If anyone's interested, but also didn't know. The woman who modeled for that poster just passed away at the end of last month.
There were Multiple Rosies. One, named Mary Doyle Keefe, who passed in 2015, posed for a Norman Rockwell portrait. Here's her poster: . More information about all of them is available if one decides to look. Credit where due, all.
No. Mary Doyle was the model for that magazine cover I posted. She was not a riveter either, nor named Rosie, despite the name on her lunchpail and the riveting gun in her lap. Hence the name 'Rosie the riveter'. Naomi Parker was the model for the 'We Can Do It' poster.
Ah, right, I got it wrong 'cause according to the Wiki page for Mary, she initially claimed to be the model for We Can Do It as well, based on mistakenly believing the picture it was based on was of her, so I equated all of Norman's Rosies to the same model. But enough of the Rosies of old (at least in this thread)
so what ca release are we getting next month lads, ive been buying stuff for one army now for nearly 6? 7? months, its great
technically a tohaa release lets do it! we're due another fraacta before the rasyat gets a look in make maakreps great!
Honestly wouldn't mind if they reworked the mates to for example all armor rolls you fail in that sequence you can reroll once, for example I get hit by 4 shots I roll my armor rolls, 2 failes, activate mate reroll these 2 only one failed now, loose one wound
I've playtested a bit with that they can ignore a single hit, including a crit, and found that to work well.
how do you do it? you have to roll one dice less? or one of the dice you would have failed gets cancelled?
I don't understand the question. Opponent rolls hits. You can use a symbiomate to ignore a single hit, including any crits.
Ok now I understand it, also ignore all effects? Like explosive you use mate and don't have to make any rolls?