I definitely like the fact that he's carrying his helmet on his belt. Unless he's packing e/m immunity not super enthused about him being an engineer though, kinda shitty.
Damn you! I'm not sure I'm going to be able to un-see that!!! Ughhhh... Yellow Card for you, sir! Unsportsman-like Pun! That would be hilarious.
Sometimes the sculptors get a little carried away. Check out Aelis Keesan some time. One pistol in hand, two more in thigh holsters.
At least his “third” is just a finger gun. Keesan doesn’t actually have anywhere to put the extra pistol when she goes to fire her rifle two-handed.
I like the thought on an engineer with some bts. Will probs be wip 14 if other yj characters are to go by. Probably won't be cheaper than the haidao. I imagine this also pushes tai shen to be more likely female.
I was more thinking the bonus Crits and strength and to-hit penalty all stacking. Along with +1Burst.
You guys reckon this guy could be a direfoe? What with them adding deva spec ops in the update and yujing only having one dire foe and spec ops template do you think we might see zuyong soon?
It's very blatantly obvious that's a Heavy Pistol if you look at the ( Admittedly rather glorious piece of HI Hardware ) HMG Al Fasid. Also I would not mind more HI for our very HI faction, for I do love me some HI so more HI is not bad.
Isn't this a bit unexpected that we get a new character and profiles few months after the sectorial was released? Unless this is another dire foes box, but since we got one last year I can hardly belive it. Maybe they even fix gujia or something...
You know, I just realized something... Tai Sheng also has a Chain-Colt and a single Heavy Pistol... I mean, this is a wild guess, but... what if this is the original sculpt the dude(s) responsible for making Tai Shengs sculpt made, but they somehow got mixed up and made a male sculpt instead of a female sculpt, and instead of scrapping it they just decided ''Lets recycle this accident into a new character, why not?'' Seems kinda plausible, depending on when the work on this CAD started, and it isn't unreasonable to assume such a mix-up, at least from my perspective: now I would be very glad if someone fluent in Chinese could clarify, but... is there anything in her name that'd actually give any hint to her being either a girl or a guy, 'cause when the first time we saw her name mentioned I had no idea myself which it'd be? I mean... if this were a female sculpt it would basically be Tai Shengs sculpt: it's got the two weapons present on all of her profiles: Chain-Colt and Heavy Pistol ( I know the sculpt shows Krit to have two of them, but this is not the first time CB managed to accidentally add too many pistols... I just brush those off as the troops being lazy to reload them. ). So... did we just get a new unit by accident? But that's just a theory! An HI related theory! Obligatory joke was obligatory.
That's called a "New York reload" in the US. Was very common when revolvers were the usual weapon, since reloading a revolver is pretty slow unless you are very, very practiced at it. And since Heavy Pistols are shown as revolvers in Infinity...
Patsy was also in that series of renders, she could be added into a Dire Foes with Krit. Continue the track of keeping ORC sculpts spread out in different box sets.