadna got smashed. Fortunately this time my opponent took the initiative, over-extended into a relatively open mid-table to pick up early classifieds but got shot up pretty badly by crossfire from my Proxies and the fireteam. There were all kinds of sneaky Tohaa shenanigans (guns that FO people, Dazers, Stratusclouds, bombs and mates, nullifiers etc.) but brute force carried the day. Lowlight: Turns out Symbiomates + Cover means you can pass armour saves on 2s against Combi fire. Highlight: The Proxy 5 keeping the right flank (including access to my HVT) secured and scoring two classified objectives. Game 2 - Unmaksing 9(85) - 0(90) vs hairywookie w/ Tunguska I'd never played against Tunguska before, so thought this might be interesting. The skirmishers dealt with anything that hairywookie put into the mid-table and got under the guns of a Sniper and Feuerbach. After that my Proxy 2 had free reign over most of the table and slowed any progress to an absolutely crawl. A last turn advance up the table saw my Datatracker (Spitfire Deva) kill the HVT and I snagged an extra target on the way there. Unfortunately almost my entire link was then cleaned up by a single securitate with a shotgun (who survived the process!) hence the low VP. Lowlight: Mary Problems frying the brain of my Dasyu. Highlight: My Naga frying the brain of Mary Problems (even if he did get crit Isolated in the process). Game 4 - Supplies 5(249) - 2(160) vs Riker w/ Hassassins I basically knew what was coming my way. I'd never played Riker before but I knew from reputation that he is a good player so I was seriously expecting my run to come to an end here. The Sophotect was woman of the match, fixing immobilised and isolated troops (Grrr Mutts!), becoming the Lieutenant and running into mid-table to gather the game-winning objective. This list seemed to significantly outgun the plucky assassins although suffered against all the Smoke they were throwing down and at one point had three models Isolated at once! Lowlight: Starting turn 2 with an isolated Lieutenant. Highlight: Killing a Fiday (and dealing with the Mine it dropped) in only 3 orders and with no casualties. Game 5 - Frontline 3(174) - 0(189) vs Epsolon921 w/ Tohaa A brutal game and another player I knew by reputation. We'd been in the same tournaments a few times but had never gone head to head so this was long overdue. I held the line on the first turn, only losing a CSU, and then counter-attacked with the Dakini HMG, Proxy 2 and the Dasyu, picking off several targets of opportunity. Casualties then started mounting up (and then being healed) on both sides with not a great deal of progress being made and the match descended into a bit of a quagmire. In the end, my infiltrators allowed me to dominate the centre zone. Lowlight: Having my Sniper Dakini and my helper bots blown out by a missile launcher. Twice. Highlight: The Proxy 2 opening up on a Tohaa Haris caught in an open firelane. Supremacy ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 10 ASURA Lieutenant L2 Spitfire, Nanopulser / Pistol, AP CCW. (2 | 72) BOUNTY HUNTER Sniper Rifle / 2 Breaker Pistols, Knife. (0.5 | 21) CSU (Specialist Operative) Rifle + Light Shotgun, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 12) DAKINI Tacbot HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 21) DAKINI Tacbot MULTI Sniper Rifle / Electric Pulse. (1.5 | 21) DEVA (Multispectral Visor L2) Spitfire, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 33) DEVA (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 24) PROXY Mk.1 Doctor (MediKit) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) YUDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3) PROXY Mk.5 (Forward Observer) 2 Submachine Guns, Nanopulser, E/M Grenades / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) DASYU Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 37) DART Submachine Gun, Viral Tactical Bow, E/M Grenades / Pistol, Shock CC Weapon, Knife. (0 | 34) 6 SWC | 298 Points Open in Infinity Army For the second list I really wanted to try out the new Asura options. I settled on the Spitfire as I wanted to have a super killy option vs TAK and Shasvastii camo spam. The rest of the list was pretty similar, although the bounty hunter was a questionable inclusion. I chose this list for Supremacy as I needed something powerful to drag the Xenotech around and the Asura is a big chunk of points to be able to quickly move between quadrants. Game 3 - Supremacy 8(???) - 7(???) vs corbec1986 w/ Ramah Taskforce I had no idea what to expect from this match as I had never played against Ramah before, and apologies that I don't know the VP as OTM is messing up. Corbec rocked along a walkway on my right flank with a Mukhtar Haris that ravaged that side (killing the sniper, Proxy1 and Dakini HMG). In return my Asura LT romped up the left and got 8 kills in 9 orders vs his Ghulam link, flashbots and baggage. From there it was just a bit of mopping up and keeping the Mukhtars hemmed in by skirmishers. Tons of OP on both sides due to the Xenotech bonus. A bold game though from quite a new player! Lowlight: Having basically my entire right flank pinned in place by the Mukhtar Red Fury. Highlight: The Dasyu hidden deployed mere inches from the Mukhtar Haris and being able to scoot into their collective blindspot before opening fire. Overall it was a great run event (thanks @Flipswitch ), with fantastic opponents and I couldn't really have asked for more. It was a real novelty having skirmishers and camouflage and stuff after playing a lot of Steel Phalanx and the army was very survivable with an absolute ton of NWI. In many ways it just felt like good, solid Infinity gameplay.
