Is it bad that I'm actually wishing that CB wants to drive sales hard, so they will give some surprise buffs on the Guija to sell their LE version?
Yeah... the old sculpt is really good and there's no incentive to use that model. It's just taking up space in my bags. Unless there is an incentive to actually play the Guijia and play two Guijia at that, there will be no purchase of that one. Edit: right... it's an ITS tournament reward pack thingy.
I'm idly considering what changes it'd take to make a two-Guijia list a reality. We know that Pan-O has a few double-TAG lists that are very viable, but their TAGs are differently optimized - Two-Tick-Acon isn't unusual and that TAG is almost as expensive as Guijia. Less ARM, though, better stats otherwise and Climb+ + Mimetism... I'm thinking "what'd happen if the Guijia got a bit of a Zhencha/Haidao treatment?". STR down to 2, ARM down to 6, No Wound Incap, Total Immunity, Fireteam: Duo. *very* rough estimate I'd say it'd drop in price somewhat at least and be kind of tricksy to take down without hacking. At the very least, I can see myself running that together with a Shang-Ji Tinbot.
WOW. Guija was not in need of an alternative sculpt... But this !?!! THIS is what will probably make me have 2 of those guys looking at each other on the shelf. x)
Best looking TAG in the Human Sphere... And one of the "mehist" ones profile wise. It would be nice to allow him to actually use that giant sword of his with some kind of MA.
Good splice! I didn't have the time to do it too. That would be flipping awesome! Now if we just get cool rules to go with it!
I'd rate making it DA instead of AP higher. Can't destroy AC2s or Armoury doors with that hook blade...
Model looks gorgeous, and I'll definitely be getting my hands on one... But it'll never see actual use on the table, let alone beside the one I already have. CB is just taunting us, really.
Sorry i'm a little wrong on that. Their fists gain Anti-material trait. Not DA. So they can be used but do not get the 2 rolls to ARM. ARMORED FURY In this scenario, TAGs can apply the Antimaterial Trait to any CC Attack they perform using Bare Hands against an AC2.
No, god no, with CB's pricing scheme that's simply not worth it (without a custom discount that CB toooootally doesn't hand out anymore). You basically pay full price for both guns, or near enough.