Every artwork had the Zhenzha holding a shotgun, we knew this was coming, but still, I am convinced CB deliberately releases the worst profile first or exclusively on purpose.
In a cynical way it makes sense. Just like how it also makes sense to specifically make the older models whose sales might be flagging good (Zuyong HMG)
GW used to make poor selling things broken (I think it happened with Biovores or pyrovores, been a while). And yeah, you buy the tiger BSG or the Daofei HMG to proxy, or buy 2 and convert one, and if the real model ever comes you buy it too. Genius.
The model is fantastic, I don't personally care what profile it is. I'll just proxy it as whatever. One of their best models, in my opinion.
I predict a smg sculpt in the next few months. CB has a history of releasing the one you don’t want, waiting enough time for you to give in and buy it, then releasing the actual good profile. Beautiful model, though.
IT has happened several times now. BSG Bandit before Hacker/Light Shotty (and still no Combi), DEP Tomcat (though that was N2), Spitfire Zulu Cobra (three Cobras and no Marksman Rifle one?!), HMG Daofei, Spitfire Hexa, HMG Taskmaster, Mk12 Kriza etc. And if they release bad profiles later they pack them with he good ones, like Nisses.
The Bandit is a terrible specialist. The BSG Bandit is by far his best profile and can wreck havoc like a budget Spektr. The profile is even more relevant with strong links that are terrible at dodging. Amazing looking model as well.
Maybe in generic Nomads. In Corregidor I haven't used BSG Bandit ever. While WIP 12 may be low, KHD Bandit is a "do anything" package: kills links with LSG well enough, stops heavy stuff with ADHL or kills it in CC and can take objectives too. On top of that she's 1pt cheaper than the "kill only" BSG Bandit. Meanwhile Combi Rifle Bandit is the only way for Corregidor to get some infiltrating mines aside from a Tomcat. And you know what, scratch that point about vanilla Nomads: Zeros do it cheaper while Spektrs do it better. Bandits in vanilla are a bit of a waste regardless of loadout.
You should try it then. ADHL is a one-trick pony that has very little chance of succes and generally a massive waste of time in active turn. E/Maulers and especially combined with a BSG is much more efficient. I would actually agree with you on the Bandit KHD in ITS 7-8, when terrible missions like "hold this with a specialists" were all over the place, so having WIP 12 didn't mean much. Today though, there's not much justifying anything but the Deployable Repeater + Combi profile or the BSG + E/Mauler profile.
You on drugs boy ? Killer hacker Bandit is best Bandit profile. We have 4 Nomad players here, including me, and I have seen BSG Bandit exactly zero times in lists. Even tho we all bought that model as a proxy for KHD, no one plays it. CB does this for some time now, I don't really mind since their proxy rules are quite generous.
Spitfire is the best Bandit profile, thb. The AHD can do work with the Multi Rifle, but Spitfire is where it's at. Just a shame we got the HMG sculpt - I always viewed the HMG profile to remain for legacy reasons (the old female Bandit had an old-style huge HMG), but sadly... well... it's not too bad a proxy.
盗匪 <-- This is the Chinese ICS for one of the Yu Jing units. Run it through Google Translate and you'll find out why I'm being an idiot =D
Learn new strategies then. Also learn to quote. Also also, yes the KHD is a shit profile, it tries to be several things, it succeeds at neither and there’s no place for it in a serious Vanilla list. Specialisation is key and you sound like the type of person who thought a Tactical Squad of Space Marines with a flamer and a missile launcher was a good loadout Spoiler it isn’t
Turns out weird on mobile when you want to do multi quote. Hard to see who you quoting on what. No need, we are already using superior bandit profile. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Good for you. I also enjoy McDonald’s even though I know it isn’t good food. I wouldn’t go around saying it’s good food though...