SYMBIOBOMB REQUIREMENTS The Requirements for SymbioBombs have been updated to match those for the new Symbiomate - so both of them now require a model not a marker.
It's already in the See Also section. As much as I think it should have been written as part of the Immunity Skill, it wasn't, so is on a separate page.
The Symbiomate entry is missing some rather important punctuation. The PDF reads: When a trooper in the Active Symbiont Armor state with a SymbioMate suffers a successful Attack—or is affected by any weapon or rule—that forces any ARM or BTS Rolls she will perform an ARM/BTS Roll with an Attribute value of 9, applying the Total Immunity Special Skill. Any other successful Attacks—or weapon or rule—requiring any ARM or BTS Rolls by the user during the same Order will also apply the ARM/BTS 9 Attribute value, and the Total Immunity Special Skill. However the wiki reads: When a trooper in the Active Symbiont Armor state with a SymbioMate suffers a successful Attack or is affected by any weapon or rule that forces any ARM or BTS Rolls she will perform an ARM/BTSRoll with an Attribute value of 9, applying the Total Immunity Special Skill. Any other successful Attacks or weapon or rule requiring any ARM or BTS Rolls by the user during the same Order will also apply the ARM/BTS 9 Attribute value, and the Total Immunity Special Skill. The missing hyphens dramatically affect the reading of the sentence.
While I agree the hyphenated version is perfectly unambiguous, the current one is unambiguous enough. It'd take a severe case of WAAC/rules lawyer to claim that [any Attack], [any weapon] and [just the rules that force ARM/BTS Rolls] trigger the Mate instead of [any Attack, any weapon, any rule that force ARM/BTS Rolls].
Like I said, while RAW might be slightly ambiguous (two readings possible, though you need to read into it to find both), the RAI is absolutely clear and it would take a lot of ill will to insist it's the other way round. But, sure, it ought to be edited better.
SymbioMates updated with the proper formatting - the code used to convert the original files into Mediawiki format choked on the em dashes.
Not to be a pest, but any word on getting Marksmanship LX updated to match the PDF and Printed version?
The wiki lists Kaplan KTS Services as being able to form a Haris by themselves in Foreign Company, the original image showed off was "special" only. is the Wiki a copy/paste or was the original teaser sectorial list incorrect? thanks They have both Haris and Special Fireteam: Haris. 2 KTS + Avicenna, 2 KTS+ Laxmee. The teaser stuff is never considered final as much as I wish I could have my Sophotect and Danavas linkable.
Wiki matches the Daddy's Fall profiles PDF, so most likely a change between the video being recorded and release.
neat! not that it really matters though since the Kaplan doctor is the same points cost as Avicenna, but still good to know