I think the major problem is that puts all of their eggs for the big boxes this year in the Tohaa basket. Setting aside the usual blah blah about aliens not selling, I think they know to spread around to their player base. So I think what probably happened was an initial plan to have the operation box be Spiral vs. Shas, and that plan changed. Maybe b/c of design challenges/changes, maybe b/c they had more models they wanted to include on the Tohaa side instead of commit more SKUs to blisters/boxes. So now the operation box at GenCon will be Shas vs. something we don't know about yet.
That's unlikely. Spiral Corps is the AdeptiCon release this year, like JSA was last year. I'm kinda guessing Shas versus RTF, but I vaguely remember that the Red Veil Haqq was supposed to be the RTF starter. Makes it look more like Shas v Dashat or Foreign Company for the GenCon box.
I could see it still being Shass vs Tohaa if they were wanting to a large number of their models on the market at once then make them wait 2 more years for something new.
My guess would be Shasvastii vs Foreign company, to attract Aristeia players, some cool named characters to drive sales, it makes sense to me... let's see
This!! you called it first. Shasvastii vs Foreign company. I also bet the new comic book will be about foreign company fighting Shasvastii
It was mentioned in at least two or three recent videos. Carlos said they are very excited to bring another graphic novel in 2019 as the last one was a great success. I think Foreign Company led by Hannibal and a plot that involves Shasvastii would be interesting. It is good for both the Infinity and Aristeia fans. i join the "stupidly premature speculation" and say FC and Shas Operation box and new comic book bundle with, of course, a LE miniature for GENCON. There you have it!
I'm really glad outrage did well enough for another one. I always enjoyed the 40k comics, but those were pretty few.
Hannibal has Biometric Visor, I feel like that's a giveaway that the next battle pack will be Foreign Company vs Shasvastii.