Looking at the NA2 sectorial lists, I dunno what would make up their half of the 2 player box, though. It's all just existing models, apart form a couple of characters.
Yeah totally no chance for Foreign Company in the box after seeing the latest video. Hugely disappointing for me. Hmmmm I guess we are for a big surprise at GENCON. or maybe there will be no Operation box and just Shasvantii box?
Not at all. Absolutely not interested in either possible armies in this box (as far as wild speculation goes) ! Must be able to purchase the comic as a separate item.
I think there is some misunderstanding here. We were talking about a bundle, a special offer, and the fact that the comic story is related to the army (I assumed it would be foreign company), not that it is sold only with the box. That would be absurd.
Oh i get it : you mean the story of the book is in relation with the content of the box, and the book would be like Saito : free if you purchase the box ? In this case yes, that would be definitely great
I still think it will most likely be tohaa and shasvastii but if they did the foreign company vs shasvastii what would the FC box look like. 6 models to make up the starter plus a 7th exsclusive one that gets released later on. So the most obvious would be the 4 sof characters. Maybe having senor massacre as the exsclusive to get his own individual resculpt later on since he can be used in other armies. That would 3 left which would normally reserved for the line infantry. I dont see them adding 3 more securitate models but maybe 3 kaplans?
I just don't see a likelihood of any NA2 force that borrows so heavily from other factions being given a starter box, let alone half of a 2-player. The only possibility I can really see is a NA2 character set like the Outrage box, but that doesn't really work well for Operation style missions either, so I would suspect that to be independent and tied to the comic book much like Outrage was.
Tada* Foreign starter/part of Battlepack 3 Characters 3 Kaplan 1 aditional Character for the Battlepack, Shasvasti get a sphinx Foreign s5 Valkyrie. You heard it here first.
Foreign company starter will be 2 bolts with bsg, Hannibal, croc man FO, CSU rifle/lsg, brawler engineer and special Securitate with Feuerbach
After watching the video I think Foreign Company is very unlikely to be in the Operation box. Carlos said in the video that only Valkyrie will receive a skin for infinity (soon) because her Aristeia outfit is over the board. The rest I suppose will stay in plastic because they looks I just fine for Infinity. I expected this NA2 to be more like the new Japanese with lots of new profiles and miniatures. That did not happen. We have to remember that we were told that we get 5 new armies this year, and last year the NA2 armies composed of mostly existing models did not count. I would expect two more full armies/sectorials releasing this year and possibly one of them at GENCON.
I'm not businessman by any standard, but I feel like it'd be both in bad taste and not great for sales to release a brand new alien faction that could probably be slotted into Tohaa or CA.
given all the "Daedelus' Fall is the final book in the Uprising trilogy" talk, i expect we won't have more new fluff developments for a bit so we can catch our breath <_< which likely means no shiny new armies coming out of the blue. Seems more reasonable to expect the other half of the Shas vs whoever box to be a revamp of an existing range. I could kinda see foreign company - between kaplans, CSUs and the four aristos theres enough models there to make it work. But still.
Inb4 they open up the Daedalus gate again to try get toha back on the line but they gate goes somewhere else now. Surprise its ya boi Nemesis. Idk.
We're getting revamped Shas and Tohaa out of it as-is. Only way we could get more aliens would be for CB to rescult Exrah!
I hope box will contain Shasvasti and Tohaa Triumvirate that have to reveal themselves to save Tohaa’s in HS!!! So I’m waiting for that!
Two boxes for the same army in one year (army box and operation box)? Has it even ever happened before? I think this is the most unlikely option of all.