I don`t know a single one, who checks all the new releases, news and so on. I don`t care about the brands and stuff, I just get what is reasonably priced and looks good to my taste and people who are into fashion are most likely to have way bigger clothes collection. I am sure that there are men who enjoy it but probably their % is around the same of female wargames players. So far I haven`t seen any results of their appeal...
Apparently it is up for debate :) There are tangible biological and psycological reasons for why boys like to play with different toys than girls and they are by no means socially constructed (except if you assume that social conventions have been internalized into our biology to some degree). Traditional gender roles are a thing, I agree, but let's not dismiss the fact that men and women are biologically different to a relevant degree, which is highly reflected in general fields of interests. Occupational choice is another dead giveaway of this phenomenon. Women are vastly overrepresented in education and care sectors for this very reason. Of course, but that's just not the case anymore, is it? And neither is it the case for women or women of colour or transgender women of colour or whatever marginalized minority you want to pick. We are as diverse and open as never before.
That's a relatively intense form of being knowledgeable about fashion and keeping up to date with fashion trends, which isn't common amongst women either. But I definitely know Men who are watching the Red Carpet fashions, and like to keep up with their own social group's fashion consciousness, which is really extremely common. You might not care for fashion, I actually personally do. And many men do! This analogy is flawed and your personal anecdotal data is not really relevant in a broad sense. Now if you were to say "it is not considered masculine to be extremely fashion conscious" then yes that's probably true, but also pure socialisation, nothing biological there. They've only just started their change. It may take time to have impact. But also 1) just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there, and 2) we are talking about a large successful and recently very strong company here, they clearly have a business plan which involves this, data to back it up etc.
For the most part, no. Ah.. so you actually ARE a flat-earther, just in the biological sense. The so called blank slaters, the ones who have indoctrinated themselves into believing the hard anti-science of there’s nothing biologically driven of why boys mostly prefer action toys or why women are mostly driven in nursing fields. It’s hillarious to me that you throughout this entire conversation have taken the know-it-all attitude when your world view is based on a quasi-religious viewpoint.
But not, I believe, as much as we should be. How many gay Infinity characters are there? How represented are lgbt people in Infinity? Not very.
My point (across all those topics) is that diversity isn't a single monolithic political-correctness crusade. There are different facets. So, whilst Baldwin's point about representation is perhaps worth talking about for race, or sexuality, it's not the same as gender - after all women have been represented in one form or another in culture since forever... however, the male gaze is how one can dissect those representations to see how well they stack up, no? And, yeah, I'llI'll be the first to admit that recently the profile of gay people in popular culture is much higher, but doesn't that highlight the importance of diversity?
One area where Infinity is distinctly and notably very strong, extremely strong, is it's portrayal of non-White people. I'll absolutely give CB that, it's an extremely diverse setting. Would be nice if PanO minis were painted to look more ethnically in line with the PanO background, but YJ? Haqq? Nomads? Fair play.
How many would you expect there to be and why would the topic come up anyway in a setting that largely revolves around warfare and where very little info is given on individual characters and their sexual preferences in the first place? For all we know any of those miniatures could be homosexual and some of them might even be transgender.
Indeed! Precisely because of this increasing diversity - I get the feeling we're singing from the same hymn sheet and preaching to the choir...
It depends what we mean by "cares about fashion". What is flawed in my analogy? If you look at men centered sites/channels/whatever they don't talk about fashion but rather some other hobbies. I didn't see any new female players. Women mostly are not interested in warfare and wargames are about it. Warhammer is in addition is a pretty brutal and dark setting which even not all men may like, so GW has either to tone it down and ruin the established universe or leave as it is and don`t see the results. Battlefield V was more "female friendly" but they only the alieneted original fanbase.
It doesn’t highlight shit for me. Half of my family is gay so I’ve never regarded gay people as anything special or of something that needs special representation. The movie roles that puts excessive focus on gay people being gay have always been off putting to me, because that doesn’t actually normalise homosexuality, it’s often patronising. The same way I, and my gay family members, loathe Pride Parade. It’s not helping any gay people to be viewed as normal people, when you have leather dressed BDSM men taking a wank, on a public street in front of children even. I don’t have anything against homos in media but I don’t like them when they are forced, like gay people in a medieval setting merely for the sake of diversity when in reality those people would be hanged or burned for their sexuality. It removes the immersion merely to cater to a demographic in an often patronising way.
In the little character asides, I guess. And in background stories. It's not about having quotas or trying to make it mainstream, but I think it'd make for a richer, not weaker setting.
They might! But because, as you say, the default or "norm" is being a straight cisgendered person, the assumption is of course that any character is straight until suggested otherwise. And that's something that you need to address, if you want to feel inclusionary, because unless you specifically represent these people then they won't be represented. And I think Infinity should be inclusionary, personally. I think that'd be very cool.
So yeah, to anyone else watching, especially CB. Never cater to these people. Not only are a disturbing amount of these male feminist sexual predators but they are pure cancer to anything they touch. I have provided data, they have provided ideology.
No, the assumption would be that most are heterosexual and some are homosexual, just like in real life.
And, that sounds like things were pretty cool within your family, although I'm only going on that one sentence, so what do I know? If, as you say, there was nothing abnormal to you in your upbringing about being gay, then that's the sort of experience that I guess we'd both want to be universal. In the wider world, though, it isn't. I get your point about patronising, and a lot of "Diversity" will be that. What's better is finding different perspectives, and giving those stories a broader platform, right?
It might be by you, and that is laudable, but it is not by many. To be inclusionary you should be overt, you make it clear that representation is there and open, because it makes a statement that helps shape the community. The community is what matters! The characters aren't real but what they say makes a difference.
No, it isn’t, this is mainly the reason why several of my cousins from my fathers side fled from Iran. Ask them if they care about Disney making Lefou openly gay, in an industry that celebrates homosexuality. Ask them if they are confused why the so called social justice warriors won’t raise a voice over gay people being hanged from cranes because criticism of said country would be “racism” or “islamophobia”.