It would look cool but the other arm is open handed. You might be able to use the gun on his back and convert it to that hand.
This looks like the explanation for the teaser that Angel posted a couple weeks back... The one with the Yu Jing reference.
So Dashat is coming this year. I wonder what units and fireteam combos will be available to choose from? Zuyong and Brawlers seem to be a given.
I would use the Guija for a Merc T.A.G. is possible. I don't see myself palyign Yu Jing anytime soon.
When you have the choice of many high price HI infantry that can do much better then what's the use in even taking it except for when you need it or want to test drive it?
The problem is that it's also pretty basic, in a faction that has a bunch of cool weird stuff going on with its other firepieces. If it were only mediocre, that wouldn't be so bad. Mediocre can be made to work, even if not at top levels. But it's mediocre and boring. Which means that even the effort required to make it work is a lost cause, because you're only doing so to worsen your experience.
Yeah, want that. Might even arm-swap to get one Guijia with dual swords and the HMG on the back and the other with HMG in hand and swords on back. Sad but true. Agree.
Any chance for him to be in Dashat? Of course the Zhensha is the hacker version, but the model is oh so awesome!
He has a Heavy Pistol and a Chaincolt drawn. Since he is a Zuyong... second Heavy Pistol (or Breaker Heavy Pistol) in the holster makes sense for once. Btw Krit is an Engineer.