Dude, take some kudos here: You're doing a great job. Sorry if we're a bit irritating; just a bunch of kids running, yelling and messing around. Please forgive us. ;)
Gee, if only someone had said in advance that the Army update and PDFs were going to be on March 27th...
Sorry, mate. Juggling threads and FB myself and trying to make sense of all the changes. Wanted to ensure you see issues like that <3 It's a shame there aren't precise changelogs for all rule changes. They would be a bit of work, but would go a long way towards making sure everyone is on the same page at the same time and would be easy reference to point out to people, per "see, Total Immunity changed end of March 2019, it doesn't work like that anymore", etc.
This ^ Like I said before, the design of the changed rules has improved a lot, especially the Total / Vulnerable pair. We can see the progress in your design philosophy guys, it's really appreciated. Keep up the good job - we pester you because we care :3
Hym . New Total immmaturity skill em i reading it wrong or it basicly mean that 95% of times you just roll vs higher value ignoring all added effect of ammo - in case of lets say Kurakari Arm 3, BtS 6 - it means i will roll always Vs value of 6 beside some random things like causing a forced roll vs Arm of 3 due to some caind of Dengerous terrain rule ?(or if i decide that for some reason i prefere to roll vs 3 cos im trying to lets say loos my own unit )
*shrug* Call it like I see it. We've known since the announcement of Daedalus Falls that the update was March 27th. We didn't have an exact time during the day for it, but we knew it was the 27th. It really shouldn't surprise people that there's questions constantly being repeated over new rules interactions or that there's a desire for the Wiki to get updated. And if anything it highlights the need for a "potential list of FAQs" in a timely manner or something of that nature when these things come out. And you don't exactly contribute sunshine and rainbows to the community.
Dawn be damned, two trolls under one bridge. One with the drive by snark and the other with drive by expletive whine about a unit being their whole contribution :D So, how about that Daedalus' Fall update, maybe?
more i read thous rules it cause more problems .. SPECIAL TERRAIN vs Total immunity on the roll of 15 in force a ARM + Bts roll vs 11dem - so TI turns it to one roll vs Arm or BTS ?? - so it is worst ?? or i may not usea TI in this case ? other thing : "If affected by a weapon or Ammunition with the Non-Lethal Trait (see Infinity N3) that forces an ARM or BTS Roll, owners of Total Immunity won’t suffer its effects, so they won’t make the ARM or BTS Roll, nor any corresponding Guts Roll." so if Ti unit gets from Flash pulse or Glue gun it may not pass or fail a guts roll but if i desire to actualy fail guts roll and go to hiding ?? Edit : Glu gun - it is PH roll :)
Environmental damage isn't special ammo, so TI would let you take ARM+BTS as two ARM or two BTS if you wanted ADHL is mentioned in special cases and ignores TI Yes, if you choose to use TI to ignore a non-lethal attack you can't make a Guts roll.
i think im unable to choos not using TI as it is Automatic Skill And ADHD is not Vs Arm or BTS and forced PH test so by definicionit ignores TI :)
Ok Morfo Scan Vs units with Values coming out from peace of Equipment - Mostly motorcycle - Superior movment comes from equipment - Bike and there is a profile of a unit without a bike so morfo scan is coping a rider of an equipment - dismounted profile or it is coping a peace of equipment ? if it coping a equipment it only consist of superrior movment and some time a n Added Armor value no BS or Ph as thous belong to a rider. other thing .. not related to Dedalus Can any unit mount dismounted Motorcycle ?? lets say a n Aregato hops down from his bike and Shikami hops in ?? 0-o '