Wildcats gain WildParrots and Fireteam: Wildcard but lose Core and Haris. You heard it here first, folks.
Are we making disappointing predictions? I'm making disappointing predictions. Hellcat KHD with boarding shotgun Straight-fire only Vertigo Zond that links with Alguaciles Up to two Brigada can join an Alguacile link Brigada duo with Gecko Brigada with a questionable loadout that can Haris with two Geckos Lupe becomes wildcard
Lupe becomes Shasvastii. Also, they discontinued the Hellcat Boarding Shotgun model. Literally, the previous "two-pack" of Hellcats that they sold? It had the HMG and Boarding Shotgun. And they discontinued it.
That's my bad--I meant the HMG. Brain was focused on Boarding Shotgun for whatever reason. Boarding Shotgun was its own blister, HMG was packed with the Hacker. Then they repacked the Hacker with the BSG...because apparently they couldn't just put it all into a triple blister or something? I know what it was...the comment about the Hacker with BSG thing. Brain started mushing the two together.
That still looks like Police to me. Including the cyberpunked up versions of SWAT teams etc. Especiallly the Moderators, being the basic line cops more or less.
Why would you want a Clockmaker to be in an Alguaciles fireteam? The Bakunin Jurisdictional Command, especially the Moderators, is a police force. It is somewhere mentioned in the fluff. Prowlers are more the backfield rambos, Zeros the intell gathering guys, Taskmasters are the security of the Black Labs. And Nomads are, despite living in large ships, just a small faction. They suffered a lot from the first CA offensive since loosing a few outposts if you already are limited in numbers is a huge loss.
Gecko linkable with MB? Gecko with a boarding shotgun? Hellcat with CoC is too much to ask, right? Moran resculpt
That would be the biggest disapoinment possible (I want Tsylon in FT, B2 BS15 SS lvl 2 MM lvl 2 feurbach would be a crazy ARO)
Well in that case you're thinking too small. Remember when Geckos could ADL2 during the Wotan campaign? Mixed Hellcat/Gecko core link.
You're right, my idea wasn't stupid enough. Why not Fireteam: Enomotarchos as well? It's not named "Fireteam: Steel Phalanx" after all. Stop forcing that "Triad should be everywhere" meme, current switch to mixed links is a headache enough. It's enough that QK was robbed of its gimmick. How so? Taskmasters are the uberSWAT team, which is part of the Moderator Corps. Zeros and Prowlers are both from Bakunin military. There's only two such units, which translates to "not a lot of Spec-Ops". Everything else is either police or crazy things like Observance and Riot Grrls, with some overlap in Morlocks and Uberfalls.
Link Teams, a thing that are supposed to be a Sectorial benefit, are currently far too restrictive in terms of how many can be utilized. This should have been addressed when N3 dropped but nooooooooooooo. Also, lol QK's "gimmick"? I thought that was having access to Nomad, Merc, and Haqqislam units. Who knew their gimmick was actually having mixed link teams! Amazing how now it's a problem though, but wasn't when Tohaa first dropped. If you can't figure out how Bakunin could be a standalone Sectorial when cutting out the Observance, I'm not going to explain it to you.
Link teams already skew the game a lot. The game has very few models on the table and making it all a one big link team would just make no sense. At that point maybe you should switch to a unit-based game like SAGA or Bolt Action. What you see as a problem isn't one, you're just hung up on that weird idea that a skill designed to flesh out an alien species should be utilized by human factions. Do you want Symbiont Armour and Symbiomates all over the Sphere as well? I would prefer they'd cut that "Grenzer counts as Securitate" nonsense. Because QK's link teams were different from Triad. Back in the day they were the only faction with access to Core and Haris and a cheap "glue" unit in Hafza. But only Hafza. Fun mixed links were QK's forte and the reason they were often chosen over vanilla or Hassassins. But they were always different from Tohaa's Rule of Three. What does this have to do with anything? I was merely replying how Bakunin being low on spec-op and mostly police is true. Your personal dislike for Observance doesn't reflect how Bakunin should be designed. If Bakunin didn't have some oddball units like all-female battle nuns and combat furries it wouldn't really sell the "artsy misfits" theme. It would be like cutting costumed villains from Batman's rogue gallery. Every superhero can fight generic mobsters, but Batman has colorful Asylum inmates to set his rogue gallery apart from the rest. Same with Bakunin, without Observance it would just be a white-painted Corregidor. As always your ideas for "fixing" the game are bad and you should feel bad. But at least they're funny in their absurdity.