Wow I'll be very happy if that's the case. I already use a lot of my old YJ for Ikari. Any excuse to use old figures!
For wall we know it's an AVA of 1 or it's the only link in the force. So I can't see it competing with IA.
@chaos11 No real reasons as I see now, I did'nt got the meaning behind the presence of the Zuyhong and was thinking that it was just a silhouette with no meaning, from a graphical point of view... Now I'm rather happy to see them in another army and want to know more ^^
I'm afraid of this as well (*coughWuKaricough*)... though I do note the silhouette is not the same as the MR Zuyong, the angle of gun is different, so they reworked it slightly if it truly is a Zuyong.
tbh i'm more interested than afraid because right now all my satisfying lists with zuyongs in IA looks exactly the same, and i think i'd be happier if i could let go tai sheng and the TacAw profiles to have some more toolboxes (druze) and cheaper stuff to get the job done (hunzakuts?). Wait and see
Isn't that something of the "problem' though? If I can drop 140ish points on a core that's zuyong thinned out with brawlers and then put another 8-10 models on the table, it doesn't matter if they have TacAware or not.
Zuyong without TacAware provides little new that for example Riot Grrls or Tanko don't already provide, often better. I'd be so much more interested if it's a mercenary HI. Those are missing and if Haqq can buy the best armoirs on the market for Asawira, then a rich mercenary company should be able to buy at least surplus or second hand power armour since it's established that there IS a market and I'd be very interested in what jury rigged nonsense that could produce. Plus, it'd flesh out the Mercenary category somewhat which is always a nice addition. Edit: you know what, I'm not even upset I accidentally wrote armoire instead of armour.
If I remember the background on Dashat (Foreign Company), they are the biggest and most famous mercenary company. Dashat would have the money to buy armor from YJ for their troops. While there might be guys in Zuyong armor. They might not be actual Zuyong. That's kind of the way I think of my Wu Ming in Ikari. They may or may not be actual Wu MIng. But they are the guys that somehow got ahold of the armor and weapons that make them the equivalent.
This gives me new hope that that tag with the yu jing descriptor from angel is in fact a new thing that they are going to slide in here as something dashat has been buying from yu jing.
Agreed. They have the armor and weapons, neither of which are hard to get ahold of, just expensive. And in the case of Zuyong suits, not even that expensive, since YJ is trying to refit their entire military into them!
That's exaclty right how I look at it now. This way they don't have to keep making new units and models. Like bolts or securitate (if they're in which I believe they will be) I dont think it's meant to actually be both of those units working together as mercenaries but are used a profiles to show solid veteran operators in light and medium armor.
When you've done your time so you embezzled all your kit but you get bored with civvie life so you go and throw drop bears at children on dawn
I was trying to dredge up the ancap panoball to really put the right spin on the post but its on my old phone. Fixed it now though.