Saturation + Low Vis Zone is exactly what Nimbus warfare creates :) What I wonder, if an IMP marker can get a pockemon. It's not a trooper technically.
He also called Saito a Hacker...probably best to wait until the profile drops later this week before worrying too much.
This is what I've been able to decipher from the blurry booklet images New Units Taagma Schemers MOV 4-4 | CC 16 | BS 12 | PH 10 | WIP 13 | ARM 1 | BTS 0 | W 1 | S 2 | AVA 1 Equipment: Holoprojector L1, Tricor Device loadout Skills: Fireteam: Triad, Counterintelligence, Stealth, Shock Immunity? Weapons: Breaker Combi / Viral Sniper?, Nanopulser | Pistol, Knife Kiel-Saan Covert Assault Unit (Active Symbiont) MOV: 6-2 | CC 21 | BS 13 | PH 14 | WIP 12 | ARM 4 | BTS 6 | W 2 | S 5 | AVA 2 (Inctive Symbiont) MOV: 4-4 | CC 21 | BS 12 | PH 12 | WIP 12 | ARM 0 | BTS 0 | W 1 | S 2 | AVA - Skills: Assault, Dual Wield, Hyper Dynamics L1?, NBW Weapons: Mk12/Red Fury, Panzerfaust | Heavy Pistol, DA CCW, Shock CCW Draal Saboteurs (Active Symbiont) MOV: 6-2 | CC 15 | BS 13 | PH 12 | WIP 13 | ARM 2 | BTS 6 | W 1 | S 2 | AVA 1 Skills: Fireteam: Triad, Forward Deployment L2, Hyper Dynamics L1?, Multiterrain?, Specialist Operative?, Stealth, Stratocloud, (Minelayer option) (Inctive Symbiont) MOV: 4-4 | CC 15 | BS 13 | PH 12 | WIP 13 | ARM 1 | BTS 0 | W 1 | S 2 | AVA - Skills: Fireteam: Triad, Forward Deployment L2, Multiterrain?, Specialist Operative?, Stealth, Stratocloud, (Minelayer option) Weapons: {Submachine Gun, Pulzar}/ AP Marksman Rifle, D-Charges, ??? / Antipersonnel Mines | Viral Pistol?, Knife Kriigel Agents MOV 4-4 | CC 16 | BS 12 | PH 10 | WIP 13 | ARM 1 | BTS 0 | W 1 | S 2 | AVA 1 Skills: Fireteam: Triad, Pheroware Tactics: Eraser, Mirrorball Weapons: {Submachine Gun, (Phero-weapon?), +Lieutenant option} / {Breaker Combi Rifle + Light GL} / {Breaker Combi + Smoke GL, +Lieutenant option} | Viral Pistol?, Knife Reex Escorts MOV 4-4 | CC 12 | BS 11 | PH 10 | WIP 13 | ARM 0 | BTS 3 | STR 1 | S 1 | AVA 2 Skills: ???, ???, ??? Weapons: {Boarding Shotgun, ???, ???} / AP Marksman Rifle / Spitfire | Pistol, Electric Pulse Kiuutan Imposters (Active Symbiont) MOV 4-4 | CC 15 | BS 12 | PH 11 | WIP 13 | ARM 2 | BTS 6 | W 1 | S 2 | AVA 1 (Inctive Symbiont) MOV 4-4 | CC 15 | BS 12 | PH 10 | WIP 13 | ARM 0 | BTS 0 | W 1 | S 2 | AVA - Skills: Hyper Dynamics L1?, Inferior Impersonation, Stealth?, V: Courage? Weapons: Combi Rifle / {Submachine Gun, ???} / {Submachine Gun, ???} | Viral Pistol, Knife Sectorial Army List Underlined are those units that were not mentioned in the video Kaauri Sentinels AVA 4? Rasail Boarding Team AVA 2? Kerail Preceptors AVA 1? Kosuil Assault Pioneers AVA 3, Triad Kaeltar Specialists AVA 1?, Triad Taagma Schemers AVA 1, 2 Fireteam options (Triad, Special) Kriigel Agents AVA 1, 2 Fireteam options Reex Escorts AVA 2, Special Fireteam Kiel-Saan AVA 2, Special Fireteam Chaksa Longarms AVA 3, Fireteam options (Duo + Triad?) Draal Saboteurs AVA 1, Triad Kiuutan Imposters AVA 1 Igao Unit AVA 2? Clipsos Infiltrators AVA 2 Greif Operators AVA 1 Kumotail Bioengineers AVA 1, Triad Diplomatic Delegates AVA 1 Neema Saatar AVA 1, Triad Aelis Keesan AVA 1, Triad Helot Militia AVA 3? Brawlers AVA 2?, ? Fireteam options Wardrivers AVA 2? Cube Jaegers, AVA 1 Anaconda AVA 1, Special Fireteam Monstruckers AVA 1 Armand Le Muet AVA 1 Chaksa Auxiliaries AVA ?, Special Fireteam Chaksa Servants AVA 2 Warcor AVA 1
From the article shared on Facebook: "Although Spiral Corps is not a Tohaa Sectorial, it’s possible to use their profiles and miniatures as reinforcement for the Tohaa army since all the new troops are valid for this faction. However, some weapon loadouts or special abilities are restricted to Spiral Corps"
Some of this seems kinda off, I mean theres 2 draal saboteurs in the box, and 3 Reex, why would they be AVA 1 and 2 in spiral corps? Could those be the vanilla tohaa AVAs?
Printed profiles almost always show the Vanilla AVA, with the Sectorial chart giving the special AVA in that specific army list.
So are those sectorial group numbers pulled from the video or extrapolated, because they match the unit AVAs?
True, no berserk. But the Kiel-Saan is good up to 32" with its combination of BS weapons, can still be revived after it looses its 3rd wound, and also has a Metachemestry Lvl 1 roll, (that is what is misidentified as hyper-dynamics).
That's an interesting rule on a heavy infantryman. A lot of the metachem rolls that are mediocre on a CSU or a Morlock get really good on a big buff dude with multiple wounds and excellent melee.
Yeah, suddenly the White hacking device looks a lot more appealing just to get access to Fairy Dust, and your opponent is really going to hope they brought an Assault Hacker.