Yes. There a date a few months before shipping they usually make clear is the final possible day to change your address after which its locked in. Even then you can sometimes message them and get it changed. Depends if the things have left the distribution centres or not. I fully agree that for my price point you wouldn't get many minis in metal. Even plastic mini having games are going up in price. But I think that also passively indicates my preferences. I don't want zombicide humansphere edition. I honestly rather have a euro style politics and economy style board game or infinity's answer to Scythe (would love that more I think about it). More game, less minis if you follow me. Sadly CB needs to sell minis as their primary business. I really hope it stays economically accessible whatever they do or its gonna be a lacklustre diversion that goes nowhere.
I agree with everyone saying a small number of metal minis doesn't seem ideal to attract the board gamers/KS backers, but for me it's perfect. I've already got a couple of typical KS 100-mini games on the backlog which might never get painted - and of they do it will be low quality. My gaming group often pay dungeon crawlers etc., so being able to get something Infinity-related on the table with high quality, well-painted CB minis is a dream come true. Much better setting for me that the typical fantasy dungeon too. And with whatever Infinity crossover it brings, it's going to be a no-brainer purchase. Not sure I'll be willing to pay Kingdom Death prices, and not sure the wider board gamer market will be interested, but they'd have to really mess up for me not to pledge a hundred or two. PS anyone else think the baddies will include Taigha creatures?
I bet it will hit retail shelves. Aresteia! has a good reputation and coop dungeon crawlers are hot items on kickstarter. Plus you have amazing miniatures and art, and base Infinity mechanics are great. All of this depends on how smooth the kickstarter goes, of course (negative press from a flopped kickstarter can be crushing). The only problem I foresee is cost. Metal miniatures at Infinity current price point will be a tough sell for many people. If the game comes with 10 models at $10 a model, it doesn’t leave much room for much else that people expect in a modern boardgame. I am sure CB is fully cognizant of this though. Ready to drop my $300. I’ll be all in for sure. Already warned the spouse.
Hybrid had metal minis that crossed over to Confrontation. Was a fun game, translation issues and all.
At best, I'll piggyback on my friend's order (he has a ks problem) and buy the KS exclusive minis for resale at a later date.
Honestly I can see just the "player" characters being metal and everything else being a token or plastic counter (buy the actual figures from the infinity range if you want them *wink wink*). Considering how much I have dropped on Shadows of Brimstone and Forbidden Fortress, anything less than £500 will be a "small investment".
Carlos mentioned at Adepticon that the new CA/Shasvaasti beast warbands would be released with Defiance
Even though I'm a student so I can't spend a lot on ks, I think I will put some money in it. I really like the few dungeon crawler I played when I was younger, and one with Infinity, with more LORE, I don't say no. And the minis in there should be usable in infinity, so why not !
As I own already plenty of unpainted miniatures, personally I'd be more interested in a set of a campaign rules + heroes and board set. I' mean I don't need a shasvastii sectorial so I wouldn't mind some rules that would allow me to use miniatures from my own collection and replace shasvastii models in the campaign with a JSA/Tohaa for example. Having full cooperative mode would be nice. Currently with our gaming group we are playing Imperial Assault campaigns with FF app and I must admit we have much more fun playing against the app than we had when one player was responsible for commanding empire side.
1. I don't KS. I just don't have the spare $$ to plonk that much down in one hit (I tend to dribble the $$ over the year, instead of one swell foop). 2. "Dungeon crawl", co-op or otherwise. I just don't do them. It's not that I dislike them, I just don't see the point of them. I didn't get hooked by heroquest back in the day, either. I'll pass and spend my $$ on regular infinity stuff instead.
Depends on the timeframe between kickstarter and delivery - if all the design and sculpting is done and it's an October KS to fund production and delivery is for Christmas, sure. If I'm expected to freeze money for a year with possible delays, absolute no-go. Depends on the number and quality of sculpts and which factions they're good for Depends on the connectivity between miniatures and Infinity and their usefulness there Depends on whether the minis actually will be in metal instead of the horrible Aristeia! plastic Depends on the number and quality of exclusives Depends on the game design and mechanics used Depends on the price of shipment etc, etc. Too many variables to tell. In optimal variant, I'd be willing to shell out up to $100-$150
I'm not quite prepared to spend an unlimited amount of money on it, but it would have to get VERY expensive before I wasn't all in.
Was it any good? From what I got, people got it when it was cheap on their site on sale, to get minis for conf mostly. I got it for unique abberation and pests of flesh and hybrids, sold griffon part which was mediocre game wise. Still have it,lol, cards and cardboards, because it's on french so it's good for nothing to me.
I think Kingdom Death when I think "Hard to store and transport"... I personally don't mind as it's a mix of 2 things I Love...Board games and Infinity. This is a must buy for me.
Plus all the various mooks! Yeah, I'm going to wait till it hits retail. I just don't have the spare cash to back a KS anymore. Even if I do manage to get some cash back from Palladium (I went crazy on the Robotech Tactics KS. Shame it blew up, the game is really good!)
Saddly since my country restrictions i cant, but i certainly would help the KS to become true! hope the time doesnt extend beyond march 2020 :D
I think it really depends on what happens. I’m looking at what happened with Privateer Press with Undercity and Widower’s Wood for a coop version of a war game, and wondering how much CB wants to do differently. We already know they’re keeping the same models, and want to sell up the cross compatibility. I’ve already got two Operation boxes, a few Dire Foes sets, a bunch of Tohaa and Combined Army stuff. And I’m sort of scared to think of how many tile based game boxes my brother has. So I’m looking at Defiance and what I want to know is “What’s CB’s vision for what Infinity-coop looks like, and how much is the rulebook for that going to cost?”
That derp memories of Infinity the RPG makes me hesitate, buuut I'll be a happy man receiving the heavy weapon guy (which I believe he origins from Yu Jing faction). I'll throw out some serious backing!