(Wild) Speculations about the rework of Corregidor

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by Ben Kenobi, Feb 24, 2019.

  1. Nicklz

    Nicklz Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Corregidor with Raul is called StarCo or am I wrong?
  2. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Good point I think keeping it as different from StarCo as possible would be the better idea. Make sure there's two ways to play the units.
  3. daszul

    daszul Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2018
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    I would like to see a Feuerbach Gecko!
    But x-visors would be the easiest way to buff them.
    dexterv likes this.
  4. SmaggTheSmug

    SmaggTheSmug Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
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    I don't really think Geckos need buffing. They do their jobs if you know how to use them and are a great distraction unit.
    loricus likes this.
  5. Skaldur

    Skaldur Active Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Maybe in games terms, Raoul being in CJC would make them too much like Starco. I would say the two are already share alot of units though.

    But from a fluff perspective, to me it seems like there is a natural home for Raoul in CJC. He already works for Starco and TJC which means he is probably already based on Corregidor or at least has strong links with it, so it would surprising if he didn't work with the CJC too. And as someone mentioned CJC is famous for its drop troops. Seems like having one of the best drop troopers in the sphere onboard (who we know has links to the faction) fits well with this theme
  6. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Geckos are awesome. They're extremely tough, they're equipped with DTWs, disposable long range launchers and hard hitting midrange guns, they're specialists, they're not that expensive (cheapest TAGs in the game, which is one way of saying best...) and they are in a Sectoral that can support them superbly (Morans, Jaguars and Tomcats/Clockmakers). I don't really think you could make them much better. I ran a duo with a Wildcat team against a Yu Jing force recently and they just smashed up a flank and rolled the whole enemy DZ.
    Hachiman Taro and loricus like this.
  7. Smiler

    Smiler Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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    I love Geckos and if they got anything new it would be a bonus. What I want to see from CJC is a reason to run it over vanilla other than linked Jaguars.

    At the minute the lists I write for CJC work just as well in vanilla where they can be supported by Interventors, Zeroes and Hecklers on top of Morans and Bandits. The fireteam options just aren't compelling enough to leave all that flexibility behind for me.
  8. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Alguaciles and Mobile Brigada would bring that for me personally. And actually they'd be an awesome anvil for a Gecko duo hammer, especially given the MBs are SWC intensive and Geckos aren't.
    loricus and Civilized Barbarian like this.
  9. Wyrmnax

    Wyrmnax Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Wildcard Brigada ( Actually expect that). Most likely 1-2 brigadas in a Alguacil team though.
    Wildcard Wildcats ( Its in the name!)
    Brigada Haris.
    All of those I kinda expect.

    Bit of a rework on geckos. They are good, but I feel they are always lacking a bit of... something. Yes, they are still one of the most usable TAGs on the game due to being cheap.
    Same thing on the Iguana, but that one does not have the excuse of being cheap.

    I think that corregidor is lacking very little, tbh. I would prefer access to Mary Problems than to Raoul

    My dream for the faction is actually flamethrower Hellcats....
    Civilized Barbarian likes this.
  10. Smiler

    Smiler Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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    The Iguana is another unit that I feel is better in vanilla than CJC. Interventor KHD and HD+ combined with the repeater on the Iguana is amazing. An AP HMG would be a nice addition.

    TBH probably the thing I would like most in CJC is another KHD. Like someone said up thread, a Mobile Brigada character would be be good and could fill the role.

    Something along the lines of Patsy in VIRD in terms of utility. SMG, light flamethrower, Blitzen, KHD with Wildcard and native Haris. Bonus points for her looking like the Natalie Dormer bust they did.
  11. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Acherontia MB character
  12. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I think Intruders are good as they are. Any Immunity will make them only more expensive.
    I would take the X-Visor from the sniper to make him a bit cheaper or give him a heavy pistol.
    WIP 13 on Bandits would be nice. For Gromoz I would be happy if she got an other upgrade - "Expel" is so niche that you never use it. Lighting or STOP.

    Geckos are small / light TAGs - I am okay with light weapons on them. Same MB Link like Starco? Play Starco.

