Playing a 2v2 game last night one opponent moved his knight Hospitaller link (his full 150 points} close to the edge of the board. I dropped in a Tomcat and walked up to flame thrower range. Opponent declared engage so I elected to flame in the hope of doing a wound or two before moving the engaging guys into line of fire of the Kazak link team behind me. 4/5 of the fire team failed their engage and subsequent save rolls. The Kazak finished the remaining guy next order. Just wanted a place to share this story... Anybody have similar stories of ludicrous rolls.
Not as awesome as your Tomcat, but a while back my Zero KHD managed to kill my opponent's Mary Problems and an Interventor on the reactive turn. Same reactive turn my Sin-eater Observant scored a crit and 3 hits on his Kriza, killing it outright. I really thought he was going to dive across the table and strangle me.
My best roll happened when I made a questionable decision to shoot a TR bot with a linked Ghulam HMG (granted, the bot was out of cover, but then it was a CA TR bot). I rolled 3 crits and 2 dice just a point below crits. It would be hilarious if bot rolled at least a crit in return though, but it didn't. I guess that bot soaked all of the karmic retribution on behalf of every TR bot randomly critting things that week in that club.
Moran in suppressive did all 3 wounds to a fully linked Joan Spitfire. I had an Iguana ejected to a T2 round on my active turn, first face-to-face, 3 games in a row. He was literally deploying the Vet Kazak just standing out of cover by the last game.
My friends doesn' take s good my critic with a roll of "1" from my moderator, that kills his Saito Togan :)
I once had a nasty Batdroid link sitting huddled around an objective. And I had some linked Wildcats nearby. So! I moved one of them in range and after the link broke up to declare BS attack on some and Dodge on specialists, unleashed double Light Flamethrower. The entire link burned down and this won me the game. Not as impressive as the OP story, but I still remember it fondly. Also had a few Flamethrower duels between Wildcats and Naffatun which I came out on top of, that was also funny. God, I love light flamethrowers.
Had a mate walk on an Akal and BS my Wildcat link in the back, he goes "I'll probably die to the LFTs now." Me: "nah, I shoot back with my Combis". I won all the FTFs.
Only one that comes to mind is dropping a linked Suryat HMG with Jaguar ARO Panzerfaust crit. The Jag went on to sticky 3 more models that game I think and managed to survive.
In a first match between two my buddies one of them managed to spot Xeodron with a Clipsos (on a second attempt, interestingly enough) and proceed to launch a Guided missiles with his Chaksa. That missile dropped said Xeodron Dead in one go, which is like, what, 1,5% chance of that happening?
I didn't mean "missile" in a sense "Guided Missile Launcher BS Weapon", but strictly speaking you are correct. Kinda obvious, considering nothing but Fire or Monofilament Ammo can send a Xeodron straight to dead in one hit.
My Bandit literally put a Tohaa force into retreat once. Killed a Sukael, Makaul and Kumotail in the opening three orders, it was awesome. Next order he shot a Chaksa Auxiliary and the temple clipped the CoC dude and another Makaul, bounced his own save, they all failed dodge and ARM etc. The remaining orders followed in much the same pattern. Felt sooooo good.
On the receiving end... 2x O-Yoroi midfield behind LOS blocking. One peaks at a HRL yu-jing linked team on top of building. 1x ARO possible (2x HRL shots) confidently shoots its HMG (not AP at the time). Got hit twice and blast hit 2nd O-Yoroi as well. Both failed initial save, then both failed fire save, then 1st one failed 2nd fire save. O-Yoroi #1 barbecued. O-Yoroi #2 on 1 structure left... Dice. This was in a tournament.
Best combo with a tomcat: Drop inside, move + plant repeater. Move + fire... the enemy all dodged, so I shoot. Enemy turn: 4 enemy HI troops had to chose between reset and getting flamed... and they were in a conga line! XD Best roll: Mk4 HRL proxy. ARO. Roll at 4 vs sniper linked Unidron, 1 dice at 4 Vs 2 dice at 14 (there was a saturation zone in the middle). I critted and the Unidron totally blowed up (fire ftw!). Vs a Raicho, I did not crit... but the Morat player failed 3 straight ARM rolls vs Fire template XD Most hilarious: that same mk4 advanced and shoot against a Zero five times. It all ended when she critted the Zero with her knife XD Most hilarious enemy miscalculation: Raicho on one corner of the table, my Unidron Fireteam (double ML, double FO, regular dude) on the opposite corner, the Raicho declares Move (no move) + fire, I return 2 ML templates. We were at 127cm so... the Morat had to repair the TAG XD
I had a game where I deployed like crap and was way out of position with, like, everything. My Interventor LT and my Clockmaker were both in positions that had looked fine at the time, I guess, but they had no support at all and were facing the entirely wrong way when Saito Togan pops up to wreck my day on Reactive Turn 1. I can see it all come crumbling down. I'm counting the number or Orders it will take for Saito to kill my Engineer, kill my LT, and start walking toward objectives with impunity. The only play I had was an awkward pistol shot from a Morlock in bad range, and I had to basically beg for the LoF (He totally had LoF, but it was a rrrrrrrrrrrrrrealy close call). BLAM! Dead Saito. Not even a crit. I've never been happier rolling a 1 on a D20.