Hi guys!, I've recently started a Druze Bayram Security force because of the miniatures, so I'm trying to do my best at painting them. Also I'm planning to add some conversions so I'll be posting them around here too. These are my first ones: -Limited edition hacker: -Druze with Shock Marksman Rifle: -Druze with Chain-colt (converted to sniper): Group photo... And that's all for now, next one, the HMG. Hope you like them!
As I promised, here is the HMG Druze. I changed her MG a bit, because some CB weapons don't seems what it should be, so I added the bipod which are typicalli installed in machineguns. I'm busy with a Saito Togan conversion right now, so I'm not sure what will be the next fig...
Dig the MG and the mud splatter (damage?) on the legs. I'd highlight the mud bases to break up the dark brown colors.
@Golem2God Thanks Golem, I'm putting a lot of effort on them. Luckily is a small sectorial @Scrap square I highlighted the bases with Bestial Brown and some touches of Blazing Orange, but I'm afraid that the photos are so dark. And yep you're right I forgot to drybrush the bipod
Tasty! You've done a fantastic job on the Druze, and they've gone straight into my inspiration folder.
@Splod Thanks mate!, I love the original scheme, I've just added my touch. Double posting today (as I've posted it on the Conversion thread); a conversion made for Saito Togan. I didn't get inspired by his awkward pose, so I used a diferent mini for the base:
One more update and one more mini (I'm definitelly not a speed painter), one I'm specially proud of, not just for the mini itself but for being the last Druze from the box: the hacker. And the entire group I'm not sure what will be next, but the old Druze box is looking at me from the shelf...
Another girl in the group, this time is the hunzakut with GL from Haqqislam. I get inspired by those YPJ fighters and tried to paint a marpat cammo pattern, not very proud of it, but the entire mini come out quite well so... here she is: By the way, I also have finished an old GW mini to use as a HVT:
Well well, long time since my last post. Lot of gaming and no time to paint so it's a good excuse I think. Here's my version of Mr. Le Muet, a great mini with a lot of character, but definitely not a great pose. I didn't like that "playing guitar" arms, so I used some plastic arms from an old militar kit. Not the best pose, but better than the original one for sure. What do you think guys?
I think it is a simple and nice conversion. Sometimes you just need to change something slightly to make it better. The yellow and blue stripes are a nice touch to the rifle and makes it stand out from the crowd. A good idea in my opinion. What is your opinion of Le Muet as a model? Is he worth buying for conversion parts or as a base for adding parts to?
Thanks mate, I also like how the rifle turned out, a bit of contrast with the dark clothes. As for the mini itself, I think it's a good mini, nice details, nice character, definitely not a mere tohaa. But those arms... maybe the designer was thinking in the first version, the one with the breaker gun and the knife, and the second set of arms with the multi sniper rifle were harder to put up with the rest of the body. It's not a sniper even firing pose.
Well is quite a long time without posting but... this is not the excuses thread so let's see what I've been doing. At last I've started with the Druze from the old box, nice minis, the scale is pretty the same as the new ones but the fine details are a bit undefined like the eyes and some parts of the armour. That makes them harder to paint, at least for me. I've done some light conversions to these guys, the first one with the whateverlauncher needed another weapon, so I add him a combi rifle, as I'm using him as the Panzerfaust profile. The other one, is the Druze with the grenade launcher, and this was exactly the point I didn't like from him, the GL tube was larger than the one from the rifle, nowadays underbarrel grenade launchers are shorter so I cutted it. Here you have some photos: The Duo photo: ...and an extra. I needed a second Hunzakut to lay more mines around consoles, so I though about an old mini from Haqqislam, one that always catched my attention when I was not playing Infinity, just a simple Ghulam, or maybe he was not?
After some months I've finally found some time to keep up with my druze, so here is some advance. I bought the Scarface and Cordelia box time ago but didn't like Cordelia for some reason. Her face/head was not similar in proportions to other CB miniatures (even the ones from the old scale), so I tried with other heads and the Chandra Spec-ops looked the best option for me, so after some fine cuts and a touch of magical greenstuff she looks like this now: And a druze family photo:
Amazing fix for Cordy! She's a really weird scale, as tall as the modern minis but skinny and a really cartoony head. I've been puzzling over fixing her, might have to steal this!