If you're talking about Spiral company, they definitely don't look like Sygmaa models (which we already have an established aesthetic for).
Can't imagine them making a full melee HI while Makauls are around. How could it ever compete with them?
You see a chaksa there? i think that just the Tohaa race can wear de Symbiont Armor, so, from Lore point of view, chaksa can't, so this is not a chaksa
I think it's more like "only tohaa can use the full strengh of the symbot armor", because you need pheromon communication to use it fully. Like only a space marine with black carapace can use the full strengh of a power armor but other can still use it.
Books, read the part of the Simbiont, and the simbiont armour its like a custom suit that just fits to his own tohaa wearer, because it has his process and bla bla bla (Armand is a Tohaa right?)
Armand is a Tohaa. He was tortured and lost the pherocom ability (corahtaar ?), wich kinda invalidate the need to have the pheromones (but maybe having pheromones and using them to communicate are 2 separate things).
Definitely not a Chaksa. The legs are not the same, and that is very much Symbiont Armor, though it looks like it is jacked up on Steroids.
It would've been nice to have a Chaksa Warband or a "primitive" (I mean, non Symbiont Armour) HI Chaksa.
More Chaksa would be awesome. Half the reason I started Tohaa was because I thought the Chaksa looked cool.