    This! I never understand why WC pay so much SWC. Look at Sekban for example. Same BS and 360° Visor, core link - only 1,5 SWC.

    This! It´s very old school.

    My wish list goes here:

    Brigada in Algua-Core is already "confirmed" - one is okay, two is varuna.
    Brigada Special Haris: 1 MB Combi Tinbot (sadly we have no combi model) and 2 Geckos :-)
    Lupe is Wildcard
    SWC Cost from WCs down to 1,5 and 1 / Shock-Marksman Rifle Profile
    No SWC for Tomcats, Zondcat climbing +
    Intruder KHD instead of HD - they are made for killing. Change X-Visor to Heavy Pistol. FD L1 would be great (they are INTRUDERS aren´t they?), but will make them too expansive I think.
    Or KHD for the Hellcats would be great!
    AVA 2 for Salyut. Luno can go down to 1.
    Tsyklon Special Haris with Clockmaker.
    For Gromoz I think simple: mimetism - Moriarty gets climbing + and a CC gimmick for its pose
    TacAwareness options for MB HMG, Gecko MK12, WC HRL
    #152 archon, Mar 1, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2019
    loricus likes this.
  13. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I would pay 3 points for bioimmunity. It would be a game changer.
    Remember that X-visor (I believe) allows them to discover in sniper range without penalty.
  14. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Shock immunity on the Intruder would be a big deal. Stray shock crits are a big killer for him.
    Solar, dexterv and loricus like this.
  15. iconoclast674

    iconoclast674 Member

    Feb 7, 2019
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    That's fair. Honestly, I always forget they have fatality being TAGs. That makes them more potent then they seem on paper.

    I didn't litterally mean the link from star co, thats my fault for not articulating, something similar, perhaps MB, Jags, Senhor Massacre, and some additional CJC flavor unit. Maybe a new tomcat or bandit profile to be linked.
  16. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    So consolidated list for mine:

    Mobile Brigada character, Acherontia (Natalie Dormer) KHD, SMG, Nimbus Grenades, Wildcard.
    Mobile Brigada Wildcards

    Wildcats count as Alguaciles for fireteam composition
    Wildcat No2 profile gains NCO
    Wildcat HRL becomes 1.5 SWC

    Valeria Gromoz counts as Alguacile for fireteam composition, loses expel, gains STOP!

    Intruder Hacker becomes KHD, Lt.
    Carlotta Kowalski gains Dogged, Moriarty gains Climbing+

    Jaguar LSG gains Haris
    Special Haris Lunokhod + 2 Wildcats
    Special Haris Acherontia + up to 2 Geckos
    Special Fireteam Core Tsyklon FTO (Feuerbach) + up to 4 Alguaciles

    If we're really pushing it, Intruder gains Shock Immunity, loses X-Visor....
  17. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I don't really like the sound of such a potent low 30 point Haris. Maybe if it were a Jaguar Combi or costed 1 SWC.
    jimbo slice likes this.
  18. Erratic

    Erratic New Member

    Feb 28, 2018
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    I would love for the NCO skill to be featured heavily in the new Corregidor. Aside from adding to the "professional army" feel of the sectorial, it goes a long way to solving JCC's perpetual issue of what to do with the Lt. order.

    Carlota (Tomcats Sergeant!) seems like an obvious spot for it, but I can see it fitting on Wildcat, MB, or even TAG profiles as well.

    I also would like to see something to cement Corregidor's standing as the ultimate AD sectorial. I don't know if that requires making a new rule to make AD less punishing on the order count or just adding a Haris option to Hellcats (that Tomcats can join would be my dream). I agree that Raoul Spector would just dominate that slot and isn't welcome.

    Overall, I am super excited about the update. It is really pulling me back into the game!
    PauloCavalcanti likes this.
  19. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Carlotta getting NCO would be sweet actually, that's a great shout.
    helsbecter and Hachiman Taro like this.
  20. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I prefer Free Agent but maybe NCO would be a better balance.
    inane.imp and Hachiman Taro like this.
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