Wow LI lists with no Shukra ? Interesting! How do you fare a LI lists in OSS compared to typical 15 orders ones ? How did you survived alpha strike of Tohaa ?o0
I'm gutted I missed this one! It looks like the weekend was quite the success. I must get down to firestorm for their next event. Out of interest was it a LI tournament? Your lists are very different to what other people have been putting out (where 15+ orders seems the norm). Congrats on the great placing!
No, it was a standard event, but Phlyk is very good at using single Combat Group lists. Needing 15+ Orders is the 'received wisdom' but it's less true than players think it is. ;-)
Which Shukra profile would you use, Chain of Command presumably? I just feel the Shukra is quite squishy and unnecessary in the first list (the LT is pretty well bunkered) but could have been useful in the second - probably replacing the Bounty Hunter and freeing up points through shuffling skirmishers about a bit. I'm not sure what you mean? Honestly I'd never tried ~15 order OSS list before so can't compare performance. Every list I played against though was a combat group and a half, where mostly I survived by denying orders for their alpha strikes and trying to deploy carefully or trying to do much damage early on with my superior troop quality. With only 10 orders you can afford to not have any 'weak links' and even killing a Dakini is a substantial investment of orders for an opponent because of the link bonuses and multiple unconscious levels! In game 1 against Tohaa I reduced their order pool with a command token and then between my long range weapons, and my opponent's desire to get objectives and then find cover again I just didn't take that much damage. In game 5 against Tohaa again I reduced the order pool again, and was somewhat fortunate that there were a couple of failed attempts to drop Smoke. Overall my opponent didn't want to over-extend himself I think and settled for picking off the reactive CSU, trying to kill my Proxy 5 and consolidating up the table a bit hoping to keep me pinned down. Thank you! No, it wasn't a LI tournament but I really wanted to take a single combat group as I think Aleph are very good at it and I wanted to keep the amount of things I needed to keep track of to a minimum. Plus I didn't need to worry about my own 'alpha strikes' being blunted with command tokens. I'll admit though, I didn't really do any research before the event. What would a typical 15 order OSS list look like? I certainly had a run of reasonable fortune - including critting through symbiomates a couple of times and my Asura's glorious rambo run. I had some poor luck sometimes too such as against the Mutts and my Dasyu needing 3 orders to extract a supply crate while needing a command token for each attempt as I was in LoL. There were also several occasions where I could have played better but my rustiness was showing and I often needed reminding of what some of the new profiles and equipment were. Fortunately I had very understanding opponents!
Would think of Shukra Lt (non Asura list) as this additional order is tempting. At least to my experience is quite easy to make strong OSS lisyts havinf around 15-16 orders, and thanks to Proxies and Nagas sfill have skirmish presence. So you never went 2nd against Tohaa ? I was bit surprised how strong Tohaa with rasails and mates can hit. Would think that LI would have problems against Rasail with mate, but if you never went 2nd then it seems like smaller problem. Sorry for spelling, im writing from tablet. And gratulations on result :)
Ah I see what you mean. Maybe the extra order would have been better, but what would you have cut for it? I certainly didn't make use of my LT order - ironically except in the Supplies game where my Sophotect was appointed to the role!! I guess I just feel like the Shukra doesn't actually 'do' anything and I wasn't sure that 27pts was worth it for one extra order and a very obvious and vulnerable LT. Ahh, possibly I wasn't clear. In both games I went second and used a command token to strip two orders from their larger combat groups. Thank you for the congratulations!
Thanks for the write up! Much appreciated insights, especially into the viability of single CG lists.
So, more comments now that i have the time to write them :) First, i really like seeing some LI lists in a non LI tournament. I like LI lists since i think it allows to take more expensive, shiny toys, and i like the "small team of pros" feel these lists give. I'm pleased to see a sophotech in your first list. She's an expensive specialist, but a very strong one, and one that really fit OSS. Apart from the time she went Lt and did the job, how did she performed in the other games ? As for the Asura L2, you chose the spitfire instead of the more usual multirifle HD+ (well it wasn't for a specialist mission through). But you alse had a MSV2 deva, a linked one even. While i really like the asura, the deva is a strong, perhaps even stronger (in a 5-core) attack piece. You mentionned the Asura's rampage, was the deva pinned by the enemy ? Or did you expected to have to facetank shock attack (mines ...) and thus sent our most beloved pocket TAG instead ? Side question, did you encounter ADs ? LI with a strong midfield presence also means you have less troops watching your back. I feel like a lucky AD4 could just land behind you and do quite a mess, killing either the Lt., key specialists (Mk.1, sophotech ...) or fireteam members, depending on what lof could be found. Of course you would deploy carefully, but after your first turn, it would be hard to cover for every angles.
