I have a suspicion that E/M actually doesn't affect Ghazi outside of isolation, which they largely don't really give a shit about anyway.
As my friend put it, most of those things is something the Haqq player wants you to do. It's like how a Varuna player want MacHaon to run out and face to face them with an Eclipse Grenade. Tai Sheng spec fire hits on 3s. Hulang can't hit at all. Zhencha or Hulang are high value targets for the Haqq so rounding the corner means the odds of an E/Marat doing it's job is good. Sat Locking requires the sniffer to make it there but it's maybe the best chance when sacrificing only an 8 point REM (with good BTS) to do it. Still requires an investment of two combat group slots and 34/0.5 that you typically do not otherwise take (I totally count Son-Bae as a reasonable include)
I had the impreson that a jammer should be comms equipment.... but shit, your'e totally right. It doesn't have the TAG, it's a technical weapon but not comms equipment Taisheng aplies fireteam bonuss to PH due to 5 member linkteam. In good range+half a circular template ~10,2' (26cm), PH at base 12s. In bad range 6s. If you measure nice with your bare eyesight, you can stick the sniffer in the border of it's ZoC. you have 1' margin to put that sniffer inside. the measurement is made from the closest borders between sniffer and miniature. Of course your rival would laugh because the amount of fuel you've spent taking care of a gazi.
Oh yeah, I was remembering -6 at 8-16, but it's -3. That's still 20% chance and an expected 7 or so orders to disable the Ghazi, problem is Ghazi are AVA 4.
Another reminder that Speculative Fire measures range from attacker to target just like any other attack, where you place the template does not affect your range, if you're out of Jammer range you'll be out of the +3 range of grenades.
Thank you for doing this @Greysturm Excellent help for someone looking at IA and working out where to start.
The problem is, it really is worth that much effort to kill a Ghazi. Their table effectiveness is a long way from their points cost. It's just your mind, you won't miss having it!
How are we finding non-pain train lists? I've got a load of YJ kicking about but not enough zuyong to do the big link.
Zhanshi core with haidao sniper is absurdly good and a lot less match-up dependant than Tai-sheng's pain train. It's also much easier to build lists that let you dick around with mowangs, hulangs, zhenchas and hac tao. And if you really want to play zuyongs, the haris packs almost as much punch and orders than the paintrain.
This. This is the "correct" way to play IA, in my opinion. Zhanshi are the core of the sectorial with navy elements as direct support and invincibles as auxiliaries. People learn to stop pain trains eventually and a single mistake when moving 200 points around can easily make the game unrecoverable.
That’s thoroughly depressing. If I wanted light infantry as the core of my force then I wouldn’t choose the HI sectorial.
Well, you're not exactly spending orders on the zhanshis, they're juste here to provide orders and fireteam bonuses to the haidao. You might use them to push later in the game, or to fire speculative grenades if needs be, but 90% of the mission will get done by HIs and/or remotes.
This is the 'Red Pill' of IA. Core team selection of Zuyongs are way too much eggs in one basket; and they are good enough in Haris. Which means, more Haidaos in your IA; the better(lol) the army. Fuel your beatstick with them, and don't hesitate shooting someone with Haidao. You'll love it.
Cheers guys, will have a tester game and see how they do. Any particularly good synergies you've found whilst using the zanshi core,?
The sad part is that the sectorial isn't really designed to play that way, it's designed to play with a core of HI. So, in effect you're going to be trading a bunch of good profiles (and smoke access) for that Zhanshi core - otherwise it plays fairly similar to vanilla. You're going to have to get a lot of mileage out of that Zhanshi core or you're simply put just better off playing a very similar list in vanilla. Had the sectorial been properly designed around having an LI support core, we'd have a bunch of sectorial-unique profiles. This has a lot to do with how the game naturally punishes having a lot of models in the same place (it makes it much more order efficient for an opponent to Move-Kill during their active turn and it makes mistakes more likely and poor positioning more inevitable as you'll be forced to crowd up) P.s. I should aadd that since IA units have fairly high cost and high AVA in vanilla, you're not going to be able to increase their spam, either, because AVA is unchanged or because it's simply too expensive.
Literally everything; I prefer Mowang with Daoying duo, never a miss. Lets wait for N4, I hope results from IP or ITS X would ring some bell on CB. Extended link ranges would be really welcome though.