Same here. I've been genuinely shocked by the number of people who seem surprised to see an LI list do well. I'd love to know who else was playing 10 order lists that weekend as I don't recall seeing many, if any at all! Yes, she's not a model that I used very often as in vanilla I tended to have Machaon as my LT and then a Proxy 1 Engineer which filled my healing and repairing roles. I was happy to have her in my list all weekend! Game 1 - Against Tohaa she held her own in suppressive fire and guarded a firelane to my HVT. Whilst she didn't need to do any healing, her presence definitely emboldened me when using my fireteam. Game 2 - Against Tunguska she repaired my Dakini HMG once as I misjudged the range against a Grenzer Sniper. Otherwise I effectively took no casualties on my side of the table as everything that died was my skirmishers near my opponent's DZ and my over-extended fireteam at the very end of the game. Game 4 - Against Hassassins she was a hero! She kept fixing isolated and immobilised members of my fireteam and grabbed an objective as my Lieutenant in a very order efficient way. Again, my actual casualties were minimal however. Game 5 - She repaired my Dakini Sniper once and moved into mid table to ensure I captured that zone. Again, her speed was helpful. Overall she was most useful in the Hassassin game, but did at least something in every one. When all of your troops are good quality and have a role to play then they are worth saving. I did rather agonise about this choice, but thought that I really wanted a 'big gun' and a way of punishing camouflage spam armies. Doubly so because I didn't have a Sensor Deva in that list and I also wanted to have a significant threat on each flank. I'm not certain if this was the right thing to do as having her be a specialist would have given me a lot more flexibility if I'd needed that list for other missions and overall I thought it was a less well-rounded list. I also agree that the Deva Spitfire, when linked, is likely as good as an Asura for less than half the cost! But there is no such thing as too much MSV, and the Asura is great at being a Datatracker and dragging around a Xenotech. Against Ramah, the Deva was very much pinned by the Mukhtar Haris and a HRL Al Fasid, and was already down to a 4-model fireteam. The Mukhtars were somewhat trapped on the walkway they deployed on though so I concentrated on just reducing the opponent's order pool instead. I didn't come across any airborne deployment at all! Although the Hassassin list did have two impersonators. In practice the link itself (as well as the Proxies and the Sophotect) hardly moved in any of the games, or at least not until the last turn. They generally just formed a strong firebase and would shuffle around taking out targets of opportunity as they presented themselves. The Asura and the skirmishers generally went out into the table to gather objectives or actually hunt down opposing troops. This meant that I didn't really end up exposing my backlines until the game was well underway already and my careful deployment would often be well preserved. One thing that really surprised me was just how resilient this army was against attacks. There were many games where my troops just didn't die unless I completely overextended them. The one exception to this was the Naga which I don't think survived a single game!
Sounds like my Nagas. I am probably even more sacrificial towards them than I am Zeros when playing Bakunin
I didn’t take any LI lists for a change, but one of my Shas lists had a Combat Group of ten, plus a second group that was just four Taighas.
very interesting list concept and definetly differs from my lists. Have you considered the Naga Minelayer or do you than miss an infiltrating objectiv grabber? I would assume that the Naga Minelayer can hide the Dasyu pretty well
I think the Naga minelayer is a great profile, but I'd miss having two objective grabbers as the redundancy made things a lot more comfortable. If Dart was a Specialist Operative though then I'd be all over a minelayer! A guy can dream. Good point though about bluffing the Dasyu, but I think it would be given away as soon as they see your order pool anyway and I can't think of many situations when I'd reveal it in reaction.
Completely reasonable, but I had hackable stuff in both lists and both Unmasking and Supremacy had a Hacker Bonus so it was a bit of a meta choice. I saw that 'Hacker = good' and just doubled down on it. I can definitely see it going both ways though.
Yeah. I'd actually much prefer to have Dasyu KHD, but lack of mines is a really big issue in my opinion.
good point. Dart as a specialist would be so good ;-) Next question: when the Link ist almost inactiv until last turn, the Dakini HMG seems to be a bit useless otherwise it is an awsome beast in active turn. What do you think and how do you use it?